Recent Whale Sightings
Looking for where to go to see orcas from shore? See Orca Network’s Public Viewpoints Map for Puget Sound Land-Based Whale Sighting Viewpoints.
Locations and dates of current whale sightings for February 2025.
March 10
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Mar 10 - Monterey Bay, CA (K Pod) - K37 Rainshadow - We had another amazing day with the Southern Residents today - K Pod! They were breaching, spyhopping, grouping up, separating, and likely foraging for a couple of hours. This ecotype of killer whale feeds mainly on Chinook Salmon, and has traveled down to Monterey, CA since the year 2000 when we documented the first sighting in this area. Most of the time, K pod and some of L pod travel together to this area, but so far we have only documented K! There are 14 whales in K Pod, with some really beautiful and large males in the group. Link to more photos. -Monterey Bay Whale Watch -photo by Dane McDermott, March 10, 2025
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Mar 10 - Admiralty Inlet
08:20 - 08:30 - Skunkbay Weather [Hansville] had a two minute clip a couple hours ago showing 4-5 orca milling in front of Double Bluff on Whidbey Island, but no direction at that time [time of webcam sighting was around 8:20-8:30 or so, video appeared to show orcas that were not the T46s]. Link to Youtube video. -Patti Trosper
Mon, Mar 10 - Possession Sound/Saratoga Passage (T46s)
19:08 - Two approaching yacht club, close to Camano. Northbound.
18:35 - The first group, closer to Camano, is approaching Onamac. The other two are more mid channel/Whidbey side and are behind the others. Really long down times. Northbound. -Charvet Drucker
18:12 - Slowly heading northbound from Hidden Beach, I think it’s mid channel. -Bailey Todd
T46E Thor -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
18:02 - I last saw them from the north end of Camano Island State Park, they were on the Camano side, it’s been about 20 mins or so and they were heading north. -photo by Susan John, March 10, 2025
16:19 - Viewing from Mabana - at least two orcas northbound south of Bells Beach. -Linda Aitkins
16:10 - Saw one orca from Inn at Langley. Northbound. -Wendy Secrist
15:50 - Male orca on Whidbey side northbound up Saratoga as viewed from Sandy Point. -Emily Wandres
15:46 - We are seeing at least 1 male and 1 female moving slowly from Sandy Point northwest near Whidbey side of Saratoga Passage. -Luanne Seymour
15:36 - Friend reports "46s heading up Saratoga on Camano side and mid to Camano". -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:33 - Spread out, northbound Saratoga, Camano side.
15:30 - Viewing from Sandy Point, whales are slowly headed north, mid channel. -Lewann Babler
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Monica Tyler
Date of Sighting: March 10, 2025
Time: 2:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: follow up to my initial sighting from Harborview Park
Direction of travel : last seen 5 minutes ago all 3 slowly moving “west” (as viewed from the park)
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Monica Tyler
Date of Sighting: March 10, 2025
Time: 1:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: From Harborview Park
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: milling very very slowly. A bit spread out
If orcas, any males?: 2 very large males - one close to shore one further out to west. Smaller one semi
close to shore and a bit east. Only have iPhone with me so no pics.
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Mon, Mar 10 - Crescent Harbor (CRC22 Earhart)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Don Hedstrom
Date of Sighting: March 10, 2025
Time: 3:10 PM
Species seen: Grey
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Crescent Harbor
Direction of travel : West and east
Behaviors observed: Feeding
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to - CRC22 Earhart -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Don Hedstrom, March 10, 2025
Mon, Mar 10 - Saratoga Passage (CRC2246 Azulão)
15:15 - CRC2246 Azulão headed west off Onamac Point. -Sam Wallace
Mon, Mar 10 - Lower Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
16:10 - Gretchen turned south into Possession Sound from Sandy Point and continued her pattern of lazy feeding circles and southbound movement
15:50 - Gretchen feeding/slowly southbound off of Sandy Point. Orcas in the background northbound up Saratoga! -Emily Wandres
15:52 - Gray whale near Sandy Point. -Luanne Seymour
15:17 - Whale has swam south towards the Langley Marina.
15:06 - So close to Langley right now! In front of Seawall Park.
14:27 - One gray, can be seen from downtown Langley - look north, Whidbey side. Eating in front of Inn at Langley. -Amanda Grace
15:00 - Gretchen feeding super close to Langley Seawall below the pizzeria.
14:24 - Grey feeding north of Langley Inn out from the spit. -Marilyn Armbruster
12:54 - They moved south and are now south of Bells Beach. Still very close to Whidbey.
12:34 - Likely 2 greys - traveling south at this time. Ok, only the one. I’m headed out.
12:18 - Gray whale south of Fox Spit maybe northbound, feeding. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
March 9
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sun, Mar 9 - Active Pass, BC (T87 & T124C) - Link to Youtube video as T87 & T124C make their way through Active Pass. -Salish Sea Orca Squad
Sun, Mar 9 - Admiralty Inlet/Port Susan (T46s) - T46s as they passed Possession Point State Park. Link to FB video. -Sarah Geist
16:45 - We left them headed south west at Tyee. -Thomas McKane
16:05 - Susan spotted them in Port Susan off Tillicum. I’ve caught up to them and they are milling mid channel off of Tillicum right now. -Charvet Drucker
16:00 - In Port Susan. Currently pointed south. -Susan John
14:01 - Moving to a location where we will be able to tell if they are going Saratoga or Port Susan. They were northbound at that time. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
14:00 - Northbound between Whidbey and Hat. Mid channel. -Sarah Geist
13:59 - T46pod northbound at my map spot [approx. 48.016701, -122.352028]. T46D is close to my map spot. T46E and T122 were to the northeast by about a half mile. -Bart Rulon Wildlife
13:55 - Right now they are angled towards Port Susan.
13:22 - Our friends are mid to Whidbey approaching the ferry lanes. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:38 - Swiftsure is with orcas now and have drifted just north of the Clinton ferry dock. Continuing north between Hat and Whidbey closer to Whidbey. -Debbie Stewart
13:20 - Northbound Whidbey side approaching Clinton. -Joe Dreimiller
13:15 - I’m back with em! They have passed Glendale. Whidbey side of mid. Northbound. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:00 - Northbound Possession. Super fast.
12:28 - Just west of green marker off Scatchet Head. Pointed east. -Sarah Geist
T46D Strider - T46E Thor
10:22 - Last update from me. Viewing from Limpet. They are about 500 yards out. Still southbound fast.
10:06 - Viewing from Shore Meadow. T46s still close to Whidbey. Fast southbound.
09:53 - T46s with T46D 200 yards off shore south bound fast. They just passed Bush Point. -photos & IDs by Cindi Crowder Rausch, March 9, 2025
09:04 - 5-8 orca southbound off Lagoon Point. Traveling fast. 800 yards from shore. -Bill Setter
March 8
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sat, Mar 8 - Puget Sound
19:10 - We spotted a bunch on either side of us on the Kitsap Fast ferry from Seattle to Kingston. Orcas on our right were moving north and the ones on our left moving south. But several directional changes. -Iravasa Athem
Sat, Mar 8 - Upper Saratoga Passage (CRC56 Stardust & CRC2246 Azulão) - I was on one of the boats: Stardust and #2246 were what the staff told us. -Amanda Nicole
16:38 - North Saratoga/Utsalady at least two grays moving west to east. -Terese DeBoer Drummond
14:01 - Make that two to my west and one to the east. Total 3 whales... viewing from Mariner’s Cove.
13:57 - North Saratoga Passage/Mariner’s Cove/Utsalady Bay/Maple Grove areas. Gray whales to my left and right, so east and west that I can see. I'm viewing from Mariner’s Cove. WW boats are on scene and being 100%, respectful of the whales.. (IE5, Swiftsure and Saratoga). -Kevin Phillips
13:38 - I am at Utsalady Point on Camano and have seen a blow across. -Linda Aitkins
Sat, Mar 8 - Lower Saratoga Passage
16:03 - We saw it pass our place at South Whidbey Harbor going south still. -Musse Giday
15:36 - A gray whale spotted near Langley Beach, too far for camera to capture! Whidbey Island ...swimming eastbound. -photos by Xinyu Chen, March 8, 2025
15:30 - A visitor at the LWC just came in and said she saw one passing through Langley going southbound! -Lucy Miller
14:15 - Gray whale south of Bells Beach. -Dan Mumma [WIWS]
09:40 - Gray whale [feeding] in front of my house on Fox Spit [in Saratoga Passage] again. Link to FB video. -Julie Williams
March 7
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Fri, Mar 7 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
13:21 - It was milling around hunting the rip tide then headed towards NAS Whidbey, then lost sight near the channel marker close to the Deception Pass end headed south towards NAS Whidbey. Black fish is out there now.
13:20 - Large male orca off West Beach [Whidbey], breached. -Steve Perea
Fri, Mar 7 - Possession Sound
11:58 - Fred was conducting a survey for gray whale feeding pits when he spotted 3-5 orcas from the air. The sighting occurred near the southern tip of Camano Island. I haven't seen any orcas surfacing near Langley, but Fred had a good aerial shot of the orcas. -Trevor Snow, Orca Network
Fri, Mar 7 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca (CRC2557)
14:20- Crc2557. Gray whale about half nautical mile off West Beach, just under flight path. Still searching for others. -Matt Stolmeier
Fri, Mar 7 - Upper Saratoga Passage (CRC56 Stardust & others) - Here is Stardust, Mariner’s Cove appearance. -photos by Kevin Phillips, March 7, 2025
14:37 - One gray heading west toward Oak Harbor. Second gray milling in front of Mariner’s Cove as observed from Maple Grove boat launch. Mid channel.
13:59 - Two grays still milling mid channel between Mariner’s Cove and Utsalady. Observing from Maple Grove boat launch. -Ann McMahon
13:15 - IE5 is on scene here at Mariner's Cove/Utsalady Bay. Getting some looks at these grays. Mid channel.
11:08 - Viewing from Mariner's Cove. I can see blows across the channel near English Boom and Brown Point.
11:07 - Gray whale passed Mariner's Cove west bound. Saw some head shots. -Kevin Phillips
Fri, Mar 7 - Crescent Harbor
12:40 - From WIWS Patrick reports two gray whales southbound from the Crescent Harbor area. -Kevin Phillips
10:45 - One gray here ish [approx. 48.293551, -122.595265 (mid Crescent Harbor)]. Short surfacing in the choppy water. -Sarah Geist
Fri, Mar 7 - Saratoga Passage/Holmes Harbor (CRC531 Gretchen)
17:00 - Now heading back out of Holmes Harbor about a mile south of Greenbank Farm northbound middish channel.
16:30 - I haven’t had coverage until now. She has gone into Holmes Harbor about mid Saratoga Boat Launch and Dines Point southbound. Background in video is Honeymoon Bay but my line of site is from Baby Island area.
15:41 - Almost to Baby Island. -Marilyn Armbruster
15:22 - CRC 531 has passed East Point skirting the shoreline of Whidbey headed towards Baby Island. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:57 - Gray whale CRC 531 is northwestbound at my map spot [approx. 48.049844, -122.427025 (1 mi. NW of Langley)]. -Bart Rulon Wildlife
Fri, Mar 7 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart, CRC2249 Hattie, CRC2356 Stalwart, CRC2362 Thidwick) - CRC2362 Thidwick & CRC22 Earhart - CRC22 Earhart & CRC2362 Thidwick -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Susan John, March 7, 2025
12:20 - Three gray whales eastbound at my map spot, CRC2249, 2356, and 2362 [approx. 48.041792, -122.356188 (1 mi. S of Camano Head)]. -Bart Rulon Wildlife
12:47 - The three Sandy Point greys have continued to move east south east. They seem to be in no real hurry. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:00 - Three(+) grays just passed Sandy Point heading south. Whale boat approaching from south. -Heather Hardin
11:50 - Video taken before Sandy Point. Like Heather says pretty sure there are 3.
11:36 - Viewing from Langley Marina. I think there maybe 2. Between Camano Head and north Sandy Point southeast bound? -Marilyn Armbruster
11:11 - Seeing blows from Boy and Dog Park in Langley, closer to Whidbey side. Moving slowly southbound. -Lucy Miller
10:17 - Update - Earhart is feeding in the cove north of Mabana and the other 3 [CRC2249, CRC2356, CRC2362] have left. The last we saw of them they were midchannel aimed at Bells Beach.
09:04 - We have 4 [CRC22, CRC2249, CRC2356, CRC2362] grays feeding at Mabana. Between Mabana & Elger Bay. -Linda Aitkins
Fri, Mar 7 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart)
12:25 - Gray whale reported off north end of Camano Island State Park. No direction given. -[WA app]
12:08 - This was when Earhart was passing Camano Island State Park. We tracked her north until she passed the Camano Inn [video in FB comments]. -Thomas McKane
11:35 - Viewing from a private location - presume to be Earhart feeding deep in Elger Bay.
10:17 - Update- Earhart is feeding in the cove north of Mabana and the other 3 have left. The last we saw of them they were midchannel aimed at Bells Beach.
09:04 - We have 4 grays feeding at Mabana. Between Mabana & Elger Bay. -Linda Aitkins
March 6
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Thu, Mar 6 - Haro Strait/Swanson Channel, BC (J Pod) - J Pod grouped up nicely in Swanson Channel off Pender today. I think I managed to get them all in… Link to FB video. -Kathleen Durant
07:49 - Great echolocation and calls of the SRKWs = Southern Resident Killer Whales right now on the Orcasound - Listen for Whales Orcasound Lab hydrophone in Haro Strait. This suggests they are heading north from Lime Kiln this morning. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound
07:33 - just heard a call [Lime Kiln hydrophone]. -Orca Network
07:21 - San Juan Island, Lime Kiln hydrophone and web cam. Orca calls I'm presuming SRKW [confirmed J pod]. -Kevin Phillips
Thu, Mar 6 - Lambert Channel, BC
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Cindy Macdonald
Date of Sighting: March 06, 2025
Time: 11:30 AM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Lambert Channel
Direction of travel : N. Slow
Behaviors observed: They appeared to be milling at one point. Not their usual transit up the channel.
Could be feeding on the herring or other animals that have gathered to eat the spawning herring. They
are between the herring fleet and Hornby Island.
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Thu, Mar 6 - Upper Saratoga Passage (CRC56 Stardust, CRC2356 Stalwart, CRC2362 Thidwick) - CRC2362 Thidwick -ID by Serena Tierra, Orca Network - CRC2356 Stalwart -ID by Serena Tierra, Orca Network - CRC56 Stardust - CRC56 Stardust, CRC2356 Stalwart, CRC2362 Thidwick off North Whidbey today. Link to more photos. -photos & ID by Rachel Haight, March 6, 2025
17:05 - I can see 3 southwest of Polnell Point. -Susan John
17:06 - Make that 2 gray whales milling pretty close together Mariner's Cove area.
16:59 - I see one directly out from Mariner's Cove. Whidbey side of mid channel. Milling. -Kevin Phillips
14:22 - There’s 2 still here at Mariner's Cove. I’m heading out now. -Chelsea Rabeiro
13:33 - I am leaving these guys. Currently 2 gray whales between Mariner's Cove and Utsalady Bay. Mid channel. Slowly eastbound.
11:48 - Gray whale lining up with the west side of Utsalady Bay and Mariner's Cove, midchannel. Also from the west there is a gray whale eastbound with the research boat. Both whales are eastbound travel.
11:03 - Northern Saratoga Passage, viewing from Mariner's Cove. Southwest of Mariner’s Cove looking at Camano Island, at least one gray whale seen, research boat is with them.( probably collecting, fecal,breath and tissue samples to check the health of the whale) westerly travel. -Kevin Phillips
10:21 - Looks like they are going around Polnell Point [approx. 48.270270, -122.556940]. -Chelsea Rabeiro
09:45 - Sorry for delay, 3 of the 4 ended up going back west and are milling near Polnell Point (no public viewing) [approx. 48.278422, -122.557960]. It was new arrival CRC2356 Stalwart traveling with CRC56 Stardust. CRC2362 Thidwick was trailing them for a bit before racing over to join the pair near Polnell Point. Here's a look at CRC56 Stardust.
08:33 - There is a 4th gray whale 300 yards offshore! All still seemingly eastbound.
08:28 - Three gray whales about ½ mile east of Polnell Point, Whidbey. Two are near shore while a third gray whale is about 500 yards offshore. All seem to be headed east. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:55 - Gray feeding between English Boom and Brown Point. -Terese DeBoer Drummond
Thu, Mar 6 - Possession Sound
13:04 - Seeing a blow right around here viewing from the ferry [approx. 48.001859, -122.287882 (.5mi. SE of Hat Island)]. -Jami Cantrell
March 5
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Wed, Mar 5 - Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet (J Pod) - J62 - From Jpod's early morning pass as they exited Colvos Passage. Link to more photos. -photos by Marla Smith, March 5, 2025
Made it to Southworth just in time this morning. -photos by Erin Ensign Mock, March 5, 2025
Jpod, Vashon. Link to more photos. -photos by Wayne McFarland, March 5, 2025
J Pod exiting Puget Sound. Link to more photos. -photos by Hongming Zheng, March 5, 2025
17:40 - 18:00 - From Whidbey, 2 miles south of Bush Point, seen first at 17:40, then again at 18:00, slightly east of midchannel, bunched up, committed northbound. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
17:35 - Viewing from Shore Meadow, whales are between here and just south of Foulweather Bluff on the Whidbey side of mid channel.
16:40 - Viewing from Limpet Lane looking south, two groups are northbound right outside the green buoy on the Whidbey side > Whidbey side of mid. -Emily Wandres
16:00 - Viewing from Maxwelton northbound. Looks closer to Point No Point. Lots of splashing. -Jayn Goldsen
15:53 - Can see from Point No Point, but on far side, so only with scope. -Hope Smith
15:21 - From Stamm looking towards Point No Point lighthouse leaders are approaching the lighthouse mid channel with the trailers spread as far back as Pilot Point all currently slowly northbound still. -April Janice Basham
15:20 - Several passing between Possession Point and Eglon. Northbound. -Alice Thuy Talbot
14:46 - Can see a few whales in this general area. Animals facing north, can’t tell if traveling or foraging [approx. 47.855160, -122.451610]. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
14:40 - From the ferry about 2/3 of the way to Edmonds, looking northwest. -Steve Rice
14:30 - Continuing north towards Point No Point, spread pretty far north to south with some well ahead of the green can and trailers behind. West side of the midchannel. -Sara Frey
14:34 - Continuing northbound west of mid in ripline towards Point No Point, will they exit or flip at upcoming tide change?
14:20 - Some appear to be changing direction possible southbound flip? sight line from Apple Tree Point to Cultus/Scatchet Head area. -photos by Donna Green Van Renselaar, March 5, 2025
14:20 - Leaders now moved past Cultus, west side. Northbound.
14:13 - Some leaders with foraging activity. West side line of sight Apple Tree Point to Cultus. Trailers still off top of Possession.
14:00 - Groups on the west side appear to be committed to Admiralty. Steady northbound. Spread from Haines north to around Eglon area. See some further east as well [approx. 47.855354, -122.477593]. -Sara Frey
13:40 - Correction: J39 & J45 East side (leapfrogging each other lol). J26 west side. All Js spread west to east heading north into the triangle. Likely J35 and J57 present side by side midchannel at that time Positive IDs so far (from 1335 EDM/King ferry) for J19, J45, J49, J39, J35, J57, J26
13:31 - From MV Spokane at Edmonds dock. Can see J19 off in distance northbound, east of research boat. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
13:30 - Multiple orcas at mid channel or just to the west of mid channel behind and in front of the research boat, approaching the Edmonds Marina and stretching in a line up to the ferry and past the ferry. Sight line from Apple Tree Point. Steady slow travel mode. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
13:28 - Between Apple Tree Point and the Edmonds ferry. Slowly northbound and seem to have drifted more midchannel. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
13:16 - Viewing from Edmonds Marina Beach Park - they’re on both sides (front and back) of the research boat. -Elissa Martin Story
13:15 - Can see fins with research boat mid channel northbound, approaching ferry lane. Viewing from Edmonds ferry terminal. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
13:15 - Generally encompass this area. Male just did cartwheel off Point Wells. Bulk carrier coming in southbound traffic lanes so may push them over more. Some drifting east anyways. Baby is east of mid trailing lead female and few others. Genuine last one from me I think. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:05 - Approaching Kingston ferry lanes. -Michelle Tynan
13:04 - I think J19s in lead now together east of mid channel sightline north of Kingston from Kayu Kayu, Richmond Beach. Others trailing spread in singles to family groups. I think maybe J16s west of mid? Slow steady northbound w/occasional lazy breach/other activity. So serene. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:00 - First glimpse from Sunset Ave in Edmonds. Slowly northbound, east of midchannel between Kingston and Edmonds and spread south. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:56 - Watching from Kayu, Point Wells heading north. Yay! -Joni Barnes Pollino
12:50 - At least dozen spread around the yellow buoy. Lead female/calf. Several spyhop by multiple whales. Still spyhopping just north of the buoy. Making their way north.
12:48 - Lead female just passed on the East side of the yellow mid channel buoy out from Kayu Kayu/Richmond Beach. Steady northbound is glassy calm sea. Others trailing.
12:40 - Lead J pod members have passed Jefferson Head mid channel to west of channel. Northbound spread out. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
12:38 - In line with Point Jefferson as viewed from Richmond Beach. Still mid channel, occasional breaches. -Steve Rice
12:26 - Can see them from Kingston near research boat. -Joe Dreimiller
12:25 - It seems it was a non research boat - yikes. Pod seems to be milling somewhat, seeing tail slaps and other playful behavior. -Michelle Tynan
12:10 - Visible from Richmond Beach looking toward Fay Bainbridge, mid channel. Right with the research boat. -Steve Rice
12:05 - They’re straight out from Carkeek right now! -Elise Cranston
11:53 - Viewing from Golden Gardens. Seem about mid-channel with research boat trailing them making it easy to spot. Appear to be at least 2 large males in this group. Steady northbound without much directional change. Viewing with Point Jefferson in the background. -Kas Alexis
11:52 - Viewing from Carkeek Park. Way far on west side of channel, out in front of the research vessel. -Austin Richard
11:55 - Js traveling in 3 groups northbound, near entrance to Port Madison, viewing from Golden Gardens. Edit- looks like traveling 2 groups now; west side of channel.
11:31 - Viewing from pier at Golden Gardens, large male and others west of mid northbound directly out from me. -Nikol Damato, Orca Network
11:18 - Orcas have passed West Point lighthouse, northbound mid channel.
10:50 - Orcas still northbound, east of channel nearing Magnolia. Research boat on scene now. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
10:46 - I’m on the Bainbridge ferry and they have all cleared the ferry lanes. Slightly east side. -Hongming Zheng
10:37 - Viewing from Magnolia, group of 8-10 passing the north end of Eagle Harbor. Moving northbound. -Kas Alexis
10:30 - Right outside Eagle Harbor [approx. 47.616538, -122.487867]. -Alexander Simenstad
10:20 - Passing Yeomalt Point as viewed from 64th Alki. -Steve Rice
10:!9 - Just read near Bainbridge ferry terminal. -Susie Cannon
10:19 - Line of sight from Rockaway Beach Bainbridge, they just passed the Space Needle.
09:43 - Seeing blows and fins from Rockaway Beach Bainbridge Island. -Katie West
09:45 - Approaching south end of Bainbridge as viewed from Constellation Park. Spread out.
09:47 - East side of Bainbridge. Passing yellow buoy. -Steve Rice
09:42 - Passing lighthouse at Alki now northbound.
09:21 - Viewing from Manchester, northbound grouped close in two groups still Alki lighthouse will be great place in a few minutes!! -Noelle Morris
09:04 - Still northbound approaching the north end of Blake Island on the east side of the island. -Mike Yov
08:51 - Northbound, west side of channel, towards east side of Blake Island.
08:42 - All of Jpod, grouped up, northbound past north tip of Vashon nearing south end of Blake Island.
08:29 - Can confirm members of Jpod!
08:24 - Approaching Southworth, mainland side of mid, possibly seeing Mike’s dorsal but too far to confirm. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
08:27 - Just passing Point Southworth, still northbound. Close to Vashon side. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
07:15 - Pod of orcas at Prospect Point just north of Olalla Bay Market. Hugging Vashon side heading north. Must be 6-10 orcas total. -photos by Kyle Buffenmyer, March 5, 2025
Wed, Mar 5 - Upper Saratoga Passage - Gray whale breaching, amazing! -photos by Kevin Phillips, March 5, 2025
17:58 - Last update from me at Mariner's Cove. Gray whales are spread out east to Skagit Bay to west Saratoga Passage.
17:16 - Mariner's Cove/Utsalady Bay... three full breaches from 3-4 gray whales. East bound.
15:46 - Viewing from Mariner's Cove. We have 4 gray whales in a parade west bound towards Polnell Shores.
13:08 - Skagit Bay/Mariner's Cove area - Viewing 4 grays milling around. Some headed west some headed east. Currently between Utsalady Bay and Mariner's Cove. -Kevin Phillips
13:38 - Definitely two grays traveling together back and forth right now.
13:15 - 13:30 - Between Mariner's Cove and Utsalady Bay milling heading east then back west about a third of the way across from Mariner's Cove to Camano. -Paul E. Belanger
13:25 - Orca Network received a phone call reporting 2 least grays northeastbound between Mariner's Cove, Whidbey & Browns Point, Camano.
09:29 - Approx here westbound [48.295034, -122.588585 (Crescent Harbor)].
09:10 - 3 grays grouped close traveling north/northwest [approx. 48.277263, -122.565473 (1000’ W of Polnell Pt.)]. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:32 - The grays have been feeding near Polnell Shores for a couple of weeks. 3 this morning. -April Estelle
07:51 - Saw a blow north of where I last saw this gray. Birds have been drifting northwest, so there may be two out here.
07:36 - Good morning! At least one gray feeding near Brown Point, Camano (northwest of English Boom). -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
Wed, Mar 5 - Saratoga Passage/Holmes Harbor (CRC531 Gretchen)
17:30 - Just inside Holmes Harbor about 1/4 mile from Baby Island middish channel southbound.
17:29 - See pinned location on map. Southbound in Holmes’s Harbor [approx. 48.090170, -122.541162].
17:05 - As she was rounding Baby Island into Holmes Harbor southbound. -photo by Marilyn Armbruster, March 5, 2025
16:32 - She’s now headed towards Holmes Harbor out from Camano Island State Park.
16:09 - She’s northbound at Camano Island State Park now, Camano side.
15:59 - Gretchen is in Elger Bay. -Thomas McKane
15:01 - Gray whale heading north of Mabana. -Gary Leonard
13:32 - Gray heading north on mid slightly Camano side approaching Sandy Point. -Heather Hardin
13:31 - Slowly northbound nearer to Camano side. -Michele Tosh Brodsky
12:52 - Got Gretchen at Sandy Point, Whidbey westbound. -Brian McGinn, PS
March 4
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Tue, Mar 4 - Monterey Bay, CA (K Pod) - K20 Spock & K45 Prosper - Southern resident orcas in Monterey Bay! Such an amazing day today with the endangered Southern Residents! They were feeding on salmon for several hours, plus socialized a bit with some breaches and spyhops! K pod was definitely here and we are working with colleagues to continue identifying all individuals. Link to FB video. Link to photos. -Monterey Bay Whale Watch -photo by Daniel Bianchetta, March 4, 2025
Tue, Mar 4 - Puget Sound (J Pod)
16:33 - Sounds like faint calls on the Sunset Bay hydrophone the past few minutes. - Link to recordings. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:05 - Intermittent calls on Sunset Bay hydrophone. -Joe Dreimiller
13:37 - Lots of calls on Sunset Bay now! -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
13:27 - Calls audible on Orcasound, Sunset Bay. -Lori Robinson
11:40 - This was taken at 1140. Freighter passed east of them, fishing boat west of them so even though they looked "midchannel" they are very much on the west side [approx. 47.863275, -122.499868]. I left at 11:45. They were much more spread out but all surface active and southbound.
11:16 - From Eglon - jpod is grouped up and headed southbound on the westside of sound. Straight out from Eglon now. Lots of surface activity as they travel. -Jenny Klis
11:46 - They went on a deep dive and surfaced much farther east, but still out from Eglon.
11:39 - West side of channel.
10:54 - Viewing from Eglon, line of sight to Cultus Bay. I’m seeing at least 6 with one male, heading south/southeast. Rain just picked up so losing visibility. -Katie West
10:28 - They’re spread out on the west side of the triangle up and down from the original spot about 30 minutes ago. Far as I can tell they’re all still trending south.
09:56 - Looks like they’re trending south. Pretty big group spread out.
09:53 - Found them. Just south of Eglon on the west side of the triangle. Can’t really tell direction. -Alice Thuy Talbot
09:56 - I see them, too. They are heading south fairly quickly [approx. 47.860673, -122.499255]. -Carly Sprague
08:17 - Heard a squeal on the Sunset Bay hydrophone. -Megan Stuart Chapin
07:06 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Suquamish Master reports a pod of orca - maybe 10 whales off Edmonds North bound.
06:40 - A report received with short video taken from Kingtston/Edmonds ferry at 06:40 included 2-3 males in the group. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
Tue, Mar 4 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca (CRC2557)
13:31 - From Libbey Beach. It's still northwest of here. This whale has pushed of shore a bout half to one mile. Southwest mode of travel. Not feeding moving against the current currently.
12:32 - Hastie Lake Park - Eastern San de Fuca. Gray whale, believe CRC2557. Approx. 50 yards of shore. Been down a bit now, calm seas, no rain at the moment.
12:59 - Viewing from Libby Beach. Gray whale is currently southbound just north of Libbey. Approx. 75 yards out now as to not be in the bull kelp bed... this is the same one that was at Hastie Lake Park a bit ago, travel mode southbound. -Kevin Phillips
Tue, Mar 4 - Skagit Bay (CRC53 Little Patch & other) - CRC53 Little Patch -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:13 - Two grays feeding in Skagit Bay, viewing from English Boom. -photo by Terese DeBoer Drummond, March 4, 2025
Tue, Mar 4 - Saratoga Passage/Skagit Bay (CRC56 Stardust, CRC531 Gretchen & others) -CRC56 Stardust -ID by Serena Tierra, Orca Network - Hanging out in Skagit Bay Tuesday afternoon. -photo by Kevin Phillips, March 4, 2025
17:15 - Mariner's Cove/Skagit Bay. There may be more than 4 gray whales out here. I am seeing blows all over, near and far, east and west. It's interesting, but for sure there are at least 4 between Camano and Whidbey, mid channel ish.
16:40 - Thanks to Linda Aitkins and Theadora Johnson for the reports we are currently viewing four grey whales just east of Mariner's Cove under the rainbow, and some weird magical wave type thing in the background, so awesome!!! -Kevin Phillips
18:00 - I saw her further south. It was Gretchen, she continued south traveling close to Camano shore. -Susan John
16:43 - Single gray heading south. Very close in along Camano. Sunset Dr heading to Madrona Beach. -Cheryl B. Hart [CWW]
15:12 - Viewing from Maple Grove - we have two grays between us and Polnell Point heading north east. There are two other grays east of the red Channel markers in Skagit Bay.
13:57 - Both grays still traveling together have just passed the Camano yacht club - Camano side - northbound.
11:08 - Wow! The two grays came out of Elger Bay and went past Camano Island State Park very, very close to shore. North bound!
10:49 - Both grays have left Elger Bay and are now north bound between Camano Island State Park and Fox Spit houses - Camano side.
08:33 - Seeing 2 gray whales feeding deep in Elger Bay - viewing from a private beach. -Linda Aitkins
06:10 - Gray heading north into Elger Bay [Camano]. At least one. Can’t see much but we heard the blows waiting for the bus and ran over and heard them pass by. Great way to start the morning. -Kasey Shepard [CWW
Tue, Mar 4 - Central Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Allsup
Date of Sighting: March 04, 2025
Time: 8:47 AM
Species seen: gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: East Passage between Summerhurst & Shore Acres
Direction of travel : none
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Update to previous: it has flipped back north a few hundred yards, then stopped and is now milling, surfacing in the same spot. Does not fluke and hasn't been surface activate except to blow.
Photos available?:
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Allsup
Date of Sighting: March 04, 2025
Time: 8:33 AM
Species seen: gray?
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: East Passage, off Piner Point (1 mi. E of N. Vashon)
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Tall vertical blow, not getting a good enough view to determine gray vs humpback for sure. Mid-channel-ish on the Maury side, not as close in as the orca generally are.
Photos available?:
March 3
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Mar 3 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (L Pod) - And most of L pod off Sooke! -Paul Pudwell
Mon, Mar 3 - North Puget Sound (J Pod) - J Pod returned today! Link to more photos. -photos by Hongming Zheng, March 3, 2025
J58 Crescent -photos & ID by Ariel Yseth, March 3, 2025
J62 -photo by Jim Pasola, March 3, 2025
photos by Donna Green Van Renselaar, March 3, 2025
18:00 - North of West Point, east of mid, northbound. -Deb Cronheim
17:43 - Viewing from Manitou. Southbound past Discovery. -Vanessa Franz
17:19 - On fast ferry - had to slow down to pass jpod. Spread across whole channel but most were east of mid. Just south of location traveling southbound [approx. 47.688475, -122.452134]. -Jenny Klis
17:12 - Looks like all of the whales are south of Faye Bainbridge far on west side heading south. A few toward mid channel. -Torrey Volk
16:25 - J pod continues southbound travels spread out some west of mid, many west of that, out from and slightly south of Fay Bainbridge. Generally where green boat icon is (Kitsap Fast ferry) [approx. 47.706448, -122.478838]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
16:02 - A group is approaching Fay Bainbridge, midchannel to slightly west of mid, southbound. -Jami Cantrell
15:49 - Trailing group (the one in front of the fast ferry) has what looks like the J14s with maybe the J11s (J27 is present) and J38. They’ve pushed more mid-west channel. They had previously been east of mid. Steady south bound. -Tamara Kelley, Orca Conservancy
15:45 - The fast ferry just slowed for a group of 6-10ish that I’m not entirely sure is Residents. They pretty far west and maybe even north of were the leaders were, but it could be them. The trailing group seems to be drifting that way [approx. 47.732907, -122.450677].
15:12 - Spread roughly here-ish [approx. 47.752170, -122.442423], still in the same groups. Leaders are southeast of Point Jefferson on the mainland side, trailers are approaching the yellow channel marker by President Point, also east of mid. All southbound.
14:55 - 10-15 trailers are southbound east of midchannel between Kingston and Kayu Kayu Ac.
14:25 - A handful are spread between Point Jefferson and Kingston and then there’s a large group of 10-15 between Apple Tree Point and Point Wells. All still southbound, slowly. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
14:30 - Southbound passing yellow channel marker north of Jefferson Head. Mid channel viewed from Kingston side. -Beriah SoOrio
14:16 - Edmonds Marina Beach, can see with the naked eye, but far over towards Kingston. -Kristine Stevens
14:03 - Leaders are slowly southbound passing Kingston. Trailers are still north of Point Wells. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
13:55 - J62 and family mid channel southbound crossed ferry lanes. -Hongming Zheng
13:44 - J62 present with J41, 51, 19, J58 and others. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
13:50 - There’s another group a mile or so northwest of Point Wells, so they’re pretty spread between Kingston and Edmonds. Mostly directly in the ferry lanes. Kingston-bound ferry just stopped.
13:35 - Pretty midchannel. They seemed to have drifted more west than they were earlier.
13:30 - More steady southbound travel now. Leaders approaching Apple Tree Point. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
13:09 - Some orcas are southeast bound at the yellow arrow. There’s a gray whale at Kingston ferry, like right there [approx. 47.852968, -122.426198]. -Hongming Zheng
13:04 - From MV Suquamish docked in Kingston: can see 4-5 (line of sight Kingston ferry to Possession Point) milling aiming south. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
13:00 - Another 8-12 are a lot further north, traveling north. Line of sight is Marina Beach Park to Double Bluff.
12:58 - I’ve seen 8-12 so far. Some surface activity and hunting behavior. Milling, but drifting + casually traveling more north than south now.
12:50 - Milling here-ish [approx. 47.834465, -122.452032]. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
13:16 - There is still a small group with foraging behaviour directly out from Apple Tee Point around the shipping lanes far side of the west shipping lanes as well as at least one male and additional whales coming down from the area between Possession Point/Mukilteo/Picnic Point. It seems possible for JPod but I don’t have close enough or time to check any ideas leaving my beautiful whale watching spot now.
12:49 - Some are grouped up just out from ATP past shipping lane on a kill foraging hunting not sure what the prey is or the ecotype but we had a big jump out of the water and then continued hunting behaviour.
12:40 - I’ve counted at least six individuals if not more spread in a long line continuing southbound now line of sight ATP to Cultus Bay/Possession Point all the way down to north of Edmonds. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
12:37 - They’ve stopped. Just milling around in circles. Just slightly south of my last post.
12:17 - I see many southbound east of the shipping lanes between Apple Tree and Eglon. -Alice Thuy Talbot
12:10 - From Apple Tree Point viewing orcas travelling steady southbound west of midchannel between here and Scatchet Head, just on this side of the fog line. Female porpoising with most of body above water. And it looks like a male well in the lead, slowly and steadily moving south in line from here to the gap between Possession Point and Mukilteo. Just west of the Possession triangle… looks like they are all spread out from each other quite a ways in a line. -Donna Green Van Renselaar
12:02 - Difficult to make out landmarks but it's getting clearer. I'm seeing whales just north of Sunset, line of sight, and all the way to just north of Edmonds ferry terminal line of sight from Eglon.
11:55 - Fog is lifted momentarily see a larger group no males more like mid channel all moving southward.
11:45 - I saw another big male in the fog three breaths and poof! Moving southward.
11:15 - From Eglon I saw one large male, two or three smaller ones right at the fog line southbound can't relocate them. I think the fog line was about maybe a quarter of the way across from here. -Jim Pasola
11:15 - I heard a few faint calls. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
11:00 - Hearing more calls now on the Sunset Bay hydrophone. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
10:45 - J pod calls were reported on Sunset Bay hydrophone, link to clip. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Charlotte Black
Date of Sighting: March 03, 2025
Time: 8:10 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 8
Where seen: Between Double Bluff and Hansville
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Coming up for air regularly
If orcas, any males?: 2
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Looks like at least 1 young orca
Photos available?: No
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Mar 3 - Active Pass, BC (T19s & T49As minus T49A2) - Bigg's killer whales beating up a sea lion in Active Pass! Link to Youtube video. -Salish Sea Orca Squad
Mon, Mar 3 - North Puget Sound/Admiralty Inlet (T137s & others)
13:53 - Past Point Wilson. Very west of mid. Northwest bound. -Sarah Geist
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Hilary P
Date of Sighting: March 03, 2025
Time: 1:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Near Fort Warden, from Coupeville Port Townsend ferry
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Seemed like they had long dorsal fins
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
12:30 - I was walking on the east side of Fort Flagler, heading towards “East Beach”. I stopped for lunch across from the sea lion rock. Right around 12:30 a small pod of orcas cruised by, heading north. Close to the rock. The sea lions were making a lot of noise. I saw several of the same size with (maybe) one smaller than the rest. There was a huge one off to the side of the others. -Charles Speidel
08:58 - Just passed the Kingston bound ferry heading north! Mid channel. -Jayden Moodie
08:30 - Orcas northbound nearing Point Wells [north of Richmond Beach] on the east side of the channel.
Mon, Mar 3 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
13:44 - West Beach Swan Lake overlook. Gray whale is still holding its presence here feeding in and out closer and further from shore. -Kevin Phillips
Mon, Mar 3 - Upper Saratoga Passage
15:45 - Two grays east of Polnell Point. They look like they are heading east. -Terese DeBoer Drummond
Mon, Mar 3 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart & CRC531 Gretchen) - We witnessed this random breach by Earhart (CRC-22) on Monday, March 3 as she was traveling with Gretchen (CRC-531) near Camano Island! Watching from Puget Sound Express’ MV Swiftsure, the two girls were swimming together southbound from Elger Bay. Earhart breached right before they split apart from each other near Mabana Beach and went their separate ways. We couldn’t help but think that the breach had something to do with them saying goodbye to each other, but that’s a question that only they could answer definitively. -photo & ID by Bart Rulon Wildlife, March 3, 2025
17:19 - Two grays, looks like they’re heading north into Elger Bay. Quickly.
10:20 - They’re headed south out of Elger Bay now. -Kasey Shepard
13:04 - CRC 22 and 531 are southbound at my map spot. 22 is close to shore and 531 is closer to mid channel [approx. 48.093012, -122.420562 (Mabana)]. -Bart Rulon Wildlife
09:30 - One gray - possible for Earhart left Elger Bay. Now at the south end of Camano Island State Park. -Linda Aitkins
08:35 - One heading north close to shore, the other heading northwest a bit further out. Last update from me.
08:18 - Roughly here. Still feeding, nondirectional at the moment. Viewing from a private beach [approx. 48.116656, -122.455274 (1 mi. SE of Camano Isl. State Park)].
07:56 - Trending north towards Elger Bay, still feeding. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
07:54 - Seeing two blows in Elger Bay. Viewing from a private location. -Linda Aitkins
07:26 - Good morning! Two grays, including CRC531, feeding on the north side of the point between Elger Bay and Mabana. Second gray is CRC22. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
Mon, Mar 3 - Puget Sound (CRC2615)
14:45 - J Pod + Gray whale CRC2615 (presumably) in the background, just north of Kingston [video in FB comments].
14:10 - Gray whale, presumably CRC2615, is still north of the Kingston terminal, on the west side of midchannel. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
13:56 - Just a couple minutes ago… Gray whales off the Edmonds ferry- near Kingston! -Terry Cox
11:53 - This is CRC 2615. Just given an ID by Cascadia Research yesterday. Southbound at my map spot [approx. 47.810559, -122.416611 (Edmonds ferry- Edmonds)].
11:49 - A gray whale (not a Sounder) is southbound at my map spot. -Bart Rulon Wildlife
11:38 - One gray whale southbound, unknown ID at the moment, just south of the Edmonds Marina now.
11:37 - Swiftsure just got eyes on this individual, still southbound. -Grayden Kelbert, PSE
11:35 - Baleen whale southbound just north of the Edmonds ferry terminal. Only got a quick glimpse so can’t tell species yet. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
March 2
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Sun, Mar 2 - Bellingham Bay/Bellingham Channel (J Pod)
18:30 - 19:00 - A pod went between Guemes and Cypress. -Alexie Gregory
16:21 - Looking west bound from Wildcat Cove. In between Samish and Vendovi one member of J pod did a BEAUTIFUL breach! Some blows as well seen. -Liam Doucet
15:13 - Appear to be milling in this general vicinity [approx. 48.603273, -122.566676 (1 mi. E of Vendovi Island & 1 mi. N of Samish Island)]. -Tamara Kelley [WSSJI]
12:35 - J-Pod widely spread heading northeast into Bellingham Bay. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
10:23 - 5 orcas on west side of Lummi Island heading south. Nearing Lummi Rocks. One baby! -Pamela Jons [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sun, Mar 2 - San Juans (T19s & T49As) - This afternoon we caught up with the T19s and T49As in the northern San Juan Islands. It seems like these two Bigg's killer whale families always meet up here this time of year. Look at how big T49A3 Nat (left) is getting relative to T19B Galiano (right)! -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, March 2, 2025
17:56 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Tillikum Master reports 2 orca in the San Juan Channel – no direction.
15:20 - Veered west into New Channel.
14:40 - T19s and T49As heading southeast from the north side of Johns Island. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
Sun, Mar 2 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - T124D4 & T124D Field - From an incredible close pass from the T124A2s and the T124Ds from somewhere between Seacrest and Alki pier. Link to FB videos. Link to more photos. -photos by Kelly Dawson, March 2, 2025
Can’t believe this actually happened today! -photo by Mychelle Culver, March 2, 2025
Such a special day in West Seattle! -photo by Meghan Houghland, March 2, 2025
Quite the show in West Seattle today! Link to FB reel. -Robin Anderson
18:30 - Slightly further south now. Still playing around. Losing them in the dark.
18:15 - Still active a few hundred yards off of 1730 Alki Ave looking toward southern Bainbridge. They’ve been practice-hunting with some birds (grebes) for a while now. -Steve Rice
T124D Field - T124A2A Agafia -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
17:27 - 17:42 - T124Ds, T124A2s from Seacrest to Anchor Park. Incredibly close off the west side of Don Armeni. Lots of surface activity, audible exhalations, tail lobs, pectoral slaps. One of the best West Seattle orca experiences ever. -photos by Robin Sinner, March 2, 2025
17:43 - Spouts and a fluke just left of the black/white blinking buoy off Alki. Still viewing from Pier 70. -Taylor White
17:35 - Viewing at Alki Beach Pier, hugging shores. -Jessica Ramirez
17:30 - Orcas are headed out of the bay, Don Armeni and Alki Beach will like get a pretty close to shore pass! -Meghan Houghland
17:22 - Viewing from Pier 70. They’re eastbound approaching the self storage towards Salty’s/tip of Alki. -Taylor White
17:06 - Moved down to Salty’s-has a second group been reported? Viewing them right off Salty’s in front of the port being tailed by a red boat. -Meghan Houghland
17:06 - From Seattle Park Rangers at Seacrest Park! -Alysse Daniels
17:04 - Now off Vigor shipyard. -Jason Mihok
16:41 - Looking east just by orange cranes. It seems there is at least 4 to 6 of them out there. View ping from shore Seacrest Park Cove 1. -Jessica Ramirez
16:40 - Viewing from Hamilton Viewpoint definitely some type of hunting event right in from of the stadiums. -Meghan Houghland
16:38 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Puyallup Master reports 3 orca in Elliot Bay by the Eastway waterway.
16:33 - Viewpoint swim Seacrest Park Cove 1 just north of Salty’s on Alki. Viewing with binoculars from pier. -Jessica Ramirez
16:22 - Traveling west now!
16:17 - Viewing from Kerry Park with binoculars, splashing out towards the white cranes west of the stadium. -Camryn Phipps
16:15 - Seen passing Smith tower moving south as viewed from Don Armeni boat ramp. -Steve Rice
16:00 - Viewing from Pier 70, saw them middle of the bay headed toward stadiums. -Kristin Mandrink
16:00 - In line with orange cranes heading deeper into Elliott Bay view from Don Armeni. -Mary Hartmann
15:47 - Viewing from Alki pier heading east into the bay. -Kelly Dawson
15:36 - Just saw them from Elliott Bay Marina heading towards Alki [approx. 47.617756, -122.420478]! -Josh Rands
15:32 - Viewing from Centennial Park, 2 of them are headed southbound towards the middle of the channel. -Haley Hanson
15:25 - Spotted in my scope from Bonair Drive SW, West Seattle, in the general area of the highlighted boat on the map. They were facing roughly southeast at the time [approx. 47.629909, -122.431831]. -Steve Rice
15:13 - Appear to have turned into Elliott Bay now.
15:01 - 2 orcas moving southbound. Just passed Discovery Park lighthouse. -Carrington Stephenson
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Christian Schormann
Date of Sighting: March 02, 2025
Time: 2:56 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen:
Where seen: Off West Point
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
14:50 - Tried to view at Golden Gardens but just missed them heading past Discovery lighthouse! -Haley Hanson
14:11 - Spotted what looked like 2, but maybe just 1 lone whale, from the beach at Carkeek Park, headed southbound. -photo by Kristin Mandrink, March 2, 2025
13:21 - Lone whale hugging very east of mid channel in front of Kayu Kayu southbound [approx. 47.781179, -122.409893. -Jill M Rotset
13:00 - Viewing from the Kingston ferry terminal, they are still headed south. -Sara Perovich
12:35 - We departed the T124A2 pod southbound at my map spot. The T124D pod was due south of them at least a half mile ahead [approx. 47.829092, -122.412437 (2 mi. NW of Edmonds)].
12:23 - The T124D pod is here too. They branched off to the south about a half mile south of the T124A2 pod where my original map spot was.
12:11 - T124A2 pod southbound at my map spot [approx. 47.843668, -122.450251 (3 mi. NE of Kingston)]. -Bart Rulon Wildlife
11:00 - The three that flipped and splashed around Possession Point State Park have proceeded south and are now out by the Possession Point buoy. Not sure where the other three went, but had been headed south. Now all are out of sight from me.
10:46 - Circling, feeding at the shoreline at Possession Point State Park.
10:44 - They were milling off Possession Point and now couple have flipped and are now right by the shore at Possession Point State Park northbound.
10:30 - Long down times, they are passing Possession Point State Park, still Whidbey side southbound.
10:20 - I see 6 somewhat spread out. Whidbey side of the channel approaching the Possession boat launch, moving quickly southbound. -Ed Pearson
10:00 - Still southbound approaching Glendale.
-9:49 - Better visual there is at least 6 with one young one, pretty sure I recognize this group from a couple weeks ago [approx. 47.941566, -122.337848].
09:35 - Orcas southbound at Clinton/Mukilteo crossing mid channel. At least 3. Still looking for them to appear again give a better update. -Melissa Simmons, WSF
Sun, Mar 2 - Puget Sound
10:30 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops emailed at 10:32 to report: SPOKANE Captain reports one Orca near EDM terminal heading southbound.
Sun, Mar 2 - South Puget Sound (T137s) - T137D Wright - T137 Loon - One of the harbor porpoise hunts by the T137s. Link to more photos. -photos by Jami Cantrell, March 2, 2025
18:08 - Slowly traveling southbound, across from Forest Beach now - very stealthy, not much surface activity but awesome to hear them! -Deanna Foster Goldberg
17:56 - Hanging out by Scott Point at the mouth of Horsehead Bay. South of Kopachuck State Park. -Duffy Lord
17:12 - Just passed the south end of Raft Island, so going very slowly. -Randy Witter
17:05 - Still in front of Raft Island moving slowly back in the direction of Cutts Island. -Gaby Kinner
16:55 - Started heading south. In front of Raft Island now and moving.
16:40 - They are in front of Allan Point, Henderson Bay and loitering. Might have grabbed another meal. -Randy Witter
16:40 - Seeing blows and fins from Purdy Spit. -Andrea Facer
16:40 - Seeing far out blows at Purdy Spit. -Brittany Dean
T137D Wright - T137B Tempest -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:30 - Orcas (4-5) hunting what appears to be a harbor porpoise just off Allen’s Point in Henderson Bay. Photos taken from Raft Island. -photos by Katherine Walsh, March 2, 2025
16:17 - North of Raft Island heading towards Purdy Spit. -Kari Figueira
16:10 - Viewing them at a distance from Purdy. At the end of my spotting scope range. Can't judge direction. -Paul Davis
15:54 - Just south of Deadman’s Island. -Kari Figueira
15:52 - Viewing from Raft Island bridge, they seem to be just in front of Kopachuck. -Candy Hull
15:40 - And still at Forest Beach. -Nicole Antonia
15:28 - Resurfaced, still south of Deadman’s Island.
15:18 - Spotted off Forest Beach, they were headed north toward Kopachuk but did a long dive and haven’t resurfaced. Several boats respectfully waiting in the area. -Deanna Foster Goldberg
15:16 - Right here heading north towards Kopachuck Horsehead Bay side [approx. 47.286507, -122.702080]. -Jami Cantrell
15:09 - [approx. 47.275560, -122.685257 (1 mi. NW of Fox Island)]. -Cari Black
15:09 - They are no longer visible from Bella - continuing northbound.
14:59 - Viewing from Bella they’re heading north in Carr towards Henderson.
14:55 - Seems like they’re going north as of now.
14:48 - Far down Bella seeing fins! Close to Fox Island side! -Andrea Facer
14:55 - From Bella Bella as they were going north.
14:34 directionality headed up toward Bella Bella closer to Gig Harbor side. -Torry Chamberlayne
14:25 - Viewed them from Steilacoom moving west on south side of Fox Island. -Paul Davis
14:22 - Milling and getting a kill [approx. 47.241004, -122.642165]- they haven’t continued into Carr just yet but next spot would be Bella Bella. -Torry Chamberlayne
14:20 - They’re getting farther northwest towards Bella Bella.
14:08 - HOLY PORPOISE HUNT RIGHT IN FRONT OF KAMUS! They’re still trending west in Carr on a kill. -Jami Cantrell
14:08 - I got to Steilacoom around 14:00. The orca [in Carr Inlet] killed the porpoise at 14:08 or so. -Janet Bower
13:48 - Just popped up in front of my home! Looked to be heading west still [approx. 47.203597, -122.620294 (1 mi. SW of Fox Is.)]. -Laura Kozar Batanian
13:21 - Just saw 2 [orcas] from Steilacoom heading up Carr. -Justin McDonald
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Janelle McDonald
Date of Sighting: March 02, 2025
Time: 1:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: In front of Steilacoom Ferry terminal
Direction of travel : West into Carr Inlet
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
Sun, Mar 2 - Upper Saratoga Passage
11:50 - Gray between Maple Grove and Utsalady Point headed east. -Pat Sebelsky [CWW]
Sun, Mar 2 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
14:35 - Gray whale closer to Whidbey shore southbound from the Hidden Beach cove, approaching parking lot.
14:05 - Gray whale a bit off shore of the north end of the Hidden Beach cove, heading west in towards the shore. -Emily Wandres
13:40 - Gray whale CRC 531 is southbound at my map spot [approx. 48.152623, -122.564755 (2 mi. N of Hidden Beach)]. -Bart Rulon Wildlife
CRC531 Gretchen
13:49 - Still heading south back at original location 1.5 miles north of Hidden Beach closer to mid channel Whidbey side .
13:30 - Looks like it might be changing direction.
13:15 - Still heading north Whidbey side, feeding along the way.
12:40 - Gray whale heading north one and a half miles north of Hidden Beach Whidbey side. -photos by Aaron Gill, March 2, 2025
Sun, Mar 2 - Saratoga Passage
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Janett WIngett
Date of Sighting: March 02, 2025
Time: 10:26 AM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Breezy Point marker 4 Camano Island
Direction of travel : Nw
Behaviors observed: Slowly traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: 300 feet offshore, following the coastline
Photos available?: No
Sun, Mar 2 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca (CRC2362 Thidwick & others)
14:20 - Got Thidwick about a mile off Swantown, 2 others 2 miles further south. -Trevor Derie
09:20 - Moran Beach: Report sent in to WIWS: Single grey whale sighting about 300 yards off the coast of NAS Whidbey Island right by the runway. Surfacing every 8-9 minutes then diving showing its flute. Beautiful! -Kevin Phillips
08:57 - Gray whale reported somewhere off NAS Whidbey in eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca. [Whale Alert app]
March 1
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sat, Mar 1 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - Discovery Park lighthouse today. -photo by Jill M Rotset, March 1, 2025
T124A2s and T124Ds off Alki! Link to more photos. -photos by Valerie Unger, March 1, 2025
I have dreamt of this moment since I was a little girl, and it finally happened at Pocket Beach. Link to FB videos. -Klara Beaver
17:28 - One heading east between Carkeek and Edmonds, visible from North Beach. -Malinda Sorci
16:58 - Very spread out. Some have pulled more to the east and are very visible with binos. Close to the sailboats looking north from Sunset. A few more mid-channel. Seeing at least 4-6, appear to be all female. -Kas Alexis
16:57 - Viewing from Golden Gardens. -Laura Rosman
16:56 - Orcas slowly northbound east of midchannel. Sightline south Fay Bainbridge due east to Golden Gardens. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
16:50 - Viewing from Sunset Hill moving northbound in 2 groups at a slow pace. Mid/east of mid channel. In between Sunset Hill and Fay Bainbridge. -Kas Alexis
16:49 - Can be seen from Golden Gardens near sail boats heading north. -Haley Hanson
16:36 - Think I see them from Ray’s Boathouse. West of Discovery Park closer to Bainbridge. -Makham Mac Bubphamanee
16:28 - Directly west mid channel form West Point lighthouse northbound. -Jill M Rotset
16:30 - Viewing from Golden Gardens. Spouts visible on northwest of West Point lighthouse, west side of channel, near a buoy. -Austin Richard
16:15 - I lost them from Creosote Point but if they continued at same rate there were going, they should be north of the West Point lighthouse now. Roughly here as of 16:04 [approx. 47.640132, -122.435777].
16:01 - They popped back up right after I posted. Now north of the red sail boat, approaching Discovery Park.
15:58 - Spotted from Creosote Point on Bainbridge, looking across toward Magnolia water tower. Heading north, last seen south of the big red sail boat. -Amy FowIer
15:56 - They’re here at Magnolia Viewpoint going north. -Summer Staley
15:47 - Heading north from Elliot Marina. Long down times. -Adam Albee
15:40 - Barely visible in binoculars west of the green buoy west of West Point, looking from just west of Duwamish Head. -Steve Rice
15:36 - Just saw them just north of the Elliott Bay marina a few minutes ago. Looked like they were still heading north but were pretty far from shore. -Cam Parrucci
15:30 - Heading northwest. Viewing from Elliot bay marina. They’ve been down for a long period at the moment [approx. 47.632153, -122.417079]. -Jill M Rotset
15:23 - Moving fast, heading west. Lots of boats around now [approx. 47.620373, -122.416108 (1 mi. W of Elliott Bay marina)]. -Katie Domingue
15:12 - They are just past the grain silos in Elliott Bay heading out. Lots of boats around them so easy to spot but they have been under quite a bit. -Meghan Houghland
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Danielle Troy
Date of Sighting: March 01, 2025
Time: 3:05 PM
Species seen: Orcas?
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: From Sculpture Park
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I was at the sculpture Park. They were quite far away but looked like 3 -5 whales (possibly orcas, the fins were quite tall) and they were heading north. I’ve lived here 23 years and never have seen whales from shore in Seattle until today!
Photos available?:
15:04 - Last sighting heading toward Elliot Bay marina. -Katie Domingue
15:00 - [video in FB comments]. -Stephanie Day
14:56 - New white boat tailing them way too close, not sure they are aware the group is right in front of them. Have passed Pier 70.
14:54 - Spotted from Hamilton Viewpoint approaching Pier 70 headed out of the bay, being trailed by a white fishing boat. Seem to be under a lot. -Meghan Houghland
14:50 - Downtown Waterfront - heading north. -Katie Domingue
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Emilee Longmore
Date of Sighting: March 01, 2025
Time: 2:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Near Seattle ferry terminal (ferry to Bainbridge Island)
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Unknown
Any unusual markings?: Unknown
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
14:30 - In line with grain terminals view from Seacrest dock moving toward downtown Seattle. -Mary Hartmann
14:26 - Right around here. Couple boats around [approx. 47.614482, -122.384549]. -Alexander Simenstad
14:23 - They just got into Elliott Bay. -Laura Clark
14:22 - They are right in the middle of Elliott Bay now. Hard to see from shore in any direction but seem to be heading north-ish. -Katie Domingue
14:21 - I see them heading north, pretty fast. I’m on Alki Beach, they look to be pretty close to the Magnolia neighborhood now. -Michael Banet
14:09 - Boats forcing them north toward Elliott Bay. Maybe 4-6, frequent deep dives. Now past all Alki businesses. -Laura Clark
14:08 - Heading east towards downtown quickly.
14:07 - Just saw them in this area [approx. 47.583564, -122.409514]. -Katie Domingue
14:00 - From 64th and Alki. -photos by Mary Hartmann, March 1, 2025
13:57 - They are currently visible from Alki Beach on the cactus side just before the fog on the opposite channel. No apparent direction, milling about. One boat VERY close, basically coming into the middle of them. Just north of the point. -Laura Clark
T124A2 Elkugu, T124A2B Litton, T124A2A Agafia -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:25 - Emerging from the fog today from Constellation Park. -photo by Robin Sinner, March 1, 2025
13:15 - Robin called to report at least 4 orcas northbound off Constellation Park headed towards Alki light house, east side of channel, no large males.
Sat, Mar 1 - South Puget Sound (T137s) - T137s from Joemma Beach State Park. Link to more photos. -photos by Jason Cook, March 1, 2025
Our boat overheated and these guys came by! so exciting near Devils Point [video in FB comments]. -Tanya L. Bamford Soriano
17:28 - All 4 T137s still southbound slowly. Now headed toward passing Oro Bay on Anderson Island. I’ll note that here at the Anderson Island Riviera Marina, there were multiple families with kiddos of all ages squealing and overjoyed to be seeing them with their bare eyes. Those are the best days.
17:22 - Jack is trailing, leisurely southbound. Seeing Loon and Tempest ahead of him [approx. 47.152112, -122.653204]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
17:15 - Viewing from Anderson Island ferry I see fins close to Anderson Island Marina. -June Juliano Huelskamp
17:10 - Southbound between Ketron and Anderson Islands. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
17:06 - They’re heading for the Anderson Island marina. -Roger Encarnacion
17:02 - Viewing from Satars Point. Seeing them halfway between McNeil and Eagle Island. -Paul Davis
16:54 - McNeil ferry dock. -Ryan Dicks
16:53 - Almost to McNeil ferry dock now. Otso Point on Anderson Island heading towards Eagle Island 16:40. -Dan Sessler
15:00 - Viewing from Joemma looking south. Lots of surface activity and very close to shore. -Torry Chamberlayne
14:53 - Still near Joemma. Not moving much.
14:03 - We are viewing from Zittels. Appear to be on a kill. Tail slapping and staying near same spot [approx. 47.215905, -122.813408 (.5 mi. SW of Joemma SP)]. -Paul Davis
14:15 - Looking through the scope I can confirm we have T137A and T137D for sure so I'm sure the other 2 are here as well. I'm only seeing four. -April Janice Basham
15:45 - They just passed Taylor bay southbound grouped up moving fast. -Andrea Facer
15:21 - All grouped southbound towards Devil's Head. Closer to that side. Out of sight from Joemma -Candace Gavin
15:20 - Moving now, almost to Taylor Bay.
15:06 - Pamela Pettingill They are along the Key Peninsula heading (ever so slowly) toward Taylor Bay. -Joan Ahre
15:00 - Saw tail slaps and lots of surface activity south of Joemma Beach. Close to shore. -Andrea Facer
14:40 - They are still milling just south of Joemma State Park. Lots of splashing and tails. -April Janice Basham
14:08 - 4 spotted southeast of the Joemma Beach Pier.
14:06 - It's spotted from the Joemma Beach Pier. -Jen Dotson
14:07 - They are busy splashing southside of Joemma. Black and white boat sitting still but getting a good show. -Joan Ahre
14:05 - Stalled out just south of Joemma State Park. No committed direction.
13:55 - Picked them up from Joemma State Park. Still headed generally south at this time. Should be approaching Devil's Head soon. Very leisurely. -Candace Gavin
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jennifer Williams
Date of Sighting: March 01, 2025
Time: 1:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: 47.2601983, -122.8671931 (Harstine Island State Park)
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
10:00 - Orcas northbound Heron Island in Case Inlet. Get ready Pickering Passage/Allyn area they may be headed your way! -April Janice Basham
Sat, Mar 1 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca (CRC2557 & CRC2615) - CRC2615 - A very thin gray whale off Moran Beach. Link to more photos. -photos by Sam Wallace, March 1, 2025
CRC2615 - CRC2557
13:00 - Whale watching with Island Adventures today. Spotted the two grays by Moran. One was CR2557, not sure on the second yet [CRC2615], but got flukes for both. -photos by Jaime Shields, March 1, 2025
13:06 - Moran Beach just to the left of IE5 on the map. 2 gray whales [approx. 48.367414, -122.685202].
12:51 - I'm seeing two grays out here IE5 is with them, just south of Moran.
10:26 - Gray whale just to the south of Moran Beach [Whidbey] towards the Navy Base, eastbound towards shore. Still a bit off shore. Great big fluke action on the down dive, been down 3 minutes thus far. -Kevin Phillips
Sat, Mar 1 - Upper Saratoga Passage
13:30-15:30 - We couldn't ID these [gray whales]. They were between Mariners Cove and Polnell Point all day. -A
Sat, Mar 1 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen) - Gray whale off of Mabana today. Link to more photos. -photos by Charvet Drucker, March 1, 2025
17:45 - Gretchen ended the day south of Mabana. -photo by Susan John, March 1, 2025
14:11 - Still southbound midchannel south of the state park. Edit: actually starting to angle southeast now.
13:55 - Southbound between the south end of Camano Island State Park and Baby Island, Camano side of midchannel. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
13:42 - Gray whale out from boat launch at Camano Island State Park. -Linda Aitkins
13:18 - Update on Gretchen crc531 eastbound [approx. 48.129721, -122.525967].
12:57 - CRC 531 southeastbound at my map spot [approx. 48.122925, -122.554195]. -Bart Rulon Wildlife
13:15 - Pretty sure my 12:55 sighting was Gretchen, who circled around and is now eastbound, midchannel, between Hidden Beach and Camano Island State Park.
12:55 - Gray whale northbound 100 yards off Hidden Beach. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
Sat, Mar 1 - San Juan Channel
12:33 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 12:38 to report: KALEETAN Captain reports a Minke south bound in San Juan Channel.
February 28
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Fri, Feb 28 - Agate Passage
09:15 - These orcas blasted through Agate Pass northbound with a fair tide [video was submitted with report]. -Ben Blankenship
09:10 - My daughter didn't get a picture but she spotted an adult and baby from the bridge onto Bainbridge Island [Agate Bridge]. -Arya Getachew
Fri, Feb 28 - South Puget Sound (T124A2s, T124Ds, T137s)
17:40 - Currently milling between Devil's Head, Zittles Marina, Anderson Island [approx. 47.155932, -122.776898]. -Joan Ahre
17:31 - Between Zittles Marina and Devils Head last we saw them heading east/south east.
17:05 - Now south towards the south side of Key Peninsula.
16:55 - Heading north west.
16:50 - Right now south end of Harstene - Dana Point. -Rachel Drechsel
15:29 - 2 orcas south end of Harstine Island. -Joe Prybylski [PSWS]
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Mike Malon
Date of Sighting: February 28, 2025
Time: 3:18 PM
Species seen: Orca (Biggs)
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: 47°11'27"N 122°48'52"W
Direction of travel : East
Behaviors observed: Unsure
If orcas, any males?: Unsure
Any unusual markings?: Unsure
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Visible from harstine Island, orcas headed out of Case Inlet around Johnson Point
Photos available?:
Fri, Feb 28 - South Puget Sound (T124A2s, T124Ds, T137s)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Amanda Hsu
Date of Sighting: February 28, 2025
Time: 2:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: West side of Squaxin Island
Direction of travel : S, medium
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1?
Any unusual markings?: Unsure
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: We saw them on our way from Belspeox Point on Squaxin Island to the Arcadia boat ramp. They were heading south towards Hunter Point on Steamboat Island.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
14:30 - Spotted them right in front of Mount Rainier! Heading southeast by Squaxin Island toward Boston Harbor, Olympia. From Hope Island, we saw them on the west side of Squaxin in Squaxin Passage. -Michele Neary
14:00 - Large group of at least 10 now south of Harstine Island Bridge almost out of sight from the bridge. Next up would be Arcadia Point. Spread out and all southbound. -Candace Gavin
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Mark Severson
Date of Sighting: February 28, 2025
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Pickering Passage and Harstine bridge
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Mark
If orcas, any males?: 5 ft on the large Bull
Any unusual markings?: no
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Sounded before harstine bridge and resurfaced 1/4 south Spectacular!
Photos available?: No
13:00 - Passed Jarrell Cove. More than 3... maybe 6, one big male. Heading south in Pickering Passage. -Ken Donald
Exciting encounter from our deck in Grapeview! Link to FB video. -Steven Venetta
10:30 - Smith Cove, [east side of] Harstine Island Headed north [in Case Inlet]. Video provided to me by one of our neighbors. Link to FB video. -Heather Barrio Parman
Fri, Feb 28 - Saratoga Passage (CRC2249 Hattie)
15:15 - Passed Camano Island State Park moving steady. Got stealthy; only a couple breaths per cycle. Confirmed CRC2249 Hattie! -Sam Wallace
15:10 - Northbound north of Camano Island State Park boat launch, long downtimes.
14:38 - Northbound midchannel about 1 mile south of Camano Island State Park.
14:11 - Still slowly northbound around midchannel. North of Mabana now, line of sight to Baby Island.
13:54 - Slow travel with long downtimes. Seems to be trending west.
13:46 - Gray northbound midchannel off Mabana boat launch. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
08:20 - On this Friday morning, like clockwork, a gray whale enjoys the cove at Polnell Point. -Steve Rothboeck
February 27
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Thu, Feb 27 - Haro Strait (J Pod) - On a fluke, I happened to look out on Haro Strait last night at sunset just in time to see Jpod (swimming alongside a tugboat and barge)! All photos from shore on the Canadian side in Victoria, BC. Link to more photos. -photos by Jenna Darcie, February 27, 2025
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Thu, Feb 27 - San Juans (T46s) - Today Sara and Monika caught up with T46D Strider in Upright Channel. Just like his namesake from the Lord of the Rings, Strider is a known wanderer, but today felt a little different! The three siblings he usually travels with - T122, T46E, and T46F - had been with him earlier in the morning. But they doubled back and were picked up moving at speed in the opposite direction! Meanwhile T46D was going back and forth in Upright Channel, vocalizing and doing occasional surface percussives like this pec slap. As always, we'll never know the full story, but it sure felt like they left him behind and he was wondering where they went! -Orca Behavior Institute -photo by Monika Wieland Shields, February 27, 2025
12:30 - Activity north side of Green Point. -Edenonthe Salishsea
11:23 - T46s just went through Pole Pass [Bethany via SSCH].
10:35 - Monika has T46D east of Turn Island and Bethany has the rest of the T46s in Cayou Channel [SSCH]. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
10:37 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:43 to report: 1037hrs: TILLIKUM Vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted 3 orcas in Cayou Channel, heading west. TILLIKUM has slowed to maintain a safe distance.
09:07- Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:16 to report: 0907hrs: [TILLICUM] Vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted 5 orcas in Upright Channel off Upright Head, heading south.
08:33 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 08:43 to report: 0833hrs: [ISSAQUAH] Vessel reports via 800MHz they’ve spotted 3 orcas in Cayou Channel heading towards LPZ terminal.
Thu, Feb 27 - Discovery Bay (T99s minus T99Bs) - T99C Barakat & T99E
08:15 - 4-5 orcas. Probably one male, there was a large one, one baby. Discovery Bay, north shore of Beckett Point. 48.0765°N, 122.8904°W. Milling about, circling a little, stayed in one general area for about 10-15 minutes, then traveled around point further into Discovery Bay. -photos by Lynne Brandkamp, February 27, 2025
Thu, Feb 27 - (T124As, T124A4s, & others) - I played hooky from work to enjoy a marvelous false spring February day in West Seattle. It was incredible to see a pod of transient orcas swim passed downtown with Cascades in the background. Link to more photos. -photos by Kyle Anderson, February 27, 2025
Calf in the middle is T124A1A - T124A7 & T124A Kittiwake -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - From the shores of West Seattle. It was exciting to point them out to so many first-timers, especially as they passed closely to Anchor Park, and their blows were easily heard from Emma Schmitz overlook. Link to more photos. -photos by Steve Rice, February 27, 2025
18:22 - They're southbound past Point Robinson. Close enough to hear them breathe clearly. Been about 8 minutes since I last saw them. -David Bennett
16:40 - Second group which I think is the 124As passed the Fauntleroy ferry southbound about 20 minutes ago. Saw them from Lincoln Park. Side note: original group split into two while exiting Elliot Bay. -Tamara Kelley, Orca Conservancy
16:17 - Just passing Vashon ferry terminal. Directional changes for a bit after ferries passed, but committing back south. Viewing from mainland, Shorewood on the Sound. -Shari Tarantino, Orca Conservancy
16:19 - They came closer about 100 yards of Lowman. Moving slowly with baby should be about the ferry lane now.
15:53 - Group southbound middle of the channel across from Blake Island. -Matthew Lau
15:50 - Two to three spotted just now around the bend of Alki Point, mostly staying under or just on top of the surface seem to be moving southbound pretty quick. -Meghan Houghland
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jackson Baker
Date of Sighting: February 27, 2025
Time: 3:22 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Alki Beach Park approx. 47.58701° N, 122.40432° W
Direction of travel : W
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Unknown
Any unusual markings?: Unknown
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Saw one larger and one smaller orca swimming together and then another orca close by traveling with them.
Photos available?: No
14:43 - [Orcas] In water taxi lane close to Seattle -Karen Fields
14:38 - Seemingly stalling there.
14:34 - Right off water taxi terminal. -Manuel Valdes
14:30 - South of Smith Tower as seen from Don Armeni boat ramp. Possibly on a hunt. -Steve Rice
14:17 - In front Pier 70 from West Seattle water taxi. -Oliva Esquivel
14:15 - Just off aquarium. Moving into bay. -Manuel Valdes
14:15 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 14:48 to report: 1415hrs: PUYALLUP reports 6 orca SB in the traffic lanes, south of the SEA>BI route crossing.
14:00 - Approaching pier 91 cruise terminal moving east. As seen from Duwamish Head. -Steve Rice
13:52 - From West Seattle water taxi. -Kyle Anderson
13:45 - Approximate location. Moving east/southeast [approx. 47.630853, -122.425566 (2 mi. W of Seattle Marina)]. -Steve Rice
13:43 - Heading east into Elliot Bay.
13:41 - Trending a tad east with long downtimes.
13:32 - Quickly passing Magnolia. Mid-channel. At least 3-4 tightly grouped. Southbound. -Kas Alexis
13:37 - Heading south almost to Bainbridge ferry route. -Kathryn Hamilton Morgan
12:57 - Breaching mid channel out from West Point. -Torrey Volk
12:40 - 4-5 southbound east of mid approaching West Point Magnolia. -Gary Peterson
12:25 - Spotted off of Golden Gardens with long down times. Trending south. -Mateja Jagodic
11:48 - Group is motoring south in wavy but very blue seas. 1 male slightly ahead of tight group of 4-5 east of mid past Richmond Beach. -Justin Goslin
11:23 - Just passed Point Wells mid channel. Should be at Richmond Beach shortly! -Michelle Tynan
10:55 - Off of Marina Beach Park in Edmonds, mid channel. -Christie Reneer
10:35 - Group just passed Ocean Ave mid channel headed southbound toward ferries. -Laurene Stappenbeck
10:30 - Watching from Edmonds, seeing them east side of channel about to enter ferry route heading south. -Holly Bailey Aprecio
10:23 - 4-5 at at least one male, spotted from Haines Wharf, mid channel southbound, long down times. -Sara Battin Pearson
10:00 - Separate post, but Maia in the SSCH spotted what she's confident is a Dall's porpoise from the Edmonds fishing pier going southbound quickly. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
09:35 - Spotted one from the amtrak train near Picnic Point. Orca was heading south about 300 yards off shore. Only had about 30 seconds to view as the train was heading north. -Chris Clemence
09:13 - I just missed a pod passing close to shore at Mukilteo Park quickly traveling southbound. A group of people here confirmed they were orca. I can't confirm numbers but based on the sprays and blows I saw from a distance, I'm guessing 4 or 5.
09:00 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:06 to report: 0900hrs: [KITSAP] Vessel has spotted 4-6 orcas in the vicinity of the Mukilteo Lighthouse, heading south.
Thu, Feb 27 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - T124A2 Elkugu - Beautiful day in the south sound watching the T124As and T124Ds from Point Defiance Marina, Hidden Beach and Chambers Bay! Link to more photos. -photos by Cherie StOurs, February 27, 2025
The T124A2s and T124Ds made a quick pass through Tacoma today. Link to more photos. -photos by Amber Stanfill, February 27, 2025
17:56 - Heading north past Taylor Bay into the Case Inlet. -Courtney A Turk
17:48 - In front of Longbranch! Viewing from zittles marina heading west! -Charro Rodriguez
16:23 - Orcas heading west along the south shore of Anderson Island. -Colleen Moe
16:23 - We saw two at Chambers Bay! My heart is so happy! -Jennifer Bonagofsky Palermo
15:49 - Trending around the south corner of Anderson Island.
15:43 - They’re going toward Oro Bay.
15:40 - Actually maybe 5 of them, including baby.
15:36 - Three of them spotted.
15:30 - Spotted from DuPont bluff trail. They’re trending south toward us close to Anderson Island side. -Allison Cameron
15:19 - Spotted going south off east side Anderson/past Ketron [approx. 47.139955, -122.6793]. -Angela Noël
15:13 - [Approx. 47.151123, -122.655263 (btw Riviera Boat Launch and Ketron Is.]. -Jason Nelson
14:07 - Surface active south of Salters Point.
13:54 - This seems to reconcile with all the reports. From our perspective at Anderson Island, they are tending steadily south [approx. 47.198873, -122.619716]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
14:00 - Looks like two orca in front of Steilacoom. They are moving southbound and just reaching the north tip of Ketron Island. Looks like they're going in between Ketron and Anderson Island. Looks like one female and maybe a baby? Very lazy travelling. -Jennifer Tebaldi
13:56 -Three passed McNeil buildings heading south. -Carol Eckert
13:47 - Southbound north side of Ketron slowly moving towards west side. They had milled and probably had a meal as they have been in this area for 20 min. At least 4 in this grouping. -Sherry Mezger
13:34 - They are continuing south at a leisurely pace, closer to Chambers Bay. Two are south of the buoy, others not yet there but from our perspective, they should become visible from the golf course soon if they aren’t already. Barely visible for us. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
13:31 - Milling mid channel, closer to Tacoma side, viewing from Steilacoom. -Rose Vandiver
13:25 - Currently at Sunnyside. -Grace SJ Lee
13:23 - From the Anderson Island ferry dock, we’re seeing splashes and dorsals in front of Sunset Beach, trending south-ish [approx. 47.209486, -122.603029]. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
13:08 - First half is almost all the way past my line of sight up Carr Inlet and the others appear to be crossing over as well from the Chambers Bay side towards Carr. -April Janice Basham
13:05 - One group of orcas right in front of Chambers by the elevated bridge heading southbound. -Sherry Mezger
12:58 - Two groups. One hugging Tacoma side southbound should be approaching Chambers shortly and the other group seemed to cross over and trend towards Carr Inlet. -Jami Cantrell
12:56 - They are crossing over to the other side just south of Fox Island and possibly headed into Carr Inlet.
12:46 - Viewing from Fox Island pier. They are closer to the Tacoma side directly out. Still headed southbound. -Torry Chamberlayne
12:38 - Past Day Island still heading south, Tacoma to mid side of channel. -Kirsten Vacura
12:32 - Southbound in front of Titlow almost at top of Day Island.
12:22 - Mid channel in front of Hidden Beach milling. -Sherry Mezger
12:16 - They're past Narrows Park mid-channel moving fast. Southbound. -David Bennett
12:13 - Viewing from Narrows Park they are headed south and passed under the Narrows bridge about 5 minutes ago moving fast. -Torry Chamberlayne
12:09 - Viewing from Narrows Park. Southbound going under bridge now near Tacoma side. 3 total. -Greg Brossart
12:08 - Divided into three groups just about to go under the Narrows bridge. -Sherry Mezger
12:00 - Mid channel just north of the Narrows Bridge. -Adrienne Salzwedel
11:58 - Seeing several blows on the north end of Salmon Beach not sure direction but I believe south. Viewing from Hidden Beach. -Cherie StOurs
11:45 - This is at Dune Peninsula Park. -photo by Michael Banet, February 27, 2025
11:41 - Milling in middle of Dalco Passage, moving southbound now that boats are crossing north of them. -Sherry Mezger
11:32 - At least two trailers rounded the point mid-channel, possibly a bit closer to Tacoma side. Southbound and Narrows. Two females or a female and juvenile. -Ashley S Whitman
11:23 - Leaders rounded the tip of Point Defiance southbound Tacoma side. -Jami Cantrell
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Allsup
Date of Sighting: February 27, 2025
Time: 11:18 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Gig Harbor side, near entrance to Narrows
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: no
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Brief sighting about 5 minutes ago, have not seen them resurface. 2 adult female/nonsprouters + 1 immature surfaced, headed south towards Narrows. Seen from N of DashPoint SP, they were in front of the 3x houses on the shore, at the 6800 block of Cascade Ave in Gig Harbor. 2 boats with them. In a position to either tilt slightly eastish to be N of Pt Defiance, or head south down Narrows.
Photos available?:
11:11 - Passed Owen heading south towards the point/Narrows. -Amber Stanfill
11:08 - Pods are past the Tahlequah ferry lanes angling Southwest at this time! They are headed for Point Defiance. Really really long downtimes. -Candace Gavin
10:52 - Two or three crossing Quartermaster Harbor westbound. -Jill Clogston
10:49 - Approaching ferry terminal. -Oscar Brown
10:47 - Front of cargo ship. -Breanne Denise Ward
10:49 - Mouth of Quartermaster Harbor moving west at a pedestrian pace.
10:43 - Past tip of Maury Island now.
10:30 - Off Shore Acres on Maury Island near a boat. -Dallas Braham
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Allsup
Date of Sighting: February 27, 2025
Time: 10:25 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: S of Maury at red ship
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Still southbound, crossing the open space between tip of Maury and S Vashon, seen from just N of Dash Point SP they are passing the red and black ship anchored in the "parking lot" holding area. Very close to the ship, on Vashon side of channel, not in the lanes. Pretty sure I'm seeing a 7th dorsal.
Photos available?:
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Allsup
Date of Sighting: February 27, 2025
Time: 10:18 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Piner Point, S end of Maury Island
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: no
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Travel pace slowed down, still long dives, might be a 7th one, close to Maury shoreline, seen from just N of Dash Point SP they are about to pass Piner Point and clear Maury Island. One calf young enough to still be high-bouncing when surfacing to breath.
Photos available?:
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Allsup
Date of Sighting: February 27, 2025
Time: 10:10 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Shore Acres/Summerhurst, Maury Island
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: no
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Maury side of channel, slowed down a bit, have gone from single-file-ish to tight grouping. Viewed from N of Dash Point SP they have just passed the southernmost house of Shore Acres and almost to Summerhurst, still direct travel w/no surface activity. Small white boat has intercepted.
Photos available?:
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Allsup
Date of Sighting: February 27, 2025
Time: 9:55 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: south of Gold Beach, Maury Island, nearly at S tip of Maury Island
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: 1 very small calf, 2 younger/immatures, 2 adultish-sized females/non-sprouters, 1 other indeterminate.
Photos available?:
09:31 - They stalled out in same spot and are just now moving again southbound now reaching Gold Beach neighborhood on Vashon. Close to Vashon side. I counted 7. Long down times.
09:01 - Viewing with binoculars from Marine Hills. They are very slowly trending southbound close to Vashon side just north of Gold Beach Drive. -Emily Gause
08:25 - T124A2s and T124Ds. Quiet lovely pass in the sunshine, they are past Point Robinson now, island side of channel cruising southbound in no hurry, very long downtimes!
07:59 - Seeing them approaching Point Robinson, southbound, very much Island side of mid channel. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
07:52 - And now south of portage...beautiful calm seas and light.
07:41 - Moving south quickly now. Vashon side of mid channel, south of KVI.
07:26 - Still in same spot… seem to be on a kill, lots of birds around.
07:15 - Eastbound toward mid channel marker… at least 5.
07:11 - Orcas just north of KVI [Vashon Island]. no direction. milling I think. Watching from Portage. -Mark McGough
Thu, Feb 27 - Puget Sound
09:12 - Spotted at the southwest point of Magnolia. -Kathryn Hamilton Morgan
06:40 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 06:45 to report: 0640hrs: CHIMACUM reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single humpback whale located 1nm [nautical mile] north of Alki Point. No definitive direction of travel.
Thu, Feb 27 - Rosario Strait
11:35 - Not sure what [presumably gray whale] species, but there is a whale hanging out around Deception Island [approx. 48.404258, -122.671137] -Bethani White
Thu, Feb 27 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
17:50 - Gray whale just went by my house on Whidbey Island EastPoint. Link to more photos. -photos by Julie Williams , February 27, 2025
16:00 - It appears there's a gray blowing north of Fox Spit. Can't tell direction yet. I'm viewing from CISP [Camano Island State Park]. -Krista Paulino
Thu, Feb 27 - Upper Saratoga Passage
11:07 - Gray still here, came 20 feet from shore looks small; this was a small gray at Polnell. -Steve Perea
08:25 - On this Thursday morning, there is a gray whale in this cove at Polnell Point. -Steve Roethbec
Thu, Feb 27 - Rosario Strait
14:10 - 4 humpbacks [unconfirmed] headed south in front of West Beach at Deception Pass State Park a few minutes ago -Cynthia Marvin
Thu, Feb 27 - Hood Canal - I saw a whale along the south shore of Hood Canal near Trails End Road Wednesday 2/26 in the evening, and Thursday 2/27 in the morning. It wasn't an orca, gray or humpback- maybe a minke? Dorsal fin was small and curved, unfortunately it was only up for very quick breaths and I didn't get a picture. I think 15-20 feet long? When I saw it in the evening, the light wasn't great, and I wasn't entirely sure it was a whale (I've never seen a whale in this part of the Canal, although have seen orcas across the way along the north shore a couple of times). When I saw it the next morning, there was quite a bit of space between it's head and fin, it seemed more whale-like and less porpoise-like, given my (not extensive) prior sightings of the two. [probable minke -RH] -Carrie Thomas
15:15 - Currently in Brinnon and a local here at the bar said they saw a whale out there. All the seals came into the harbor. But we haven't seen anything yet . -Danni Terrel
13:15 - Whale sighting [Between Forest Beach & Sunset Beach] South Shore, Hood Canal. -Report by Bob [BCN] relayed by Gypsea Salt
February 26
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Wed, Feb 26 - Burrows Bay
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Tony Andersen
Date of Sighting: February 26, 2025
Time: 6:05 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: In between Burrows Island and Tugboat Beach Anacortes.
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1-2
Any unusual markings?: Not that I could see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It was beautiful
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photo by Tony Andersen, February 26, 2025
Wed, Feb 26 - Saratoga Passage (T46s & T46Bs) - T46E Thor spyhopping next to brother T46D Strider - T46E Thor & T46D Strider - T46s playfully gracing the Saratoga Passage. Link to more photos. -photos by Berna Avunca, February 26, 2025
T46E Thor - T46D Strider -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - So many spy hops from Thor and Strider - from Camano Island State Park. Link to more photos. -photos by Susan John, February 26, 2025
T46E Thor - Finally, after a long time (!) got to see the T46 gang from south of Long Point. -photo by Bonnie Gretz, February 26, 2025
T46D Strider - I finally had a nice day with orcas after a long whale drought. The T46s, with both T46D Strider and T46E Thor, and some very cute youngsters, made their way south in Saratoga Passage. It felt so good to get out in nature and take in so much beauty. A gray whale and orcas both today - can’t beat that! -photos by Donna George, February 26, 2025
With Puget Sound Express we found the T46B’s as we were headed towards Hat Island. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the sunshine! Link to more photos. -photos by Jennifer Schuld, February 26, 2025
17:40 - Getting dark now, but they seem to have stalled a bit, south of Cultus Bay with that big male still further east.
17:27 - 8-12 northeast-bound between Cultus Bay and Edmonds. One male northeast between Possession Point and Stamm.
17:05 - Hunting-ish behavior south of Cultus Bay. The one big male southeast of Possession is just sharking at the top of the water and spinning circles. Not helping at all.
16:57 - A couple of big breaches between Edmonds and Double Bluff on the mainland side. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
17:09 - Trending back north towards Possession viewed from Stamm. One male further north showing off dorsal for extended periods. Did this off Mukilteo too. -Beriah SoOrio
16:55 - I can see one big male and another whale with it looking north from Woodway towards Edmonds! Just north of ferry crossing close to Edmonds side. -Michelle Tynan
16:45 - Southbound east of mid between Stamm and Point No Point. Spread out. -Beriah SoOrio
16:44 - Spotted one big male from Sunset Ave in Edmonds. Southbound between Possession Point and Stamm Overlook. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
16:33 - One male was milling for a long time due west of Picnic Point, mid channel, just started slowly southbound again.
16:13 - Mid channel west of Picnic Point southbound.
16:05 - One female followed by 1 male, slowly moving southwest. mid channel, north of Picnic Point. -Allie May-Jones
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ren Margolis
Date of Sighting: February 26, 2025
Time: 4:15 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Cultus Bay
Direction of travel : West, moving slowly near the island coast
Behaviors observed: Waiting, milling
If orcas, any males?: Large male
Any unusual markings?: N/a
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
16:12 - [Ts southbound]. -photos by Jodi Krause Poissant, February 26, 2025
13:57 - Just passed Sandy Point. Southbound, fast. Busy day, Gray just went by 15 minutes ago. -Heather Hardin
15:50 - One large male just passed Chennault Beach southbound. -Alice Thuy Talbot
15:40 - Continuing southbound. Mid to Mainland side. -Sarah Geist
15:38 - Now watching a group, South of Clinton ferry terminal, male popping up in different directions.
15:32 - Been watching from Picnic Point with binoculars, finally spotted one of the males between Hat and Clinton, was moving west. -Allie May-Jones
15:30 - Out from Glendale. Milling around mid. -Sarah Geist
15:18 - Trailing male in ferry lanes southbound. All spread out. Male out front. Middle group. Trailing male. -Beriah SoOrio
15:09 - Just saw several fins… watching from Mukilteo ferry dock… heading towards Mukilteo. -Janet Moody
15:06 - Southbound group in front of Clinton ferry terminal just west of mid. Trailing group further north appears east of mid. Viewing from Mukilteo lighthouse. -Beriah SoOrio
15:00 - Approaching ferry lanes. Spread. Mid to Whidbey. -Sarah Geist
14:55 - Just spotted north of Clinton ferry hugging Whidbey shore. -Pamela Shepard Peterson
14:49 - 46s and 46Bs have cleared the west side of Hat Island. Appear to be continuing southbound. They are spread a bit. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Julia Bos
Date of Sighting: February 26, 2025
Time: 2:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: north of Mukilteo/Clinton ferry run
Direction of travel : south
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Yes
Any unusual markings?: NA
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: A big group of orcas traveling south, with a few smaller ones (babies?). Maybe transients?
Photos available?: No
14:41 - The most magnificent sighting from Camano City! Made for an even more spectacular day. -Patricia Phillips
13:50 - Seeing them here, slowly moving east of Hat believe [approx. 48.031696, -122.346112]. -Holly Bailey Aprecio
13:50 - They are south/southeastbound passing Sandy Point -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:05 - Southeast at five knots between Mabana and Langley, mid-channel. -Brian McGinn
12:45 - Headed southbound visible from Mabana on Camano side. -Berna Avunca
12:25 - Viewing near Mabana Beach on the hill above the boat launch. Orcas are on the Whidbey side. -Patti Voeller
11:45 - Orcas had passed Camano State Park southbound. See pinned location and video [approx. 48.119223, -122.502080]. -Marilyn Armbruster
11:29 - Continued southbound south end Camano Island State Park towards Elger Bay. Spread out from Camano to mid. Still lots of activity on the surface. Amazing group of animals.
10:55 - Southbound approaching Camano Island State Park. Still very Camano side of mid. Still lots of beautiful surface activity. Viewing from Hidden Beach. -Kevin Phillips
10:37 - From Hidden Beach surface active Camano side porpoising.
10:35 - Straight out from Hidden Beach closer to Camano surface active porpoising south bound.
10:24 - Viewing from Hidden Beach looking north east. Camano side southbound spread out. -Bonnie Gretz
10:25 - Approaching Hidden Beach on Whidbey side, mid channel, visible from Camano very active. Southbound. -Berna Avunca
10:05 - Still heading south. Just passed Onamac Point close to Whidbey side. -Marie Heil
09:55 - T46s & T46Bs steady southbound slight spread midchannel south of Race Lagoon. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:30 - Southbound Saratoga. 46 group. Spread. Mid to Whidbey.
09:11 - Spread. Hunted. And now looks like they’re drifting back south.
08:32 - From Long Point. Some near green channel marker. Some further south. All pointed at Penn Cove [westbound]. Some are further east. -Sarah Geist
Wed, Feb 26 - Colvos Passage (T124As, T124A4s, T137s meet T124A2s & T124Ds)
18:59 - I am not a great videographer but here are orcas off the Bainbridge Island ferry just now. Always exciting even if you can barely see them. Link to FB video. -Betsy Tarpley
18:09 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 18:19 to report: 1809hrs: CHIMACUM reports 6 orca northbound just east of Tyee.
18:03 - Heading through ferry lanes northbound… T137 in this group.
17:52 - Orca group is just south of Blakely Rocks moving with purpose northbound, west of midchannel. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
17:30 - They’re still northbound just south of the southern end of Bainbridge. Viewing from Constellation Park. Opposite side of the channel.
17:35 - They’re going up the east side of Bainbridge. -Steve Rice
16:44 - Picked them back up on the north side of Blake out by a set of white buoys. Lots of great blows lit up by the sunshine. There’s at least one or two boats that appear to be sticking with them as they move. Can’t tell if they’re headed in west around Blake at this point or just continuing north. -David Watson
16:26 - I think they've moved more west around the north end of Blake. Exciting.
16:22 - A few have moved north past Blake now.
16:18 - Some moving south now, very active blows. Lots of movement. -Caitlyn Blair
16:16 - Looks like they are continuing north and have passed Blake. West side. -Hannah Marie Munro
16:09 - Still watching them at Blake. They are right on Blake splashing around. We can see a few fins through binoculars
16:01 - Viewing from Lincoln Park, they are right on Blake Island and we can see blows. Can't tell what direction, either north or east. -Caitlyn Blair
16:08 - Surface active and spouts continuing northbound along Blake.
15:59 - Spouts/spray galore on east side of Blake northbound it appears. Beautiful gold backlight, very visible atm. Viewing from Myrtle Edwards footbridge. -Taylor White
16:06 - They stalled out at Blake. Still viewing from the terminal. -Hannah Marie Munro
15:46 - Watching from Manchester, was able to track them past Southworth ferry, then Vashon ferry, crossing the channel to Blake and now have lost them so it appears they’re continuing north along the east side of Blake. Some beautiful breaches! -David Watson
15:43 - Lots of splashing near Blake Island. Still viewing from Vashon terminal. -Hannah Marie Munro
15:41 - Milling at the south end of Blake now. Seem to be drifting northeast alongside Blake Island. -Candace Gavin
15:40 - Seeing multiple blows from Emma Schmitz between Southworth and Blake west in channel.
15:37 - Seeing blows southeast side of Blake from Emma Schmitz. -Mary Hartmann
15:21 - Visible from Vashon ferry terminal northbound. -Hannah Marie Munro
15:05 - All pods are now grouped up together and headed north approaching the Southworth ferry terminal mid channel. -Candace Gavin
15:01 - After a massive frolic, the groups are back in travel mode headed north. Once again headed towards Point Southworth. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
14:54 - Heading north again.
14:49 - Yes, a lot of activity.
14:28 - Stalled out on a hunt south of Southworth terminal.
14:13 - Approaching Southworth terminal.
13:57 - Crossed over Vashon side. Heading north [approx. 47.473729, -122.516902]. -Steve Gardner
13:53 - Visible with binoculars from Point Southworth. Lots of milling and surface activity. Two boats with them now. Still trending north.
13:50 - Southbound past Point Southworth, in two groups, one mid channel, one group close to Kitsap side. Not far from meeting up with the northbound group now! -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
12:45 - Coming up on View Park Kitsap side 12:45 northbound still.
12:04 - Seeing blows now from Southworth Kitsap side, there’s a big barge and they are west side of it. Northbound still. -Noelle Morris
11:28 - Just north of Olalla northbound. -Terri Clabeaux
11:02 - Two groups T137s and others, spread by about 1/4 mile, all powering north approaching Lisabuela, at least 10 or so, includes many littles and a calf. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
10:59 - Seeing from Olalla Bay Market now. northbound. -Janelle Avice McDonald
10:46 - Slowly drifting north with their meal just south of Lisabuela more towards mid channel now.
10:37 - Can confirm male is Jack/T137A.
10:28 - Slowly northbound with directional changes, likely hunting still, seeing around 6-9 or so, at least one youngster and one male for sure. Still just north of Point Richmond on the Kitsap side, but drifting towards mid.
10:11 - Seeing approximately 4-6, maybe more, one male. They are very far from me but male looks like could be Jack. Seeing a youngster also in there maybe? They are hunting while trending north, just north of Point Richmond very much in the Kitsap side of the channel.
10:01 - Right off Point Richmond, looks to be on a hunt, Kitsap side of channel. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
09:36 - Approaching Point Richmond Gig Harbor side!!! -Stacy Henderson
09:26 - They have passed Point Dalco northbound, at least one bull with them.
09:20 - A group moving with purpose approaching Colvos Passage up close to Gig Harbor side Northbound numbers unclear. -Melissa Bird
09:05 - Midway between Tahlequah and Gig Harbor shore moving northbound from Dalco into Colvos.
08:52 - Beautiful way to start the day! Watched 2 groups from Gig Harbor high bank as they moved up to tip of Point Defiance and the sun glare was too much to keep watching. -Michele Riley Campbell
08:45 - Pod leisurely swimming ~ north through Colvos Passage now. West of Point Defiance, mid channel. -Yvonne Clearwater
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sandy Jacobs
Date of Sighting: February 26, 2025
Time: 8:45 AM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Northbound in Tacoma Narrows past Salmon beach on Gig Harbor side of channel
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
08:35 - One female northbound just south of Point Defiance navigation marker. Close to the Tacoma side of channel. -Stace Gordon
08:10 - Orcas NB [northbound] Narrows near bridge Gig Harbor side. -Jason Cook
Wed, Feb 26 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds before meeting T124As, T124A4s, T137s)
13:44 - Heading down west side in Colvos.
13:36 - About 7 orca heading south near northern tip of Vashon.
13:18 - South end of Blake. Four to five milling around just west of Blake [approx. 47.538587, -122.517442]. -Steve Gardner
13:06 - We can see fins coming southbound down the west side of Blake! They are midchannel in front of Manchester. Viewing from the Southworth ferry dock. -Candace Gavin
13:01 - Just observed from Yukon Harbor southeast bound. -Ken Jones
13:14 - All orcas southbound now west side of Blake.
12:51 - Orcas westbound on north side of Blake Island. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
12:34 - In line with south end of Bainbridge looking from up above Weather Watch Park. -photos by Steve Rice, February 26, 2025
12:30 - Moving southbound south tip of Bainbridge west in channel view from Constellation Park in West Seattle small boat following. -Mary Hartmann
12:12 - Viewing from Magnolia. Same boat is still following behind them. Hard to tell numbers/direction due to glare, but able to see spouts near Restoration Point on Bainbridge. -Kas Alexis
12:06 - Just north of Blakely Rock as viewed from up on Bonair Drive SW in Alki. Southbound, with small grey boat trailing. -Steve Rice
11:45 - Entering ferry lane traffic.
11:43 - Orcas just outside Eagle Harbor southbound. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
11:05 - Sue called to report 6-7 orcas in 2 groups of 3 with a baby southbound close to Bainbridge nearing Murden Cove.
10:45 - Four orcas going southbound I am on Rolling Bay Bainbridge Island. -Unknown
08:00 - South of Point Jefferson west of mid channel feeding or milling- changing directions often [approx. 47.732874, -122.476308].
07:50 - Passing Point Jefferson southbound. I spotted 3-4 whales They did a long dive right after this. -Michelle Tynan
07:30 - My niece just sent me this video from the Kingston ferry a few minutes ago - she didn't know how many for sure or tell me which direction they were traveling. -Jennifer Taylor
07:28 - There were 3 orcas no males heading south near Kingston. Seen while on the ferry at this location [approx. 47.789678, -122.473343]. -Tony Tilt
07:08 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:15 to report: 0708hrs: SUQUAMISH Vessel reports via 800MHz they've come to all-stop for 3-6 orcas located just outside of Apple Tree Cove. Pod is heading south.
07:07 - Orcas right off the Kingston/Edmonds ferry. We had just taken off from the Kingston terminal when they were spotted. -photos by Stephanie Cryer, February 26, 2025
Wed, Feb 26 - San Juans
06:32 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 06:41 to report: 0632hrs:TILLIKUM Vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted a single grey whale located south of Flat Point in Upright Channel, traveling in a southeasterly direction.
Wed, Feb 26 - Upper Saratoga Passage
17:35 - This evening a gray whale can be seen swimming in this tiny bay (Polnell Point on Whidbey Island).
08:00 - On this Wednesday morning from near Polnell Point looking one to 2 miles east I see plumes. I’m guessing one or more gray whales near Mariners Cove, and very close to shore. -photos by Steve Roethbeck, February 26, 2025
Wed, Feb 26 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen) - With Puget Sound Express on a Gray Whale tour; we found one gray (Gretchen) near Langley, and then found the T46B’s as we were headed towards Hat Island. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the sunshine! Link to more photos. -photo by Jennifer Schuld, February 26, 2025
CRC531 Gretchen off Sandy Point. -photo by Donna George, February 26, 2025
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Beverly Yoshioka
Date of Sighting: February 26, 2025
Time: 4:30 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: 1 mile south of Sandy Point, Langley
Direction of travel : S slow
Behaviors observed: Feeding
If orcas, any males?: Cannot see
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
13:40 - Gray, moving fast, passed Sandy Point, Whidbey side. -Heather Hardin
13:00 - Grey whale eating just north of Sandy Point (Langley). -Christy Grant
12:44 - Gray southbound off Langley. -Orca Network
12:40 - Passing the pizzeria headed steadily towards Sandy Point. -Dan Gulden
12:38 - The gray southbound off Langley is #531. -Brian McGinn
12:31 - Got blows on the gray viewing near Langley Bell Park. Very close to Langley side. -Shannon Heuvel
10:45 - Grey between Whidbey Shores and Bells Beach! -Amber Noel Conley
Wed, Feb 26 - Saratoga Passage
08:00 - A gray is feeding in the area between Mabana and Camano Island State Park. -Susan John
Wed, Feb 26 - Hood Canal - I saw a whale along the south shore of Hood Canal near Trails End Road Wednesday 2/26 in the evening, and Thursday 2/27 in the morning. It wasn't an orca, gray or humpback- maybe a minke? Dorsal fin was small and curved, unfortunately it was only up for very quick breaths and I didn't get a picture. I think 15-20 feet long? When I saw it in the evening, the light wasn't great, and I wasn't entirely sure it was a whale (I've never seen a whale in this part of the Canal, although have seen orcas across the way along the north shore a couple of times). When I saw it the next morning, there was quite a bit of space between it's head and fin, it seemed more whale-like and less porpoise-like, given my (not extensive) prior sightings of the two. [probable minke -RH]. -Carrie Thomas
February 25
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Tue, Feb 25 - Port Susan (T46s, T46Bs, T124A2s, T124Ds) - T124D1 Salish & T124D Field - T124A2B Litton & T124A2 Elkugu -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
17:49 - Group is passing Mabana, mid channel northbound. -photos by Susan John, February 25, 2025
16:51 - I have a group Camano side of mid going up Saratoga. Viewing from Sandy Point. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
16:10 - Orcas were mid-channel in Port Susan pointed southwest towards Camano Head. -Linda Aitkins
16:12 - Males here now.
14:50 - After a very wet wait, this group went south past Tillicum close to shore. -Susan John
13:09 - In Port Susan now northbound. Spread apart by a large distance. -Thomas McKane
12:56 - A group is northbound into Port Susan.
12:47 - Whales are at pin [approx. 48.056046, -122.319797] moving north.
12:30 - Viewing from Sandy Point I’ve got a male on the north end of Hat main moving north towards Port Susan. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:07 - Orcas! Saw them once from the ferry [approx. 48.017111, -122.272217 (2 mi. E of Hat Is.)]. Direction unknown. -Alice Moyal [HIWS]
10:39 - Southbound between Hat Island and Whidbey. Looks like 46E in this group. -Sarah Geist
10:07 - I saw them too! Moving fast southbound from Sandy Point past Hat [video in FB comments]. -Heather Hardin
Tue, Feb 25 - Dyes Inlet (T99s minus T99Bs) - T99C Barakat - T99s hunting off Chico boat ramp. Link to more photos. -photos by Catherine Alvarado Soto, February 25, 2025
T99E & T99C Barakat
12:00 - Viewed from Chico boat ramp. Link to more photos. -photos by Amy Fowler, February 25, 2025
13:14 - Just entered Ostrich Bay. -April Clark
13:00 - Just had a fleeting glimpse of pod of orca heading east in Dyes Inlet past Erlands Point. Two terrified seals hiding in the rocks in the water in front of our house. -Elizabeth Wrenn
12:55 - Still hanging around Chico, viewing from Tracyton but very difficult to see as they are pretty close to other side. -Alexandra Spallone McDermott
13:00 - Heading south into Ostrich Bay hugging the Erlands Point side.
12:50 - Just north of Erlands Point traveling east slowly. Look to be headed back out of Dyes Inlet.
12:35 - Still enjoying their lunch, drifting east a bit. visible from top of Eldorado Hills. -Eric Murphy
12:32 - Still at Chico. We have a group watching. -Nikole Mercer
12:21 - Drifting east off Chico boat ramp as they enjoy their lunch.
12:17 - Straight out from Chico boat ramp on a kill.
12:07 - Viewing from Chico boat ramp, milling? -Amy FowIer
12:17 - [video of T99s in FB comments]. -Jennifer Murphey
11:52 - Headed towards Chico. -Michael Heater
11:51 - They are heading towards Bremerton. -Noranne Olson
11:41 - Viewing from Old Mill Park. They’re passing Silverdale Waterfront Park. -Kelsey Berg
11:34 - Just saw three heading to Silverdale. -Noranne Olson
11:28 - They have gotten close enough and the beautiful 99s are slowly making their way deeper towards Silverdale.
11:19 - From Silverdale we can see blows headed our way. -April Janice Basham
10:50 - Milling now. -Noelle Morris
10:40 - A friend reports that they passed Lions Park headed towards Tracyton. -Jami Cantrell
10:12 - Manette Bridge. -Madelyn Messick
10:00 - [video in FB comments] 3 here, a big male for sure and a baby/very young whale for sure! -Erinn Cash Smidt
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Alexander Ackel
Date of Sighting: February 25, 2025
Time: 10:01 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Bremerton, WA 47.56090° N, 122.61560° W
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Spotted while riding the Kitsap fast ferry into Bremerton from Seattle. Ferry had to stop to let orcas by.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photo by Alexander Ackel, February 25, 2025
08:53 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:14 to report: 0853hrs: Vessel [WALLA WALLA] reports via 800MHz they've spotted two orcas milling about in the vicinity of the [Bremerton] terminal and the marina.
Tue, Feb 25 - South Puget Sound (T137s & others)
10:30 - There were several orca (maybe 6+) heading north out of Budd Inlet near Boston Harbor. At least one male. They were hauling fast in terribly rough seas, lots of wind and rain. They were heading for Dana Passage. I did not see them. Could not have seen them due to sighting conditions. People at Boston Harbor and that area did. -Kim Merriman
Tue, Feb 25 - San Juans
17:33 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 19:54 to report: 1733hrs: TILLIKUM Vessel reports via 800MHz a single humpback loitering off Point George, on Shaw Island.
Tue, Feb 25 - Upper Saratoga Passage
13:10 - Gray whale feeding in Polnell Shores. Came down from Mariners Cove. -Terra Parham
11:27 - Whidbey Island between Mariners Cove and Strawberry Point. Link to FB videos. -Katie Boczek
Tue, Feb 25 - Holmes Harbor
11:28 - Alex called to report a probable gray whale that's been there for about 30 minutes about 150 yards off of Honeymoon Bay [Holmes Harbor, Whidbey].
February 24
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Feb 24 - Saratoga Passage (T46s & T46Bs) - T46 and T46B transient orcas traveling through Possession Sound from Mukilteo today. Watch for the little baby. The crew on the USS Sampson got to see these beautiful members of the oceanic dolphin family as they were returning to Naval Station Everett. Link to FB video. -Chris McNally
17:12 - Five or more including Thor ( I'm told), passing Camano Island State Park southbound. Disappeared after coming up near entrance to Elger Bay. -photo by Krista Paulino, February 24, 2025
16:47 - Whales made it to pin then flipped back north [approx. 48.117534, -122.487675]. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
16:56 - Cama State Park heading south midchannel closer to Camano.
15:39 - Mid channel between Onamac Point and Whidbey… they seem to be heading south or circling. -Berna Avunca
15:27 - We just saw 4-5 blows about mid to Whidbey. Same spot as the previous comment. They’re headed northbound still. Hard to view with the rain and white caps on the water.
15:21 - Map for reference [approx. 48.162574, -122.561888 (2 mi. N of Hidden Beach)].
15:20 - I’m on SW Camano Dr and can see them wayyyy over on Whidbey side. northbound. Only saw one blow. -Kat Martin
14:49 - Passed Cama State Park still northbound. 3 orca visible, two leading one large in the back and steady. No longer can see others. -Berna Avunca
14:30 - Closest whale is T46E and he’s getting hard to see. The others have been almost impossible to spot. They’re likely headed over to Whidbey. Still traveling northbound from Camano Island State Park. -Kat Martin
14:24 - Just passing Camano State Park northbound. Scattered mid-channel closer to Camano side. -Berna Avunca
14:00 - Passing Fox Spit northbound middish channel with the male Camano side of mid. -Marilyn Armbruster
14:00 - Between East Point Whidbey and Camano Island State Park. Mid channel. -Sarah Geist
13:32 - Approaching Mabana now. Northbound Camano side of mid channel. -Charvet Drucker
13:00 - Northbound Saratoga. Mid to Camano. Passing Dog and Boy Park, Langley. 46D and 46E here. -Sarah Geist
12:30 - From a friend: viewing from Sandy Point looking towards Tulalip, whales are slightly spread midchannel within this area, still some directional changes but drifting north [approx. 48.039358, -122.336498 (1 mi N of Hat Is.)]. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
11:56 - Orcas! Two are closer to Hat (North Marina Beach) and the rest are closer to Tulalip. Appear to be heading into Port Susan [approx. 48.032408, -122.286265]. -Alice Moyal [HIWS]
Mon, Feb 24 - Sinclair Inlet/Port Orchard (T99s minus T99Bs) - T99 Bella - T99D Puck & T99E - T99s visiting Bremerton. Link to more photos. -photos by Catherine Alvarado Soto, February 24, 2025
Illahee view of the T99s. Link to FB video. -Kristen George
T99s passing Bachmann Park, Bremerton. Link to FB videos. -Catherine Alvarado Soto
17:55 - They are playing behind container ship anchored in Manchester. Not sure where they will be tomorrow.
17:45 - From Harper Pier I can see them still on the west side of Blake Island. Will update when and if I get a full idea of direction. -April Janice Basham
17:52 - Orcas at by Bainbridge now. -Marisa Martinez
17:21 - Viewing from Manchester boat launch, they appear to be just off of south beach of Bainbridge, heading northeast. -Candy Hull
17:08 - Just passed Manchester State Park heading towards the southern tip of Bainbridge. -CT Thompson
16:45 - Headed to Rich Passage. -Josh Brown
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Deborah Houseworth
Date of Sighting: February 24, 2025
Time: 4:45 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Rich Passage midway between Manchester and Bainbridge Island
Direction of travel : Northeast
Behaviors observed: Traveling. At least one very young orca in group
If orcas, any males?: Hard to say due to distance from shore. Sorry… no photos for same reason
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: The Bremerton foot ferry came to a dead stop for a good 5 minutes to allow them to pass
Photos available?: No
16:44 - From Illahee State Park after stalling out for a long while they are now headed back southbound towards Rich Passage. -Candace Gavin
16:33 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Walla Walla Master reports 4 orca off Waterman Point going in no particular direction.
16:21 - Milling just had a kill. -Ken Jones
15:58 - Just off Illahee, viewing from Waterman Pier. -Candy Hull
16:14 - They’re moving back and forth in this area [approx. 47.587403, -122.583643 (.5 mi. SW of Point White)].
16:08 - They’ve moved a bit out into the middle of the channel, not headed north as of yet. They’re between Enetai and Illahee as viewed from Point White dock. -Josh Brown
15:23 - Confirm going towards Illahee! As viewed from Bachmann Park. They did not continue to Rich Passage. -Candace Gavin
15:15 - They passed Bachman Park going east/northeast. -Jami Cantrell
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Niguel Quiroz
Date of Sighting: February 24, 2025
Time: 3:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Bremerton Marina
Direction of travel : E
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: There were at least 3, possibly more. They came within feet of the Bremerton Marina Pier
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -Male is T99C Barakat -photo by Niguel Quiroz, February 24, 2025
14:44 - They got as far as the navy ships and are now flipped back headed towards Manette Bridge. -Candace Gavin
14:31 - What appears to be this male is milling right in front of the navy boat.
14:28 - From Port Orchard observation deck, looking directly over to PSNS. -photo by Candy Hull, February 24, 2025
14:13 - Midchannel - Port Orchard side of mid heading west past Mitchell Point.
14:01 -Still heading west moved a bit more midchannel but still Port Orchard side of mid for now 47.574327, -122.584336].
13:55 - Headed west from the same spot just further west at than [approx. 47.573017, -122.585489].
13:51 - Port Orchard side trending west.
13:50 - On a possible hunt here [approx. 47.573017, -122.585489 (1000’ W of Waterman)]. -Jami Cantrell
13:14 - They turned around and went right by this house on Crystal Springs! Heading north to Point White dock now! I saw them go north from Illahee traveling to Brownsville. I happened to look out the window and they were passing the house again going south on the Bainbridge side. Very close on the Bainbridge side!
12:33 - They are close to Brownsville now. Heading north. -Jennifer Leigh
12:21 - Pod is now headed north towards Brownsville Marina. Spread out and long downtimes. -Candace Gavin
12:14 - They are right in front of the Illahee Port!! -Andrea Videira
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Matthew Walker
Date of Sighting: February 24, 2025
Time: 12:00 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Bremerton side heading towards Rich Passage across from the Waterman Pier.
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling, kicking it.
If orcas, any males?: At least 1 tall dorsal fin
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: 5 total, one tall dorsal, one medium dorsal, 2 smaller and one real small.
Photos available?: No
11:47 -They were heading away from Bremerton toward [Port Orchard]. They were on the Bremerton side doing big spray breaths as they went along [approx. 47.584467, -122.589552]. -Emily Brantley
11:36 - After being stalled on a hunt for quite a while they are now moving back towards Bachmann Park area. Viewing from Port Orchard marina side. -Candace Gavin
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Susan Lager
Date of Sighting: February 24, 2025
Time: 11:15 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: By the Bremerton ferry dock, headed towards Sinclair Inlet
Direction of travel : Southwest
Behaviors observed: Looked like they were possibly hunting
If orcas, any males?: One male
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
11:15 - T99s are milling here. No committed direction at this moment [approx.47.563740, -122.615158 (1000’ E of Bremerton ferry terminal)]. -Candace Gavin
10:55 - They are right behind the Bremerton ferry that is pulling into terminal.
10:52 - Passing in front of Annapolis. -photo by Mairenn Dumont, February 24, 2025
10:48 - Looks like two heading toward Bremerton in Sinclair Inlet! They’re near the shipyard. -Emily Brantley
10:27 - From a friend at Waterman Pier. This pod is now passed the pier and milling a bit but headed towards Bremerton. -Candace Gavin
10:21 - Group of at least three orcas in Rich Passage. -Penny Bowles
09:25 - Where is Manchester? That’s where they’ve been seen at last few minutes. -Kevin Hoover
08:23- At least two orcas off the [Vashon] water taxi headed eastbound [approx. 47.519669, -122.463743 (1 mi. E of Southworth ferry terminal)]. -Annette Messitt
Mon, Feb 24 - South Puget Sound/Dalco Passage (T124A2s & T124Ds exited the Narrows and met with CA45B & others) - Dune Peninsula - CA45B ID by Alisa Schulman-Janiger. Link to more photos. -photos by Jason Cook, February 24, 2025
CA45B -photo by Ryan Dicks, February 24, 2025
Taken from Brown's Point. Link to more photos. -photos by Liz Clark, February 24, 2025
The dinner show at Anthony’s at Point Defiance tonight! Link to FB video. -Marguerite Gerontis
View from Dune at Point Defiance this afternoon! Link to FB video. -Tayler Salazar
17:20 - Still at Ruston circle the ship. -Tracey Carrillo
17:14 - Suspected passed under the ship headed east, could see and hear them from Dune. -Jen Bowen
17:10 - From Dune Peninsula. -Jaime Freet
17:10 - They're moving east slowly towards the Shandong ship. -David Bennett
16:52 - [video in FB comments]. -Tayler Salazar
16:39 - Ferry was allowed to leave. They are moving east. -Marguerite Gerontis
16:37 - They're east of ferry lane. You'd have a great view looking out from Dune peninsula towards Vashon. Trending east more mid channel. -David Bennett
16:35 - Predation event mid-channel between Browns Point, Vashon, and Tacoma. Lots of breaching and tail lobbing. Trending northeast. -photo by Ashley S Whitman, February 24, 2025
16:29 - In front of Point Defiance, milling in the ferry lane. -Holly Bailey
16:27 - Front of Dune ferry lane mid. -Tracey Carrillo
16:23 - I've got them milling out from Anthony's mid-channel There's a group of birds over them. That may have had a kill kind of trending east. -David Bennett
16:20 - Milling in the same spot to the west of the big ship off Dune.
16:17 - Appears as though they're passing Dune eastbound. Lots of surface activity while by the ferry from my vantage at Owen Beach.
16:11 - Multiple orcas traveling eastbound closer to Owen Beach, but pushing more mid-channel. Long down times. -Ashley S Whitman
16:10 - Orcas at Owen Beach. -Ryan Dicks
15:33 - Heading quickly north [in Narrows] aimed at Salmon Beach. -Jordan Caple
15:18 - Heading northbound under the Narrows Bridge midchannel.
15:10 - Orcas northbound past Day Island midchannel traveling swiftly. [then] They went under the Narrows Bridge. It was still enough to hear their blows from our deck on Day Island! -Karen Caldwell
14:32 - Looked like they were headed straight to Fox before disappearing. I'm pretty sure they are the group that came down from Bella Bella. There were a bunch, I count at least 8, maybe more. I saw them in front of Saltars until they dove when they reached the prison boat (who was shut down and drifting). -Ryan Campbell
13:54 - Spotted a different group headed what looks like north from Saltars Point Beach [approx. 47.201841, -122.618814]. -Dari Scholtens
Mon, Feb 24 - Dalco Passage (CA45B & others before they joined with T124A2s & T124Ds)
14:27 - Between Vashon and the freighter ship. Came up 3-4 times. Last seen heading east about 14:45. -photo by Lisa Kollmansberger, February 24, 2025
14:38 - Saw them heading east past this off of Dune Peninsula 3 possibly 4. Haven't seen them since. -David Bennett
11:11 - They’re back near the Tahlequah dock heading east again. -Sean Sultan
10:39 - Just sighted again at yellow mid marker channel heading south.
10:33 - At Dash Point Pier. Group of three or four with one male heading south probably better to spot now from the Browns Point lighthouse. They were between me and the red barge over at the mouth of Quartermaster. -Chris Gan
09:33 - They are off the mouth of Quartermaster Harbor. Northbound into East Passage. -Dallas Braham
09:18 - 2 orcas reported southeast side of Vashon, east of ferry terminal. -WA app
08:08 - Orcas eastbound between Point Defiance and Tahlequah. Looks like 2-4 of them. -Sean Sultan
Mon, Feb 24 - South Puget Sound (T137s) - From the morning pass along Horsehead Bay on their way out of Carr Inlet. Only saw a small group enter early this morning so clearly they all met up deeper in Henderson Bay before heading back out again around 11:35. Link to FB videos. -Jennifer Swenson
16:45 - Correction : they just passed in front of Gertrude Island on the North side of McNeil Island.
16:40 - I am at the west end of Kamus Drive on Fox Island. There are several orcas crossing in front of Gertrude Island heading into Carr Inlet. -Tesa Leary Johnson
16:33 - Traveling northwest hugging McNeil Island.
16:26 - There’s a group of about 5-6 with one male visible from west wall Fox Island traveling towards McNeil in between Ketron and McNeil. -Claire Zellmer
15:57 - From Salters Point between McNeil and Fox Island [video in FB comments]. -Mariella Munoz
15:44 - [approx. 47.213969, -122.617441].
15:43 - Still visible from the end of Martin Street in Steilacoom. Closer to Fox Island. Left 5 minutes ago to get some work done.
14:42 - See them between McNeil and Fox Island. The McNeil ferry had a good view! Staying closer towards Fox Island visible from the end of Martin Street, jumping!! -Diann Sheldon
13:50 - Looks like they’re headed south between Ketron and Anderson. Viewing from Saltars Point Beach in the distance. -Dari Scholtens
13:25 - Viewing from Fox Island pier, can see several blows in the distance that are getting smaller so maybe heading more south [approx. 47.175709, -122.651087].
12:42 - Headed out of Carr inlet unsure if they will go south or north. -Torry Chamberlayne
12:50 - Between Fox Island and McNeil. -Sydney Haglund
12:42 - Extremely distant blows seen from west wall Fox Island near southeast tip of McNeil Island. -Claire Zellmer
11:55 - Mid channel southbound past Bella Bella (Fox Island Spit). -Creston Wood
11:42 - Another gorgeous pass! Lots of surface activity. Just passing Horsehead Bay now, my side, should be visible from Bella Bella now.
11:23 - Looks like maybe 6, male present. Got sight of them again- mid channel, closer to Horsehead Bay side, heading slowly southbound. Hard to tell how many at this time, steady rain here now.
11:20 - Horsehead Bay. -Jennifer Swenson
11:36 - Just passing Horsehead.
11:05 - Slowly working there way south mid channel off Kopachuck . -Michael Rodenbaugh
10:38 - Group continues to trend south in Carr but changing directions often. Just south of Kopachuck State Park, but closer to Key Peninsula side. Might be hunting? Lots of surface activity, tails, etc. -Deanna Foster Goldberg
10:07 - Saw blows with at least one male present -surface active & milling far out viewing from Purdy Spit. We have to leave but they were still far out & no obvious direction I could tell. -Andrea Facer
08:48 - They are milling around what I think is Minter. -Michelle Baty Fortney
08:30 - Visible from Purdy Spit. Midchannel. -Amy Groat
08:30 - I am at Massimos and they are straight out from me on the distance. -Michelle Baty Fortney
07:40 - Great spot, Jennifer Swenson! They are moving with purpose northbound - seem to be heading toward minter/henderson bay, last saw them mid-channel trending to Key Peninsula side, out from Kopachuck State Park. -Deanna Foster Goldberg
07:22 - Several orcas just passed me on Carr Inlet off Horsehead Bay. Seem to be at least 4. Heading northbound towards Kopachuck, long down times. On Horsehead side of Inlet. -Jennifer Swenson
February 23
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sun, Feb 23 - Puget Sound
13:48 - WSF Suquamish reporting all stop due to 5 KWs at their location, southbound. The Suquamish is midway between Kingston and Edmonds. [SSCH]
13:30 - Pod of 5 orca off [the 13:30 Kingston] ferry just after leaving. -Chris George [PSWS]
12:55 - When we pulled up to Stamm there was a group northbound between us and Possession Point Beach still northbound west of mid. -Beriah SoOrio
12:30 - At least some members (including the males) of group 2 were continuing northbound travels mid to slightly west of and angling more northwest north of Eglon last we spotted them.
12:20 - The middle channel group continue northbound travels.
11:38 - Sightline from Kayu Kayu just passed in front of Kingston terminal. At least 7 includes 2 males we think could be Jack and Barakat but too far to confirm. Slow steady northbound middle channel. Also small pod of harbor porpoise (at least 3-4) milling off Kayu. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
12:15 - Group of 7-8 just offshore northbound from Sunset, Edmonds. Another group much further out mid to west. -Beriah SoOrio
11:39 - There are 2 groups. 2 adults north, I big male and a second group with more numbers and little ones south. Both groups gliding in stealth east in calm water line. Observable with eyes. Richmond.
11:32 - Orca group observed slowly gliding in glassy seas as mentioned above. North sail, Richmond Beach. -Justin Goslin
12:08 - Orcas are loosely grouped continuing northbound mid channel sightline between Sunset Ave, Edmonds and South of Eglon, Kitsap [approx. 47.839656, -122.436965].
11:30 - This group of at least 7 steady northbound mid channel about half to one mile north of yellow mid channel buoy off Kayu Kayu.
11:11 - In glassy calm seas at least 7 including at least one bull, females, little one, steady northbound approaching Jefferson Head/Richmond Beach [approx. 47.740048, -122.432696]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
11:06 - Orcas east of midchannel northbound approaching Richmond Beach. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
09:30 - My partner saw about seven orcas off of the Bainbridge ferry this morning. -Sarah Smith
Sun, Feb 23 - Possession Sound (T46s & T46Bs) - T46E Thor & T46B2 Akela - Cruising slowly by Muklteo. -photo by Chris Cole Rader, February 23, 2025
Passing by Mukilteo beach today! Link to FB video. -Domonique Padilla
Stunning sighting from Edmonds! Link to FB reel. -Lydia Rae Cleveland
A few moments ago at the Mukilteo Lighthouse. Link to FB reel. -Diana Gonzalez
16:55 - Across from Kayak Point Pier way across. -Carina McGough
16:34 - 8 to 9 [orcas] northbound 1500 yards off Tyee.
16:27 - Have entered Port Susan, passing Tyee. northbound, Camano side of mid channel. -Charvet Drucker
T46B7, T46B Raksha, T46B6 Sol
15:32 - They just passed Hat Island heading towards Port Susan.
15:20 - Four of them closer to Hat [approx. 48.022658, -122.281218].
15:14 - The head of the pod (large male) is between Hat & Tulalip. Moving quickly.
15:07 - They are between Hat & Jetty. Look for the Hat ferry that just stopped! -photos by Alice Moyal, February 23, 2025
14:54 - Found them in the mist again and they do look pointed towards Port Susan. They are quite far out. Viewing from Howard.
14:42 - They have flipped and look pointed a bit northwest.
14:37 - Some are here [approx. 47.974774, -122.267067] still pointed towards Everett. -Conner Helms
14:15 - Viewing from the Mukilteo ferry. The main group is heading northeast past Mukilteo Lighthouse towards Everett. My prediction is the Hat Island slingshot to Port Susan. -Strider and one other are lagging behind. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jamison Rush
Date of Sighting: February 23, 2025
Time: 2:05 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: 47.9507470, -122.3251901
Direction of travel : NW
Behaviors observed: Breaching with dorsal fin and pectoral fins visible
If orcas, any males?: Unknown
Any unusual markings?: Unknown
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Orca calf accompanying one adult whale
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
14:00 - Pod split a bit. Big male in front of Mukilteo ferry terminal [approx. 47.961858, -122.319696]. -Lauren 'Lo Blakeley
13:56 - Viewing from Clinton ferry terminal. They are approaching Mukilteo beach! Y’all should get a good pass. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:54 - In a line heading north mid channel toward Mukilteo Beach. So beautiful. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:54 - Viewing from Mukilteo beach [approx. 47.940802, -122.335619]. -Domonique Padilla
T46D Strider
13:50 - Viewing from Mukilteo- still northbound [approx. 47.949553, -122.331944]. -photos by Lauren 'Lo Blakeley, February 23, 2025
13:46 - They are all grouped up. North of Glendale, mainland side. Northbound at a steady pace. Should be at Mukilteo soon.
13:26 - I have whales mid to other, south of Glendale, moving north.
13:19 - Lead whales passing shipwreck. Still northbound, mainland side. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:46 - And it was so quiet and smooth out you could hear them breaching and breathing from quarter, mile away. Amazing. Not the greatest clarity but this clip shows the group size as it passed Chennault Beach (taken from the mainland) [video in FB comments].
13:40 - They're mid channel headed towards the Mukilteo/Clinton ferry lanes. It's it's a pretty big group, so at least one big fin. And 5 or 6 smaller fins. Moving fast will be across the ferry lanes in five minutes or so my guess.
13:30 - Just reaching Channault Beach headed North couple 100 yard off the mainland. -Ed Pearson
13:42 - They are cruising fast and not too far from Mukilteo Beach.
13:35 - They just passed my house on Mukilteo side of channel around the Glendale area. 8 or 9 of them. Definitely at least 1 male and I think 1 baby. -Jodi Krause Poissant
13:24 - Now north of Picnic Point. -Kevin Doar
13:20 - Passing Picnic Point with a great pass. Strider & 2 others were further northwest, but the main group is close to the mainland side -photo by Sara Montour Lewis, February 23, 2025
13:15 - Viewing from Picnic Point [approx. 47.889083, -122.357258]. Slowing down. But generally still northbound. -Lauren 'Lo Blakeley
12:56 - Haines Wharf sighting. -Hope Renee Hallett
13:10 - Main group and duo all moving slowly north toward Possession off Meadowdale/Picnic Point area generally.
12:45 - This group has stalled north of Stamm and making a lot of directional changes. Possibly hunting. Some forward northbound movement. They are spread in few groups now [approx. 47.843420, -122.359564]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:05 - T46D and 2 more are further north than the main group, milling.
12:55 - Viewing them from Picnic Point. They’re on a hunt out from Meadowdale.
12:30 - When we left Sunset Ave in Edmonds they were angled directly towards the mainland, towards Haines Wharf.
12:23 - Lots of 46s in this second group that passed super close to the Edmonds dive park. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:21 - Just passed the Edmonds ferry terminal, close to shore! Easy to spot! Steady speed north. -Lauren 'Lo Blakeley
12:18 - They just passed Edmonds ferry going up north, I guess to Mukilteo area. -Pamela Dennise Rascon
12:15 - Group of seven to eight just offshore northbound from Sunset, Edmonds. Another group much further out mid to west.
10:48 - At least two, one male mid channel. About to lose sight from Sunset Hill. -Beriah SoOrio
10:50 - I think there is also a little in the group and I counted at least 5 at the time they passed me.
10:34 - Spotted mid channel from Golden Gardens.
10:48 - They are northbound and moving slow. More mid to west channel but visible from the east. -Morgan Huffman
11:06 - Visible with the naked eye from Carkeek, milling about. -Larry Benesh
09:30 - My partner saw about seven orcas off of the Bainbridge ferry this morning & captured this video (very hard to see, up almost at the horizon at 11 o’clock). Link to FB video. -Sarah Smith
Sun, Feb 23 - South Puget Sound (T124A2s, T124Ds, T137s) - T124D1 Salish - I had the most incredible encounter today as a large group of orcas passed by Horsehead Bay southbound as they left the Carr Inlet! They were split up into at least 4 groups and super active- AND vocal- which made it hard to keep track! Tried to take several photos and also took numerous videos which ended up catching these adorable sounds! A unique experience that I hope you enjoy! Link to FB videos. Link to more photos. -photos by Jennifer Swenson, February 23, 2025
From the shores of Fox Island with Bigg’s, Bigg’s and more Bigg’s. Link to more photos. -photos by Jason Cook, February 23, 2025
T124D Field & T124D4 - From Salters this afternoon. -photo by Paul Davis, February 23, 2025
Saltars Point Beach today! Such a great show from these guys. Link to more photos. -photos by Dari Scholtens, February 23, 2025
T124D Field & T124D4 - T124A2A Agafia, T124A2B Litton, T124A2 Elkugu, T124D1 Salish -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:45 - From Saltars Point. Link to more photos. -photos by Josh Scholtens, February 23, 2025
Salter’s Point Beach. -photo by Niles Harris, February 23, 2025
The most magical part was how vocal they were - their calls were so loud that even her phone camera picked them up. As soon as we had to leave, the whales moved on as well. We were nearly in tears as the encounter ended. It was an incredibly moving experience to have such a profound moment with David’s favorite whale, on the day we honored his life. Link to FB video. -Jami Cantrell
16:57 - They’re trending toward Hogum Bay!
16:50 - They must’ve looped back because they’re trending south again mid channel between DuPont bluffs and Anderson Island. 5 of them!
16:12 - Just spotted from DuPont bluffs a few mins ago still heading south (probably toward the tip of Anderson Island). Waiting to spot again. -Allison Cameron
15:43 - They’ve passed the Anderson Island marina, still heading south. -Roger Encarnacion
15:36 - Between Steilacoom and Ketron. -Jeanne Hopkins
15:34 - From my backyard on Anderson Island looking at Ketron Island heading south towards Riviera Marina. At least 3 or 4 in group. -photo by Mark Chiles, February 23, 2025
15:34 - They are southbound on the east side of Ketron. Never seen this before. -Paul Davis
15:34 - East side of Ketron. -Danielle Vance
15:20 - Saltars Point. -Mariella Munoz
15:20 - Spotted from Saltars in Steilacoom. Heading south. -Danielle Vance
15:04 - Great sightings at Chambers Bay. They’re heading south! -Summer Steed
14:52 - Spotted headed south at Salters Point Beach. -Dari Scholtens
14:37 - Just north of the buoy in front of McNeil Island heading south. -Sammie Lapinne
14:35 - Mid channel off Fox by the buoy now! Visible from pier. Maybe heading south. -Anne Scalamonti
14:28 - They keep switching between looking like they're headed towards the Fox Island pier or Steilacoom.
14:22 - Getting to the southeast corner of Fox Island. About 200 yards off shore. Those of you on the pier will probably see them in ten minutes. -Melissa Malott
13:16 - Slowly heading towards narrows mid channel Carr off of old navy pier.
13:15 - Off old navy pier southwest side of Fox. -Blake-Linda Worland Little
12:57 - Orcas are near Fox Island. -Laura Frank
12:45 - They headed south toward McNeil. -Laura Iannacone Casey
T124A2 Elkugu, T124D4, T137A Jack
12:30 - Jack and the baby off Fox Island. -photo by Ryan Dicks, February 23, 2025
12:05 - Group now turning corner out of Carr heading towards Bella Bella! Super super active and vocal pass in front of us at Horsehead Bay - just breathtaking! -Jennifer Swenson
11:54 - Viewing from Bella Bella. Slowly moving southbound down Carr closer to Gig Harbor side. -Torry Chamberlayne
11:44 - They are directly across from Maple Hollow Park. Someone is getting an amazing show on the opposite shore of me. -Aubrie Olson Heft
11:36 - I see them off Green Point! -Kirsten Hastings
11:32 - Crossed over to GH side of mid-channel, steadily southbound but still some milling. -Deanna Foster Goldberg
11:41 - Almost to Horsehead, moving slowly south.
11:15 - Moving slowly south, probably visible from Lakebay bridge.
11:11 - Still hanging out, not committed north or south yet.
11:02 - Mid channel off Kopachuck, staying in one spot, lots of activity. -Michael Rodenbaugh
10:54 - Right in front of Forest Beach, trending south. We are viewing from across Carr Inlet. -Kirsten Hastings
10:46 - Seems to have stalled around what looks like across from Kopachuck area, mid channel to Key Peninsula side I’d say from my vantage point.
10:30 - Orcas visible again in the distance, appear to be off Kopachuck, mid channel and also appear to be trending southbound in Carr. One male visible for sure at this time, not sure how many others present. Viewing from Horsehead Bay. -Jennifer Swenson
10:39 - [approx. 47.316552, -122.731596 (1 mi. S of Glencove, Carr Inlet)].
10:26 - Headed [south] towards Home.
10:18 - Right in front of Minter Creek. Viewing from outer Horsehead Bay. -photo by Tony Ferro, February 23, 2025
10:13 - They’re switching back and forth right in the same area. -Brenda Murphy
10:03 - Viewing from Purdy Spit towards “Home” lots of surface activity [approx. 47.327024, -122.721487]. -Torry Chamberlayne
09:58 - Slowly moving southbound.
09:52 - They are still between Cutt Island and Kopachuck, closer to that side. -Kirsten Hastings
09:20 - Just watched the group head up Carr slowly with some surface activity. Should be passing Cutt Island about now mid channel towards Longbranch side. -Michael Rodenbaugh
08:59 - Group is continuing to move slowly northbound - longer down times, but still some tails and splashes. Still closer to Key Peninsula side.
08:36 - They seem to be milling here(ish) from my view [approx. 47.292866, -122.712130(1 mi. W of Forest Beach)]. -Deanna Foster Goldberg
08:54 - Steady travel mode now, almost at Kopachuck. Can still hear them but losing visibility
08:46 - Slowly continuing up Carr towards Kopachuck- mid channel, slightly closer to Key Peninsula side.
08:39 - At least one male present. Lots of tail slapping, still in same area, mid channel still off Horsehead Bay.
08:35 - Best I got of the group as they passed me on Horsehead Bay this morning [video in FB comments]. Heading northbound, you can see some of the surface activity as they slowly passed.
08:26 - Several 0rcas, unable to tell how many slowly passing Horsehead Bay northbound towards Kopachuck. Appear stalled right now, some circling movement going on. -Jennifer Swenson
08:08 - There were at least 2 orcas in Carr Inlet (headed toward Henderson Bay). Currently mid-channel between Forest Beach and the Key Peninsula side.
08:22 - Now at least 5 still northbound toward Henderson Bay.
08:33 - No longer northbound, direction unclear - they seem to be hunting/milling mid channel across from Forest Beach. -Deanna Foster Goldberg
Sun, Feb 23 - Admiralty Inlet
10:43 - Possible humpback via Skunkbay webcam [Hansville]. -Ashley Whitman
Sun, Feb 23 - Admiralty Inlet
07:35 - Gray whale, Lagoon Point, saw the tail! Traveling north. -Kelly Warner
Sun, Feb 23 - Saratoga Passage
09:51 - Blows off the shore, one and a half miles north of Hidden Beach Whidbey side  sounds like one. -Aaron Gill
Sun, Feb 23 - Saratoga Passage
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kay Wade
Date of Sighting: February 23, 2025
Time: 1:00 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: East of Rocky Point, Baby Island
Direction of travel : N and West, was feeding for over an hour in the area
Behaviors observed: Feeding in circles (sorry don’t know the terminology)
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: First time seeing a Puget Sound whale despite having lived just over in Lynnwood since 1991. Feel very grateful and privileged.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
12:22 - Grey whale feeding close to shore off of Saratoga Road., heading in the direction of Baby Island. -Janine Morrell
Sun, Feb 23 - Saratoga Passage
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Brocker
Date of Sighting: February 23, 2025
Time: 9:42 AM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Saratoga Passage close to Langley
Direction of travel : West,
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Always magical to see a whale
Photos available?: No
Sun, Feb 23 - Elger Bay (CRC531 Gretchen) - The one at Elger Bay today. Tips missing on the fluke. -photo by Thomas McKane, February 23, 2025
12:42 - Gray feeding deep in Elger Bay. -Linda Aitkins
12:04 - Gray feeding in Elger Bay. -Janet Heine [CWW]
10:47 - Grey feeding in Elger Bay now [photo shows CRC531]. -Peter DeLuca [CWW]
Sun, Feb 23 - Lower Saratoga Passage
14:15 - Gray is now heading south very close to shore past Summerland on its way towards Pebble Beach. Too close to shore for me to get a pic, but deeper breaths so not rolling and feeding on the beach.
13:45 - Gray south of Mabana off Summerland. Can’t tell the direction yet or if it’s feeding. -Jennifer Feldman Spanton
February 22
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sat, Feb 22 - Possession Sound (T99s minus T99Bs trailing the T124As, T124A4s, T137s)
17:55 - 99s have drifted further east and continue to do so with their meal. Obvious oil slick from beginning of hunt stretching east of whoever they got.
17:44 - T99s still in a hunt north end Elliott Bay just southeast of the Marina [approx. 47.624670, -122.384873].
17:30 - T99s hunting north end of Elliott Bay off SE side of the Marina.
17:20 - Pod is cutting into Elliott Bay eastbound just slightly west of the marina. Not far out from it.
17:14 - Second group, T99s west of Elliott Bay Marina close to Magnolia heading south/southeast. Hope they head for the bay! Super choppy. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
17:32 - Front group passing Anchor Park southwest.
16:42 - Second group southbound approaching Discovery Point lighthouse. -Lauren Taylor
16:33 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: CHIMACUM Vessel Master reports about 6 orca off of 4 mile rock [Magnolia] in Elliott Bay.
16:30 - Group of orcas, presumably Jack's group, outer north end Elliott Bay, southwest of Elliott Bay Marina, traveling south/southeast in choppy seas. Toward Alki but possibly angling in. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
16:10 - Second group seemed to have made it through Carkeek very quickly and stealthily. Only caught a few glimpses of 1 fin that looked to be a male but others said they saw two to three. -Lila Tyler
16:05 - Second group southbound, Golden Gardens.
15:26 - One group just passed Golden Gardens. Eastside, southbound. 4-5, at least one male. -Deb Cronheim
15:53 - They’re right in front of Carkeek! -Elise Cranston
15:17 - Enjoyed watching this group cruise past Richmond Beach in the rain. -Allie May-Jones
15:05 - T99s after short stall, possibly kill, have resumed travel now south of Point Wells southbound approaching Kayu Kayu Ac park Shoreline. This side. Many seals hugging shore.
14:52 - This third group is coming into view at Kayu Kayu Ac Park, Richmond Beach. Who presume is Barakat approaching is off Point Wells (tank farm). Southbound but circling just north of the tanks. Close this side. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
14:34 - Several off Marina Beach Park. -Savannah Sidoti
14:25 - Two groups off Richmond Beach: lead group of ~ 4 includes male now just south of Saltwater Park medium pace; trailing group of at least 3 slowed way down and are off Richmond Beach slowly southbound. Rain squalls making viewing not so excellent. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
14:35 - Orcas just off Marina Beach in Edmonds - close to shore.
14:16 - Still heading south at a steady clip.
14:10 - Just spotted them from Ocean Avenue 3/4 mile north of Edmonds ferry. At least 3 orcas. -photo by Marty Jones, February 22, 2025
14:00 - Approx 7 split in two groups passing by Kayu Kayu Ac Park now southbound at good clip. Includes one male, youngsters and wee one. Close to Richmond Beach side. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Cynthia Arthur
Date of Sighting: February 22, 2025
Time: 1:50 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Straight out from Meadowdale Co Park
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Any unusual markings?: Couldn’t see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Saw it breach at least 4 times
Photos available?: No
13:47 - Moving fast, mainland side. Videos taken from Beach Camp at Sunset Bay [video in FB comments].
13:45 - Just passing Meadowdale, long stretches underwater. -Isabelle Ivankovich Busby
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Kas Church
Date of Sighting: February 22, 2025
Time: 1:40 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Headed to Kingston from Edmonds via the ferry
Direction of travel : W
Behaviors observed: Riding the ferry
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
13:35 - Four to six orcas south south from Kingston/Edmonds ferry on Edmonds side. -Josephine Crofoot
13:14 - Just watched a group pass Stamm Overlook Park, going south at a good clip! We saw two and then a few minutes later three came through. This is the group of three. -Kristin Schuman
13:30 - Passing right in front of of Picnic Point! Close to main land. No binoculars needed, still southbound.
13:15 - Switching direction, south bound coming towards Picnic Point.
13:13 - Viewing from Picnic Point looking north. They seem to be mid channel heading towards Glendale. Direction east but also milling same area. -Lauren 'Lo Blakeley
13:00 - They just passed Chennault Beach headed south towards Picnic Point. Two or three females about hundred yards offshore (mainland side) and a big male about twice that far out. Moving fast. -Ed Pearson
T99 Bella & T99C Barakat -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:30 - Mukilteo state park - four heading south. -photo by Rachel Haxtema, February 22, 2025
12:28 - Second group approaching Glendale from the north. Mainland side, southbound.
12:13 - Whales are mainland side, south of Glendale and headed south. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
12:43 - Past Picnic Point now, lost view of them, definitely were closer to mainland side. Heading fast.
12:25 - Viewing from Picnic Point looking north, far off still but heading south fast. South of the ferry. -Corah Whipple
11:51 - They just went past Mukilteo Beach headed south. -Brian Svacina
11:20 - Very close to shore Harborview Park headed south.
10:53 - Also seeing splashes through binos and blows around this spot from Harborview Park. -Corah Whipple
10:20 - 10:53 - From Howarth view point [video in FB comments]. -Daniela Buenrostro
10:30 - I had blows at pin [approx. 48.012599, -122.278683 (1 mi. E of Hat Is.)] - may be greys - Update: friend on mainland saw a fin at my pin. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
10:00 - Sighting outside Port Gardner. Link to FB video. -photo by Kristy Dupree, February 22, 2025
10:00 - I was swimming at Edgewater Beach and was able to see them from the water it was amazing! I left right at 10:00, they we're north of Hat Island headed toward Everett when I left. -Mary Sue
10:08 - Can only see blows from my viewpoint north of the Clinton ferry. They are mainland side, headed north. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
09:42 - One visible heading north past east side Hat towards Everett. -Wendy Shapiro
9:40 - Viewing from Clinton side. They are way over in Mukilteo side. Possibly one male, with a few females. Seem to be milling about with some direction changes but they are too far to see for certain [approx. 47.964316, -122.286039 (.5 mi. N of Mukilteo)]. -Sarah Plane
09:23 - Orcas at Mukilteo Beach! Looks to be about four or five headed north. -Brian Svacina
Sat, Feb 22 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - Just spotted off Alki 20 minutes ago [near dark]! Link to FB reel. -Alison Evangelista
Off Alki. Link to FB videos. -Kevin Hoover
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Chris Zazzi
Date of Sighting: February 22, 202
Time: 8:29 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Elliot Bay
Direction of travel : SW
Behaviors observed: milling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Two swimming very close to the ferry as it left Colman dock.
Photos available?: No
17:09 - Viewing from Seahurst Park. Mid channel, southbound. -Kyle Anderson
16:20 - They passed Lowman on their way toward Lincoln. -Joe Lucca
16:12 - Somewhat close pass at Lowman Beach. Then took a long dive and surfaced further southwest. -Steve Rice
15:56 - Spotted from Emma Schmitz, headed southwest. -Kristin Mandrink
15:53 - At Emma Schmitz Park close to shore two or three moving quickly southbound. -Russ Mann
T124A2 Elkugu
14:41 - 14:51 - Orcas from Jack Block Park. -photo by Robin Sinner, February 22, 2025
15:12 - Now that I see then rounding Duwamish head I see no big males. Moving southwest heading to lighthouse visible without binoculars.
14:50 - View from Jack Block moving southwest to Seacrest 6 or 7 some males visible without binoculars.
14:49 - Close to West Seattle by Seacrest barge.
14:36 - Visible from Jack Block Park moving west in line with Space Needle.
13:40 - Visible without binoculars from Constellation Park fast southbound. -Mary Hartmann
14:35 - South of T-Mobile park as viewed from just south of Duwamish Head. -Steve Rice
14:28 - Directional change. Now headed back west at north end of Harbor Island.
14:23 - Still headed east at north end of Harbor Island. North of but in line with the tug and barge. -Jenn Stebbings
14:00 - Aboard Bainbridge ferry to Seattle, Captain announced pod was just south of us as we approached terminal. Visibility not bad. Direction unknown as they disappeared quickly before the cargo ship. -photo by Kimberly Sylvester, February 22, 2025
13:57 - Moving further into Elliott Bay, still close to APL cargo ship. Southeast direction.
13:52 - Viewing from Pier 69. Headed south towards Alki, in front of APL cargo ship. At least 5, and it looks like there is a baby with them. -Jenn Stebbings
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Wesley Weatherby
Date of Sighting: February 22, 2025
Time: 1:56 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: 47.609606,-122.60463 (mid-E of Bainbridge)
Direction of travel : SE (slowly)
Behaviors observed: Milling
If orcas, any males?: Unknown (too far away to determine)
Any unusual markings?: Unknown (too far away to determine)
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Eleanor Boyd
Date of Sighting: February 22, 2025
Time: 1:52 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: (47.5935533, -122.3522090 [2000’ N of Harbor Is.])
Direction of travel : SE
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: On 1:20 ferry from bainbridge to Seattle, in the harbor off the coast of West Seattle
Photos available?: No
13:50 - In line with Climate Pledge arena as viewed from Duwamish Head. Moving east.
13:30 - Seen heading east into Elliott Bay near Elliott Bay marina, as viewed from 63rd Alki. -Steve Rice
12:58 - Just saw a family of orcas off Bainbridge ferry heading west. -Lisa Ellis
12:56 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 12:57 to report: PUYALLUP Captain reports 5-6 Orca heading north bound near traffic lanes enroute to BI.
Sat, Feb 22 - San Juans
09:50 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:03 to report: SAMISH Captain reports one grey whale in Upright Channel.
Sat, Feb 22 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
12:30 - At least one [gray whale] way out between Moran’s and West Beach. -Trevor Derie
Sat, Feb 22 - Upper Saratoga Passage
17:48 - One possibly two [grays] Mariners Cove south or west end of Stony Beach Stoney Beach. -Paul Belanger
13:30 - There was a gray that popped up and was feeding close to shore at the south end of Mariners Cove/Oak Harbor/Whidbey. It looked like it was very slowly moving south, but turned around and gradually worked its way back northward. I'm no expert, but I've been watching these guys for years, and the behavior was different than I've seen before - it was feeding almost completely still on its side, with part of the body visible above the water along with the tail and pecs. Usually when I see them, they are a little more wiggly and don't expose the body much unless they are diving. I looked for any distinctive markings - there appeared to be a bit of lichen/moss/seaweed type stuff around the blowholes, and there was a large, thin, white diagonal stripe on the torso. -Marianne Parry
Sat, Feb 22 - Possession Sound
11:19 - Gray whale visible from Everett waterfront, beyond Jetty Island. Lots of blows. -Dianne Riter
February 21
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Fri, Feb 21 - Northumberland Channel, BC
10:30 - 11:30 - Southern Resident Orca J-pod passing the western side of Gabriola. Link to FB video. -Erin Baumeister
Fri, Feb 21 - San Juans
11:31 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: KALEETAN Captain reports one gray whale on approach into FHBR, heading North.
Fri, Feb 21 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
17:03 - Another one off West Beach now as well.
16:55 - Viewing from Rosario Head, can see a blow way south, a bit off shore. Guessing off Moran’s. -photos by Trevor Derie, February 21, 2025
Fri, Feb 21 - Saratoga Passage
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sean Riney
Date of Sighting: February 21, 2025
Time: 3:13 PM
Species seen: Gray Whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Bella Beach, Langley, WA
Direction of travel : S
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Fri, Feb 21 - Possession Sound (CRC53 Little Patch, CRC2362 Thidwick, & other)
12:30 - Around Gedney Thidwick is Southeast, Little Patch is northbound on the east side, another is on the southwest side. -Brian McGinn, PSE
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Elisabeth Gonzalez
Date of Sighting: February 20, 2025
Time: 10:40 AM
Species seen: Gray Whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Possession Sound going past the Tulalip marina
Direction of travel : NW
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Fri, Feb 21 - Hammersley Inlet
09:35 - The dolphins are back. Past Libby Point [approx. 47.203513, -123.002842] westbound towards town again. My guess is 6-7 of them active and popping out of the water. -PS Osborne [MCW]
February 20
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Thu, Feb 20 - San Juans (J Pod)
Another look at J-Pod as they made their way south through Cattle Pass. Video by Jason Shields. Link to FB video. -Orca Behavior Institute
17:50 - SRKW on Orcasound Lab hydrophone. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
17:00 - Jpod heading north in Haro Strait. Filmed from 10 Mile Point in Victoria. Link to FB video. -photo by Sarah Ehle, February 20, 2025
10:00 - I’ve got eyes on them about 1/3 of the way down Griffin Bay aiming for Cattle Pass. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
08:51 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:15 to report: 0851hrs: TILLIKUM reports via 800MHz they've spotted and slowed down for a pod of 10-12 orcas located off of Turn Island, heading south.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Thu, Feb 20 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (T41s)
15:20 - Update - still westbound past Lyre River Campground, ID’d as the T41s! -Rachel Rodell [OPWS]
11:00 - Four orcas headed west past Port Angeles dump, should be rounding Angeles Point soon. -Lydia Anderson [OPWS]
Thu, Feb 20 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca (T46Bs & T46D)
13:48 - Traveling west of Protection Island. I believe there were four here, with a juvenile, not on video was an obvious male that followed about a mile behind. -John Trubiano [OPWS]
T46D Strider -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:10 - The mouth of Discovery Bay in front of Cape George. -photo by Darla B Bocca, Feburary 20, 2025
Thu, Feb 20 - South Puget Sound/Colvos Passage (T99s minus T99Bs, T124As, T124A2s, T124A4s, T124Ds, T137s) - One of those days you don’t forget - just wow! Caught up with this super special group of orcas at Southworth as they were leaving the area following an overnight down south of the Narrows. So much activity, lost count of the number of spyhops, tail slaps, breaches, even the young ones were getting into the fun! Link to more photos. -photos by Jennifer Swenson, February 20, 2025
Link to more photos. -photos by April Janice Basham, February 20, 2025
From the Narrows Bridge this morning. Link to more photos. -photos by Janelle Avice McDonald, February 20, 2025
T124A1A & T124A4 Sabio - T124A Kittiwake -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - From the Narrows Bridge. Link to more photos. -photos by Jami Cantrell, February 20, 2025
Amazing pass at Southworth, that got even better when they got behind Blake. There was at least one quadruple spyhop. -photo by Jim Pasola, February 20, 2025
Bigg’s in the Narrows from Gig Harbor viewpoint at Point Defiance Park. Link to more photos. -photos by Jason Cook, February 20, 2025
T124A2B Litton on the left -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -East/northeast of Fox Island. Link to more photos. -photo by Barb Pritchard Hulbert, February 20, 2025
T137D Wright on left -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - Narrows Park to Manchester. Link to more photos. -photos by Mairenn Dumont, February 20, 2025
T99C Barakat & T124A2 Elkugu -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - What a great day! Saw them at Narrows Beach, near Gig Harbor, and again at Olalla. Link to more photos. -photos by Erin Ensign Mock, February 20, 2025
Some of the coolest socializing I have seen in quite awhile. What an incredible group of whales today. Including the T99s (minus B and B1) T124A2s, T124A4s, T124Ds, and T137s and most likely the T124As. This was as they passed Southworth. Link to FB video. Link to more FB videos. -April Janice Basham
From what I can gather they never stopped breaching today, & they were observed for over 25 miles, from nearly dawn till dusk. Link to FB videos. -Melissa Bird
Took several videos in between taking pictures of the beautiful pass we had from Southworth ferry dock and this was one of my favourites! Even the children know all about Jack, which I have to admit is definitely one of my favourites too! Link to FB videos. -Jennifer Swenson
17:35 - A tail slapping party as viewed from Alki Point [video in FB comments]. -Steve Rice
17:33 - From Pomeroy they have moved farther out towards the mouth of Elliott Bay on what appears to be a hunt. Not sure exactly of who but approximately 6-7. Losing light looking across towards Seattle. What an incredible day whale chasing for sure. Look forward to seeing where tomorrow's whale adventures will take us. Have a great night all!
16:46 - From Pomeroy they appear to be headed towards Seattle from the northwest of Blake Island. -April Janice Basham
16:02 - Viewing from. Emma Schmitz viewpoint, seeing blows and splashes just north of Southworth Ferry Terminal, northbound, appear from here to be very close to Kitsap shore. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
15:55 - There is a sizable pod right off the Southworth ferry dock in Colvos Passage right now - appear to be heading north but frolicking in no particular hurry. -Meridith Maikova
15:53 - Passing point Southworth now. Lots of surface activity. Still north bound.
15:41 - Now visible from Point Southworth. Trending north, still south of the point. Lots of east-west travel. Close to the Kitsap side. -Hunter Sasser Oetinger
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Scott Bradbury
Date of Sighting: February 20, 2025
Time: 3:44 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 10
Where seen: Colvos Passage between Vashon Island and Kitsap Pennisula
Direction of travel : North
Behaviors observed: 9 adults and 1 juvenile
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
15:30 - Pod of orcas northbound in Colvos passage close to Kitsap side now approaching Southworth ferry dock. -photos by Tim Ferris, February 20, 2025
15:18 - Passing Driftwood Cove northbound. Should be visible from Southworth soon. -Roxane Jackson Johnson
14:40 - Moving north in Colvos heading toward Southworth. -Allie Stibich
14:44 - Still viewing from Command Point. Moving slowly north.
14:11 - Command Point. -Kathi Salmon
14:00 - They passed a friends house south of Anderson Point and north of Olalla Bay market going northbound midchannel. -Jami Cantrell
13:46 - Seven, grouped up. Traveling slowly but lots of great surface activity. Going north. Spotting from Ollala mid channel. -Nikki Gould
13:40 - Just passed Lisabuela Park on Vashon. -Teri Gage
13:35 - Very beautiful pass, now passing Lisabuela, Barakat and Jack messing around together, lots of tail slaps, earlier all were playing in the wake of the freighter. All loosely and leisurely northbound as they move more towards mid channel. Quick look through pics can see members of T99s, T137s,T124A2s, T124A4s and T124Ds at least. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
13:33 - Viewing from Olalla. Orcas just south of Lisa Buela, close to Vashon side. -Diane Swanson Van Auken
13:24 - Lead group of about 5-6 are within view of Olalla, island side, and milling near the green channel marker. Edit: moving north, surface active with spyhops and breaches! -Mollie Segall
13:06 - Leaders approaching (but still a bit south of) Olalla Bay market Vashon side northbound. -Jami Cantrell
13:04 - Directly across from Point Richmond on the island side. -Stacy Henderson
13:03 - In line with Point Richmond now about to Paradise Cove, island side of channel slowly northbound with lots of directional changes.
12:51 - Stalled out now at same spot, lots of directional changes and surface active.
12:43 - Spread in groups, moving slowly northbound approaching Point Richmond, island side of channel.
12:27 - Seeing blows south of Point Richmond in Colvos, mid to island side of channel, northbound. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sharon Allsup
Date of Sighting: February 20, 2025
Time: 12:28 PM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 8
Where seen: S of Tahlequah, possibly west
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: milling lots of dorsals surfacing in all directions some tail slaps
If orcas, any males?: y
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Saw several dorsals, definitely 8 would guess 10+, one definite adult male possible another. Seen via scope from several miles away just N of Dash Point State Park - from this vantage point they appear to be a bit off the tip of Tahlequah, just E of Colvos Passage entrance or in front of it, N of Gig Harbor entrance (but perspective is everything, this could be wrong). After typing the above I went back to the scope to try and get better reference points and they have moved out of sight
Photos available?: No
12:27 - I saw them about 20 minutes ago going northbound up Colvos. Haven't seen them around the ferry crossing. -Anna Panasiuk Simmons
12:13 - Oh wait, some are still surfacing close to the ferry. The ferry is still stopped right before docking at Vashon. -Chelsea Hershner
12:13 - Seeing leaders well into Colvos almost to Paradise Cove.
12:11 - Look to be committed to Colvos. Breaching their way into the passage mid channel.
12:08 - Look to be continuing northbound but they do keep drifting west. Still haven't entered Colvos so we'll see what they do. -Melissa Bird
12:08 - We see them in front of Owen Beach from Sunrise. Moving in Dalco Passage perhaps toward Quartermaster Harbor. -Jill Freeman
12:00 - Jack doing Jack around noon in Tacoma. -photo by Ryan Dicks, February 20, 2025
12:00 - Viewing from tip of Point Defiance. Looks like they are heading up Colvos. -Paul Davis
11:53 - Definitely headed up into Colvos Passage. Viewing from Gig Harbor old ferry dock just passed 7 Seas Brewery.
11:45 - Looks to be several pods heading in the way of Colvos Passage.
11:26 - Viewing from old ferry landing Gig Harbor seeing them mill and tail slap not quite mid channel close to Gig Harbor side. -Torry Chamberlayne
11:53 - Angling towards Owen Beach right before Sunrise Beach.
11:43 - Should be coming into view from Dune/Owen parking area. Still northbound.
11:38 - Milling at the entrance to the Narrows/off Point Defiance Lighthouse, leaders about mid channel. Looks like everyone angling to meet up in middle, still surface active.
11:23 - Leaders (two bulls) angling for Point Defiance Lighthouse. Others still on Gig Harbor shore.
11:18 - They are in 3 separate groups now & have passed mid point of The Narrows, northbound, still VERY surface active. -Melissa Bird
11:17 - From Gig Harbor viewpoint at Point Defiance. 3-4 surface active mid. 5-6 active on Gig Harbor shoreline. Drifting slowly northbound. -Jason Cook
11:11 - Viewing spouts from Sunrise Beach. They are over along the Gig Harbor side. Moving toward mouth of Gig Harbor. If you were at the old ferry landing now, you'd see them well! -Jill Freeman
11:04 - Approaching Gig Harbor Viewpoint on Gig Harbor side very close to shore. Two bulls one female (Jack & Loon) off that group towards mid channel but still well on Gig Harbor side. Northbound leisurely with LOTS of surface activity. -Melissa Bird
Danielle we watched from our house in the Narrows with binoculars and spotting scope. So amazing! -Carol D Smith
10:49 - Viewing from Point Defiance dog off leash area and they’re north passed Narrows Bridge mid channel to Gig Harbor side. -Andrea Facer
10:48 - Have rounded Point Evans Northbound on Gig Harbor side. -Melissa Bird
10:38 - we saw a lot of activity but for sure it was on the Gig Harbor side. Amazing morning!
10:35 - I am driving, but I just saw orcas swimming just north of the Tacoma Narrows bridge as I was crossing the bridge! They were heading north. -Sandy Hoff
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sandy Hoff
Date of Sighting: February 20, 2025
Time: 10:35 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: It immediately north of the Tacoma Narrows bridge
Direction of travel : NE
Behaviors observed: Traveling together, breaking the surface and going back under
If orcas, any males?: Not sure, I was driving across the bridge and it was hard to keep my eye on them
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
10:23 - Probably my favorite Narrows Bridge pass ever. -Jami Cantrell
10:23 - Still continuing northbound in the Narrows, just north of the bridge. Very spread out and very surface active. If my ID skills are correct, at least some of the T99s are present. -Ashley S Whitman
10:19 - Not much at Titlow. Several Gig Harbor side passing under bridge now. -Tiffany Russell
10:13 - For those of you right on the [Narrows Park] beach [video in FB comments]! -Andrea Facer
10:13 - From Narrows Park [video in FB comments]. -Ashley Fry
10:19 - Incredible pass by Narrows Beach. They are now goofing around under the Bridge from mid span to Gig Harbor side, gently northbound.
10:02 - From Narrows Park… a group of about 7 right off entrance to Hales Passage, surface active, two bulls further out closer to mid channel. Still milling, no clear direction. -Melissa Bird
10:01 - Heading northbound from Point Fosdick, moving towards Tacoma Narrows Park. -Mark Hallman
10:00 - They’re drifting north with the tide but not moving super fast. Still just south of Point Fosdick. Some Gig Harbor side of mid channel some Gig Harbor side. Viewing from the Narrows Bridge. -Jami Cantrell
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: David Estroff
Date of Sighting: February 20, 2025
Time: 9:51 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: Between Fox Island fishing pier and Point Fosdick
Direction of travel : NE, slowly
Behaviors observed: Initially in 1 group when spotted by Fox Island, gradually separated. Several breaches on Fox Island side of channel
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Same group of 7 to 8 orcas travelled slowly from NE end of Fox Island at 0915 northbound past Point Fosdick- several breaches by Fox Island. 1 large male, several small juveniles in group. Passing Pt Fosdick at 0940.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
T137A Jack
09:15 - 09:40 - Same group of 7 to 8 orcas travelled slowly from northeast end of Fox Island at 09:15 northbound past Point Fosdick - several breaches by Fox Island. One large male, several small juveniles in group. Passing Point Fosdick at 09:40. -photos by David Estroff, February 20, 2025
09:54 - Main group has committed north at this time, heading towards Narrows bridge.
09:42 - Main group is continuing to head north towards Narrows, clearing the entry to Hale Passage, but several direction changes across the rest of the group (some spread out several hundred yards further south). Waiting to see if they split up or maintain northbound direction towards Narrows.
09:29 - Seeing multiple orcas moving north between Day Island and Fox Island, closer to Day. -James Rempt
09:41 - Viewing from the Narrows Bridge whales on Gig Harbor side some heading north and some still milling at the entrance to Hales. Edit: all seem to be milling no clear direction. -Jami Cantrell
09:41 - Still milling between Day, Fox, and Fosdick. Closer to the Narrows than Hale! BIG groups! -Danielle Vance
09:30 - Point Fosdick now. Seem to be heading toward the Narrows. -Paul Page
09:11 - Another one just went by - I actually could see it underwater [videos in FB comments].
09:03 - Headed towards Bella Bella Beach end of Fox Island. Looks like multiple groups. I can still hear them but can’t see anymore and I’m about 1/4 mile down from fishing pier. -Laura Jenkins Beste
08:54 - Appear to be heading into Hale Passage.
08:53 - Four to five orcas milling at dropped pin [approx. 47.248015, -122.579091], multiple direction changes, watching from Wollochet Bay. -Kimberly Wenner
08:40 - Big pod of orca just north of Fox Island pier. -Paul Page
08:35 - Two orcas in front and now maybe five or more on the Fox Island side passing by!
08:30 - Orcas across from Fox Island pier, middle of channel, slowly heading north. -Patti LaRue Warr
Thu, Feb 20 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca (CRC2557 & other)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Justin Kenderes
Date of Sighting: February 20, 2025
Time: 3:10 PM
Species seen: Gray I think, had a flat, dark back with minimal fin
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: 48.402210, -122.674256 (1 mi. W of Deception Pass bridge.)
Direction of travel : NE
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Date: 2/20/25
Time: 3:00 pm
Type of whale: Grey (I think)
Number of whales: 1
Location of whale(s) – Just west of Deception Pass (48.402562, -122.671513)
Direction of travel - NE
Speed of travel: seemed slow, but I'm not an expert -photos by Justin Kenderes, February 20, 2025
15:08 - Whale at Deception Pass. Research boat there. -phoots by Dallas Braham, February 20, 2025
15:40 - Gray whale moved north and is currently behind Deception Island. It keeps milling north to south a bit. Feeding behavior. Not travel mode.
14:53 - At least one gray whale (I believe the one that was mentioned emaciated) is northeast bound at my map spot [approx. 48.404180, -122.672912], could be headed into the pass area, waiting for next surface to be certain.
13:54 - Viewing from Deception Pass Park to the south. Right around Moran Beach still with whales milling and feeding. No north or south travel, maybe a bit more west-ish, that could be them just feeding.
13:05 - Moving to Deception Park both whales are slowly northbound one more than the other.. will update when I get eyes on them again.
12:36 - Moran Beach, both whales have decided to mill north a bit, still in feeding mode.
12:13 - From Moran County Park. They both seem to be trending a bit more south now. Both pretty close together. Still in feeding mode vs travel mode I'd say.
11:41 - Two gray whales present both seem to be feeding leisurely, from Moran Beach.
11:01 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca/Moran Beach, gray whale leisurely southbound. 100-150 yards off shore. There are possibly 3 grays out here, I've seen at least 2. -Kevin Phillips
11:43 - Two grays continue to mill of Moran Beach County Park. Sadly, one is very emaciated. One of the whales out there today was CRC2557. This whale was also documented by Captain Tyson of Island Adventures on February 17 in the same vicinity. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Thu, Feb 20 - Port Susan (CRC22 Earhart)
10:23 - Two whales [grays - includes CRC22 Earhart] in front of our house today just north of Kayak Point, eating their way to Warm Beach. -Rosita Sotelo Coleman-Wischmeyer [PSWW]
Thu, Feb 20 - Crescent Harbor
09:44 - I have a baleen blow here [outer Crescent Harbor, approx 48.262518, -122.576978]. -Sarah Geist
Thu, Feb 20 - Hammersley Inlet
09:37 - There is a large group of dolphins just past Libby point heading towards town, westbound now. They are jumping out of the water!!! -PS Osborne [MCW]
February 19
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Wed, Feb 19 - Prince William Sound, AK (T109A2s) - T109A2B Macoah -ID by Melisa Pinnow - Ran across a pod of cows and calves today near Rocky Point, PWS. They would do head stands and just stall there. Not diving just doing head stands for a prolonged period. Water depth was about 40'-50' right near a charted rock. -photos by Mike Weber, February 19, 2025
Wed, Feb 19 - South Puget Sound (T99s minus T99Bs & T137s) - T99C Barakat - T137D Wright -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - As Bigg’s made their way through the rough waters of the Tacoma Narrows. Link to more photos. -photos by Jason Cook, February 19, 2025
T99C Barakat, T99E Qwiin qwiin oo qwii la, T99 Bella, T99D Puck -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - West side of Fox Island. Link to more photos. -photo by Jolena Tagg, February 19, 2025
T137 Loon & T137A Jack - Just as the orca rounded McNeil and headed toward Anderson, the clouds parted, the sun came out, a rainbow appeared and the T137s and T99s came into view, headed our way. It was a lovely hour or so. As they passed our last public viewpoint on the east side, the clouds rolled back in and a drizzle began. Serendipity! Link to more photos. -photos & IDs by Belen Bilgic Schneider, February 19, 2025
T137A Jack - From the Fox Island Pier as several pods made their way south. So great to see my favourite male, Jack, again even if briefly! Link to more photos. -photo by Jennifer Swenson, February 19, 2025
17:23 - I see three mid channel between Johnson Point and Taylor Bay heading north. -Joan Ahre
17:17 - Looking south towards Tolmie from Joemma State Park, they are passing Devils Head, heading towards Case Inlet at the moment. Probably mid channel, no numbers just yet. -April Janice Basham
16:50 - Group of ~6 heading northwest out of Nisqually toward Case [approx. 47.165331, -122.766227]. -Steve Gardner
15:40 - Seeing orcas from Luhr Beach Nisqually Nature center. -Paul Davis
15:04 - Two groups of 5 and 3 southbound between Ketron and Anderson Island just south of Ketron now. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
14:57 - Heading south on east side of Anderson. -Steve Gardner
14:48 - Definitely three ot five headed south between Ketron and Anderson Island - headed to the next viewing spot. There may be more still in mid water though.
14:45 - Three groups (3, 3, 1-2) sodas out southbound now south of the Anderson Island ferry dock but not yet committed to east side. Jack (T137A) is with them.
14:26 - Heading south west toward Anderson Island along McNeil. Looks like they will go into Balch Passage on the north side on Anderson Island. At least three. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
14:37 - Viewing from Steilacoom. They are near Lee Anderson Island ferry terminal; they should be visible from there. -Ben Bird
14:11 - Watching the T99s at the southeast tip of McNeil making their way south towards Ketron. Grouped up tight and hugging McNeil. They are out of our sight from west Fox Island. -Candace Gavin
13:50 - Directly out from Kamus, mid channel, southbound.
13:40 - Looks like 99Cs are coming south in Carr, visible from Kamus, middle channel. -Jolena Tagg
11:45 - For what it's worth, I did get a second hand report around 114:45 from the Anderson Island ferry deckhand that he saw orca just north of Ketron, so it's possible that a few split off from this first group and snuck past us. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
12:35 - We’ve lost sight of group of four leisurely heading north up west side of Fox Island from Kamus. Looked like T99C was in this group. -Jolena Tagg
12:31 - I think we have two groups here... one right off Day Island, one closer to mid channel passing Hidden Beach/Titlow. -Melissa Bird
12:25 - A friend reports that they’re in front of Kamus on Kamus side still going up Carr. -Jami Cantrell
12:25 - This first initial group that passed FI pier is now being seen off west wall. -Claire Zellmer
12:16 - Seeing two whales at Saltars, heading south. -Allison Aasen
12:03 - Some of group one hanging out just off the southeast point of Fox Island. -Melissa Bird
12:01 - We are seeing them from Pioneer Orchard Park which is better than Salters right now and just a mile north. -Paul Davis
12:00 - From the Fox Island pier I see T99C headed north up Carr Inlet. I would assume that's where the others are. He was trailing. -April Janice Basham
11:34 - Some have passed Fox Island Pier, some still passing. Southbound all across channel. At least four separate groups now. -Melissa Bird
11:34 - Lots of whales passing in small groups in front of the Fox Island Pier. All are southbound. All are spread from mid channel to Tacoma side. Long down times. Includes T99C and T137A. -Candace Gavin
11:33 - I am viewing them from Pioneer Orchard Park in Steilacoom. They are about mid channel near Fox Island pier. -Paul Davis
11:26 - Viewing from Fox Island pier! -Andrea Facer
11:22 - From Lemon Beach, across from Fox Island bridge. Heading south on Tacoma side. -Rich Kuras
11:17 - Narrows groups ... one off Day Island southbound... one off Point Fosdick area southbound. -Melissa Bird
11:12 - Two groups spread out south of Titlow no longer visible from Titlow. -Rebecca Goss
10:51 - One group mid under the Narrows bridge another group Gig Harbor side. -Jason Cook
10:42 - From Fox Island Pier. Can see multiple blows and fins under the Narrows Bridge still southbound by the pillars on the Gig Harbor side. -Candace Gavin
10:40 - Visible from Titlow just south of Narrows bridge on Gig Harbor side. -James Rempt
10:38 - Two groups at Narrows bridge moving south. One group middle channel other Gig Harbor side. -Susan White
10:35 - First group cut over a bit east seeing them east of the Gig Harbor side pillars of bridge - the second group trailing them closer to Gig Harbor side.
10:31 - Visible from Titlow - still north of the bridge. -Jennifer Claire Egenolf
10:29 - Seeing them from Narrows Park close to Gig Harbor side! Lots of birds above them approaching bridge. -Andrea Facer
10:27 - Visible from Narrows, north of bridge, travel still southbound. -Ashley S Whitman
10:21 - Both groups on Gig Harbor side close up at Point Evans, Southbound. At least four in each group. Trailers aren't far behind.
10:13 - Mid channel group is steady southbound coming up on Point Evans.
10:04 - Seeing a group mid channel again, off Point Defiance Lighthouse area. Direction unknown.
10:01 - At least 5 just south of Point Defiance Lighthouse close to Tacoma side, looks to be hunting, lots of surfaces activity. Haven't seen the mid channel group since I first spotted them, maybe they joined this group. There was a large bull in first group. -Melissa Bird
09:54 - See three off of Point Defiance heading south. -April Koller
09:52 - South of Point Defiance mid channel southbound. -Melissa Bird
09:48 - Can still see one male right past the tip of Point Defiance. Very close. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
09:39 - Near Point Defiance, long downtimes. Heading south toward bridge. -Janelle Avice McDonald
09:27 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:33 to report: 0927hrs: Vessel CHETZEMOKA reports a pod of 12 orcas located 1/2 mile from the TAHL terminal, heading westbound.
09:26 - They just passed through the ferry lanes on the south end of Vashon headed west.
09:25- Orcas are in the Tahlequah/Point Defiance ferry lanes southbound. Three smaller groups - maybe 10 or so? -Amy Carey, Sound Action
08:55 - Just off the southern tip of Maury.
08:50 - Two spotted midchannel near Dash Point. Can’t tell but one may be a calf. Headed south. -Reid Christopher Newlin
08:22- I just got a message of two orcas off of Gold Beach. Sounds like they might be hunting. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
Wed, Feb 19 - South Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - T124D Field -ID by Rachel Haight Orca, Network - From the Fox Island Pier as several pods made their way south. Link to more photos. -photo by Jennifer Swenson, February 19, 2025
T124D4, T124D Field, T124D3 -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - West side of Fox Island. Link to more photos. -photo by Jolena Tagg, February 19, 2025
16:30 - Several orca putting on a good show after a kill perhaps? Just off Horsehead on west side as seen from Kopachuck area. -Michael Rodenbaugh
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Erik Jurgensen
Date of Sighting: February 19, 2025
Time: 4:00 PM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: [47.301744, -122.712819 (1 mi. W of Kopachuk St. Pk)]
Direction of travel : heading south
Behaviors observed: hunting, possibly training a calf/youth
If orcas, any males?: not sure, looking through binoculars
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: juvenile seemed to be working closely with a larger adult
Photos available?: No
13:36 - This pod is now on the west side of Fox Island about mid way headed north towards Bella Bella Beach. Mid channel to Fox Island side. -Candace Gavin
13:20 - Today was the day, I actually got to see them from shore, so excited! I know they are not great, but for me they are, I am so thrilled. Taken from Fox Island fishing point about 6 of them. -Sally Keasler
12:58 - The trailing group the 124A2s and 124Ds are present and they’re just passed the pier crossing over towards Carr Inlet. -Jami Cantrell
12:53 - A two to three just swimming along mid channel between Fox Island Pier and University Place. Easy to miss. -Mary Davis Pubols
12:44 - At least four passing Fox Island Fishing Pier. Tacoma side southbound. Chambers is up next.
12:31 - I think we have two groups here… one right off Day Island, one closer to mid channel passing Hidden Beach/Titlow.
12:24 - Southbound coming up on Day Island close to Tacoma side. -Melissa Bird
12:30 - Seeing them heading southbound closer to Tacoma side but not terribly far. It’s getting a little grey out. Viewing from Fox Island pier. -Andrea Facer
12:12 - One of the little ones looks orangish, they should pass Fox Pier closely soon.
12:09 - Southbound, closer to Gig Harbor side coming into Titlow. -Tiffany Russell
12:04 - Mid channel south of Narrows.
11:58 - Second group southbound Tacoma side passing under Narrows bridge. -Ben Shanafelt
11:56 - Group two has passed Narrows Bridge southbound mid span-ish. -Melissa Bird
11:59 - Looks like they have gone under the bridge mid channel.
11:45 - This group is a mile from Narrows bridge headed south mid channel. -Susan White
11:06 - Moving fast but heading towards Narrows Bridge.
10:48 - At Owen Beach and a small group swam by. -Keith Danziger
10:30 - Or long downtimes. As soon as we saw them they were gone. Five at least.
10:28 - A few just passed Ruston. Now near Quartermaster? towards Vashon/Point Defiance. -Tiffany Russell
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Crimzon Heinrich
Date of Sighting: February 19, 2025
Time: 10:15 AM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: 47.275970 / -122.468887 (Commencement Bay)
Direction of travel : NW
Behaviors observed: Traveling and possibly hunting for seals
If orcas, any males?: Possibly a female and her calf
Any unusual markings?: NA
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Commencement Bay headed NW toward Point Ruston/Point Defiance Park. Our office is located at 47.275970 / -122.468887 and they passed right across from our office. My coworker took a video, I will try to send it.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
07:45 - Just spotted a pod right off of Des Moines marina. About six individuals, one bull, southbound. -Duncan Cole
Wed, Feb 19 - San Juans
07:04 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:10 to report: 0704hrs: Vessel CHELAN reports via 800 MHZ they spotted a single humpback whale in the vicinity of Leo Reef (NW of Lopez Is.). Whale was spotted then dove. No direction of travel available.
Wed, Feb 19 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Julie McCleery
Date of Sighting: February 19, 2025
Time: 4:30 PM
Species seen: [probable grays]
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Between Deception Pass and NAS Whidbey
Direction of travel : Back & forth slowly N/S
Behaviors observed: Fishing, diving
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Wed, Feb 19 - Upper Saratoga Passage
I’m watching a gray close to shore here at the south end of Mariners Cove/Oak Harbor/Whidbey. It’s moving south toward Polnell Point, but doesn’t seem to be in a big hurry. With the big wave action out there at the moment, it was just dumb luck to see it at all. -Marianne Parry
Wed, Feb 19 - Possession Sound
12:30 - There are two grays between Gedney [Hat Island] and the delta. -Brian McGinn, PSE
February 18
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Tue, Feb 18 - Saratoga Passage (T46Bs, T46D, T99s, T124As, probable T124A4s, T124A2s, T124Ds, T137s)
16:45 - Southbound midchannel nearing Bells Beach area. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:30 - Today south end of Camano Island State Park at entrance to Elger Bay.
16:21 - As part of the pod was passing Camano Island State Park southbound. -back of camera by Krista Paulino, February 18, 2025
Male orcas are T137A Jack & T99C Barakat -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:00 - From Camano State Park [videos in FB comments].
15:58 - North end of Camano State Park. Camano side. -photo by Thomas McKane, February 18, 2025
15:58 - They are out from Camano State Park still headed south. -Conner Helms
15:27 - Approaching Cama Beach. From the north, still southbound, mid to Camano side, viewing from Hidden Beach. -Kevin Phillips
15:20 - Approx here southbound [48.144288, -122.534944 (1 mi. W of Cama Beach)]. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:15 - Starting to see orca blows from Camano Island State Park. -Linda Aitkins
15:08 - They're [orcas] back! -David Spencer
15:00 - Heading south about a mile north of Cama. -Aaron Gill
15:15 - They’ve moved over to the Whidbey side more now.
15:01 - At Hidden Beach.
14:58 - Approaching Hidden Beach.
14:45 - [approx. 48.157250, -122.541842]. -Thomas McKane
14:27 - Large group moving south mid channel a bit closer to Whidbey. Just passed Onamac Point. -Marie Heil
14:15 - So many calves/juveniles! Still southbound midchannel approx. three miles north of Hidden Beach.
13:20 - Now southbound south of Harrington Lagoon. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:58 - Just saw three near Harrington Lagoon. -Jeff Johnson
12:48 - Starting to move towards mid channel but still trending north.
12:44 - I can see them through binoculars still trending north of Race Lagoon. Viewing from Woodland Beach bluff, Camano. -Krista Paulino
12:20 - Slow trend north just north past Race Lagoon Whidbey side of channel. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:31 - Heading north again mid channel. Just south of Onamac Point. -Marie Heil
12:00 - From my line of sight (from Whidbey - slightly northwest of Onomac), it looks like they're passing Onamac, mid-channel, slowly northbound.
11:33 - Perhaps heading north again, once again towards Onamac. -Jill Hein
11:52 - They've been continuing to trend north very slowly right now.
11:41 - T46D present T137A & T99C also present. So many females and littles.
11:32 - They are slow trend north but Whidbey side of mid now, can see naked eye now, still south of Race Lagoon.
11:30 - They are in rest mode.
11:28 - They are mostly all grouped up, calves playful, slow trend north south of Race Lagoon.
11:24 - Possibly stalled/directional changes south of Race Lagoon.
11:15 - They have flipped southbound. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:50 - I finally found them in the haze - way over on Camano side, slowly northbound - from my line of sight, about a half mile south of Onomac. -Jill Hein
10:15 - From my view point looking south I can see lots of surface activity continued northbound. Mid to Camano side as far as I can tell. If I had to guess I'd say nearing Onomac Point. -Kevin Phillips
10:01 - Northbound near Indian Beach, Camano, Camano side. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:55 - Looks like they might be moving more deliberately north now.
09:48 - Moving back-and-forth in the same area, just north of Cama Beach.
09:15 - Just north of Cama.
09:10 - I saw some heading south towards the group that we’re heading north. Not sure if it’s the same bunch or not.
09:00 - Heading north off Camano. They are two to three miles away from me, but I can hear them clearly almost to Cama Beach . -Aaron Gill
09:24 - 8 [orcas] off Cama Beach State Park! Little one breaching. -David Spencer
09:02 - Passed Cama, mid channel. There are eight to ten or more? Lots of breaching along the way. -Susan John
08:53 - There's at least two males, 10+, slight trend west as they move steady north, line of sight passing Cama State Park.
08:50 - Viewing from Hidden Beach, there's a lot of whales out there. Northbound, surface active, Camano side of mid. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
08:28 - Orca off of Camano Island State Park, northbound. -Susan John
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Melissa Montoya
Date of Sighting: February 18, 2025
Time: 7:50 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 7
Where seen: Past Fox Spit point on Langley between Langley and Camano
Direction of travel : N through Saratoga Pass, playful/leisurely pace
Behaviors observed: Playful, spraying, breaching, tail slapping
If orcas, any males?: Unknown possibly 1
Any unusual markings?: Unknown
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Tue, Feb 18 - Saratoga Passage
13:45 - Gray whale northbound off Bell’s Beach [video in FB comments]. -Francie L Dailer
Tue, Feb 18 - Saratoga Passage
14:45 - Gray whale in front of Summerland, can't tell direction it’s traveling. -Peg Boley [CWW]
February 17
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Feb 17 - Haro Strait/Active Pass, BC (J Pod) - Jpod passing in the dark. It was a beautiful calm night to sit outside and wait to hear if Jpod would take Active Pass tonight after being seen northbound off of San Juan Island earlier in the day. Fortunately they did, in between ferries allowing the sound of their blows be extremely loud! Link to Youtube video. -Salish Sea Orca Squad
14:22 - Main group southwest of Henry Island moving north. -Shine Sanderson [WSSJI]
14:18 - They rounded the corner (Kellet Bluff, Henry Island) out of camera sight. -Kevin Phillips
14:11 - Js still visible on Lime Kiln webcam, north of Lime Kiln, slowly northbound. -Orca Network
13:11 - Wow all those dorsals up at once, beautiful. -Kevin Phillips
12:58 - At least 10 visible now, still northbound!
12:42 - At least 5 orcas including large male, northbound.
12:39 - Still visible on webcam. -Orca Network
12:27 - Orcas on Lime Kiln webcam. -Mike N Juleen O'Dell
12:10 - J Pod moving north up Haro. Mid channel. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Feb 17 - Bellingham Bay (T19s)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Megan Reed
Date of Sighting: February 17, 2025
Time: 3:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Bellingham Bay
Direction of travel : ESE
Behaviors observed: milling
If orcas, any males?: 2
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to - Male is T19B Galiano -ID by Orca Network -photos by Megan Reed, February 17, 2025
Mon, Feb 17 - Port Susan (T46Bs & T46D)
17:35 - After they had stalled for sooooo long, they now have resumed north passing Fox Spit but we are losing light. Northbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
17:17 - The whales have stalled at East Point. Milling for the last 30 minutes. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
17:05 - Spotting several of them south of Bells Beach on Whidbey side northbound.
16:50 - Spotted at least one big male out in front of the green buoy by Whidbey. Viewing from Camano Island State Park. Lots of surface activity. Looks northbound. -Shelly Greybeck
16:22 - One nearly Langley. -Susan John
16:20 - Viewing from Village Pizzeria in Langley. Between Summerland and Mabana Shores, Cam side of mid channel northbound moving fast. -Marilyn Armbruster
16:04 - Still viewing from Sandy Point. whales are Camano side of mid, just passed Pebble Beach. Still headed north.
15:55 - They are headed up Saratoga!
15:51 - Headed back north at least five whales. There are littles and a big male. All headed back towards Port Susan at the moment.
15:45 - Whales are mid channel headed south. Viewing from Sandy Point. too far for ID -Cindi Crowder Rausch
15:12 - Continuing southbound and have passed Tyee. Mid channel. -Charvet Drucker
14:30 - We got a cartwheel during the southbound pass, around Kayak Point. -photo by Susan John, February 17, 2025
14:54 - All three joined up again. Southbound at Camano Head.
14:38 - Male southbound between McKees and south of Tyee.
14:07 - Now southbound between Kayak Point and Port Susan Terrace. Tillicum Beach is next public viewing on Camano.
13:59 - Southbound between Kayak Point and Mountain View
13:53 - Still mid-channel off Kayak. One male.
13:26 - A bit of milling back and forth around CC1.
13:15 - Two northbound at CC1.
13:08 - Moved slightly southbound, at CC3.
13:01 - Spread out in area between CC1 and CC2. Still hunting behavior.
12:54 - On a hunt at Country Club 2, on Camano Island. Milling in the area, spread out. No direction.
12:27 - Seeing them from Kayak Point Pier straight out toward Mountain View. Mid-channel. Three in view -Linda Raines Tyner
12:10 - Orca mid Tillicum [Beach] southbound.
11:08 - Orca mid McKee's [Beach] northbound. -Susan [PSWW]
Mon, Feb 17 - Central Puget Sound (T99s, T124As, T124A4s, T137s) - T124A1A - T124A4 Sabio & T124A7 -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - Orcas seen off of Alki on Monday. Link to more photos. -photos by Ben Shanafelt, February 17, 2025
16:35 - Continuing northbound between Lincoln Park (viewpoint) and Blake. Closer to Blake side of mid channel. -Beriah SoOrio
16:35 - Looking toward Vashon ferry dock from Emma Schmitz Park. -Steve Rice
16:15 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Cathlamet report pod about 1 ½ miles North of VASHON.
16:06 - Spouts still close to shore in Vashon just north of Dolphin Point, looking across from Constellation.
15:57 - Seeing spouting stalled at Dolphin Point. -Sky Bintliff
15:59 - They’re coming up to the ferry line between Vashon and Fauntleroy. -photo by Dallas Braham, February 17, 2025
15:52 - Ok, at least 5, northbound.
15:51 - Just finally saw some blows south of Vashon ferry dock. No apparent direction. Could only glimpse 1 dorsal (male?), maybe 2 other blows. I'll keep looking and will report. -Trileigh Tucker
15:58 - Moseying northbound right in front of Vashon terminal. Tail slaps and blows. Viewing from Lincoln bunched back up, six to eight.
15:36 - Northbound approaching Vashon ferry terminal Vashon side. One group 50 yards ahead of other. Viewing from ferry pulling into Fauntleroy. -Beriah SoOrio
15:47 - Saw them from Lincoln Park Beach - hard to see them with the naked eye, but with my phone zoomed in 15x I saw some spouts and tail flips closer to Vashon island. They looked to be heading northbound but hard to tell. -Mary Claire
15:27 - Can see them from the north Vashon ferry terminal some are trending northeast and some look to be on a hunt, lots of tail slaps. -Lyndsey Carter
15:00 - Pushing offshore now, moving east/northeast out from just south of Dolphin Point.
14:51 - Seeing a group northbound out from glen acres approaching Dolphin Point very close in to island side.
14:54 - Some directional changes now and surface activity, may be on a hunt, hard to tell, tough to see in the fog. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
15:15 - A bit of surface activity. Appears to be hunting. Traveling further north from North Glen Acres (Vashon).
14:55 - Pod is in front of Glen Acres on Vashon. Traveling north. There’s a boat that was way too close to them but has started to hang back a little bit -Lo Selby
14:45 - Still northbound between Dilworth and north end of Vashon. Split in two groups at the moment. Viewing from Three Tree Point (as the rain approaches). -Steve Rice
14:17 - Still a group right up against the island shore, just south of Dilworth Point. Viewing from Maury. Direction unknown. -Mark McGough
14:10 - Slowly moving north, still on Island side. As viewed from Three Tree Point.
14:25 - Just south of the radio towers by Dilworth. -Steve Rice
13:45 - Seeing them from Seahurst neighborhood - well north of the yellow channel marker, very close to Vashon. -Susan Plecko
13:44 - Groups are very near each other now. Leading group had/is stalled with some breaching and bird activity. Viewing from north side of Three Tree looking mostly west.
13:50 - It seems the groups have converged, though I can’t say with certainty. Still milling, some breaches, spyhops.
13:22 - Appear to be split into two groups. Leading group with a large male. Both are mid or west of mid channel, southbound. Trailing group not far behind, though I haven’t had eyes on them in a while. Edit: I may have my group descriptions reversed.
13:00 - Visible from Three Tree Point in binoculars (still a good ways north). -Steve Rice
12:54 - Still southbound east of mid. Viewing from ferry to Vashon. Too far to determine landmarks. -Beriah SoOrio
12:37 - Spied them when we were getting off the boat. Now south of the ferry lanes, heading down East Passage, mainland side. -Ellen Weir
12:33 - Whales are head south by [Lowman] Beach. -photo by Sue Irvin, February 17, 2025
12:30 - Visible from Lincoln Park! Southbound looks like they are headed toward the East Passage. Vashon be in the look out! -Hannah Marie Munro
12:30 - Just saw them from the ferry from Vashon to Fauntleroy approaching the ferry lanes from the north, they have probably passed behind the ferry now but I had to go back down to the car. Saw what looked like 8-10 grouped up with one male, steady southbound. -Ellen Weir
12:30 - Spotted from Lincoln Park next to Vashon ferry. -Nicole Parra
12:28 - In front of the Fauntleroy ferry dock. At least four orcas. -Timothy
12:27 - Visible naked eye approaching Fauntleroy Vashon ferry lanes. Viewing from ferry line. -Beriah SoOrio
12:27 - From Lincoln Park today! My first sighting - really cool and all thanks to this page! Thank you all for the updates! -Nicole Parra
12:18 - Viewing them from Lincoln Park. Right in front of us. -Paul Davis
12:14 - Still visible from Constellation Park heading closer to Vashon. -Nicole Parra
12:10 - Southbound mid channel trending to east side of Vashon. Viewing to south from Emma Schmitz.
11:51 - Milling southwest of Constellation Park possibly on a kill. On a kill for certain. -Beriah SoOrio
11:36 - About five minutes ago off of Alki. They are heading south fast. -Maureen Valentine
11:35 - Two groups passed close by Constellation. First group of four no big males. Trailing group of three one big male. Still milling north of Vashon ferry lane. -Mary Hartmann
11:35 - Westbound at Alki and 63rd. -photos by Kathleen Fife, February 17, 2025
11:38 - Heading west fast off Alki shore! -Josh Walther
11:42 - Now they are headed towards Lincoln Park viewing from Constellation Park.
11:16 - Visible from Alki very close to shore! -Hannah Marie Munro
T124A4 Sabio - T124A Kittiwake -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
11:19 - Orcas rounding Duwamish Head toward lighthouse off Alki. -photos by Robin Sinner, February 17, 2025
11:16 - 25 yards offshore, southbound for Alki.
11:10 - Five off Alki Point pier, by bow of cargo ship. -Ben Shanafelt
11:10 - I'm on the West Seattle Water Taxi and seeing ~4 orcas westbound heading from the ship at anchor towards the Duwamish Head day marker. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Chloe Swanson
Date of Sighting: February 17, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Along ferry route between Bainbridge Island and Seattle
Direction of travel : E & moderate pace
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: 1
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
10:44 - J. Called to report 3-5 orcas eastbound in Elliot Bay passing the Elliot Bay marina & grain terminal.
10:40 - Resighted at 10:35 near Elliott Bay Marina heading east, then now near the grain terminal heading back west there were 3 together and 2 about 100 meter further offshore at the 10:20 sighting. -Sasha Ertl
10:20 - Viewing from Magnolia a group just appeared southbound and we lost them in the fog mid-sound. They seemed to be heading towards Alki - at least 3 orcas in this group. But visibility was tough. Long downtimes and moving quick. -Kas Alexis
10:07- 3 orcas reported southbound off Rolling Bay, Bainbridge. -WA App
From: Chris Smith
Date and time of sighting - Feb 17 2025 @ 7:58 am
Type of animal (or best guess) I believe they were orcas and not porpoises based off their size in relation to where my office window is (About 200 yards to the beach) and they were an additional 100 yards off shore.
Number of animals (how many do you see?) 3-4
Direction of travel (which way are they going?) I saw them in this circle area [approx. 47.772717, -122.471087] and they were headed towards Seattle
Behaviors (what are they doing?) Just swimming at surface and going down/ up again, and one or two of them misted water up. Unfortunately no photos as I was on the phone and very excited.
Mon, Feb 17 - Elliot Bay (T124A2s & T124Ds)
09:38 - More west than south currently, not traveling too fast I don’t think.
09:36 - Southwest coming around Alki Point shortly.
09:34 - Pretty close! Just came up again, very close to Alki Point. Near a boat all heading west.
09:23 - Spotted from West Seattle. Not yet to Alki Point but close, heading west. -Josh Walther
Middle orca is T124A2 Elkugu -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:30 - We took this picture from Alki. Pretty awesome. We saw 7 whales, including a calf. We were told they are members from the T pod. -photo by Sandra Luehr Mathews, February 17, 2025
09:20 - The early first group off Alki this morning from 63rd and Alki. -photos by Robin Sinner, February 17, 2025
08:50 - Second hand report we have orcas westbound Elliott Bay. -April Janice Basham
08:30 - Orcas off Seattle ferry by cranes in Elliott Bay [Central Puget Sound]. Five hunting orcas reported by ferry captain and seen on deck. No photos too foggy. -Chris George [PSWS]
Mon, Feb 17 - Pickering Passage
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Mark Severson
Date of Sighting: February 17, 2025
Time: 12:00 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Pickering Passage
Direction of travel : North 6knts
Behaviors observed: Mark traveling
If orcas, any males?: 3 ft
Any unusual markings?: Don't know
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Transient single male traveling mid passage then sounded in front of Latimer's landing and disappeared. We enjoy an unencumbered view of Pickering passage from Harstine bridge to Grapeview and beyond with the calm water of today he was easy to spot .also noticed 4 sealions trailing him, I doubt they are friends.
Mon, Feb 17 - Rosario Strait
15:30 - I believe we had a humpback sighting! West side of Fidalgo Island just north of Rosario Point. Link to more photos. -photos by Lexi Scott, February 17, 2025
February 16
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sun, Feb 16 - Possession Sound (T46D & T46Bs join T124A2s & T124Ds) - T46D Strider - T124D4 - Possession Sound. Link to more photos. -photos & IDs by Cindi Crowder Rausch, February 16, 2025
Synchro show from Mukilteo! -photo by Robin Griffin, February 16, 2025
17:02 - Been watching them in the distance from Sandy Point on Whidbey. Southbound and looks like they will be passing east of Hat Island. -Jorge L. Baron
16:50 - Last update, southbound towards Hat Island, maybe 1/2-1 mile north?
16:45 - Appear to be southbound again from same area as before. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
16:26 - Caught up to them off of Tulalip. They’re north of Hat Island and are milling - lots of surface activity and directional changes. -Kas Alexis
16:00 - Trending east as they go north, slow, surface active [approx. 47.95857, -122.32659 (btw Mukilteo and Clinton)].
15:32 - T46D red pin approx [48.01623, -122.349783 (btw N Hat Isl and Whidbey Is.)] northeastbound. Rest at blue circle [approx. 48.005113, -122.358651]. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
15:00 - Whales continuing north between Hat and Whidbey. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
14:55 - Northbound passing Brighton Beach close to Whidbey side. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:45 - Epic surface activity continues as this lovely group of orcas continue north probably out from Brighton Beach north of Clinton.
14:34 - Non-stop breach, tail lob, spyhop fest. Epic.
14:25 - After coming together and much activity now moving north. They’ve drifted west, now more in Whidbey side of mid. Still very surface active as they make progress north just south of and approaching out from Clinton terminal (sightline from Mukilteo). -Alisa Lemire Brooks
14:30 - Clinton ferry a large group of orcas headed north and west across Possession Sound towards Hat Island/up towards Langley. A small boat behind them. -Catherine Hillenbrand
14:26 - All northwesterly now passing Clinton ferry terminal. Viewing from Mukilteo lighthouse. West side. -Beriah SoOrio
14:15 - Just south of ferry right now on east side. -Terri Sue Samuels
14:07 - [T46Bs, T46D, T124A2s, T124Ds] groups have met up south of westbound ferry lanes, it’s quite wonderful.
14:03 - Orcas meeting up middle ferry lanes east of mid channel! Both groups very surface active. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:57 - Southwesterly between Mukilteo Lighthouse approaching Clinton lanes breaching. -Beriah SoOrio
13:59 - 46Bs and Strider group angling northeast. Imagine meet up soon.
13:55 - Thanks to chat with Rachel just laid eyes on Strider about quarter mile south of houses at Columbia Beach heading northbound on Whidbey side. Meanwhile, this lead group (make up is good match for 124A2s and 124Ds) are stalled off Mukilteo and quite surface active. Presumably on a hunt in ferry lanes east side. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:50 - [T124A2s & T124Ds] northwest of Mukilteo lighthouse milling but facing west at the moment. -Beriah SoOrio
13:48 - T46D adding a plot twist! -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:47 - We think we counted four of them playing around or fishing in between Hat Island and Clinton! -Annie Branham
13:45 - This group woke up and are currently out from the point at Mukilteo lighthouse in the ferry lanes making directional changes about mile offshore [approx. 47.958843, -122.313383]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:43 - T46D right offshore at Glendale! T46B2s present. Edit: this was all of the 46Bs (no B1s) & T46D. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:35 - Saw them from Mukilteo Clinton ferry. Closer to Muk, moving north, close to crossing ferry lanes. -Karla Smith-Jones
13:33 - Spotted from Glendale Beach! -Mary Claire
13:30 - [T46Bs, T46D] finally spotted from Glendale, just south of the parking here. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:30 - They are north of map and have drifted east. More on Mukilteo side now. Out from the beach east of mid channel.
13:25 - Generally between Glendale and Mukilteo lighthouse Beach. Still slow northbound drifting in resting [approx. 47.943683, -122.329288]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:30 - Still slowly northbound with long downtimes, midchannel between Mukilteo and Glendale. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
13:11 - Slowly making their way north loosely grouped in resting mode.
13:05 - Orcas continue northbound west of mid channel between Possession Beach waterfront park and Glendale generally [approx. 47.933643, -122.343358]. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
13:04 - Just popped up midchannel to Whidbey side north of Possession Point boat launch, northbound. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:44 - Mukilteo is where I’d want to be! Watching them approach there from Possession Point State Park. -Michelle Prestin
12:40 - Spotted from the Mulkiteo ferry. East side of Whidbey. Northbound. -Pilar Hernandez
12:48 - They continue northbound. Look to be approaching Mukilteo lighthouse area. Approx location shown [47.930774, -122.330817].
12:33 - Traveling northbound entering Possession Sound. Close to Mukilteo side. From Possession Point State Park. -Jorge L. Baron
12:12 - Spotted from Picnic Point, very close to Whidbey. Still traveling northbound coming up for air intermittently. -Josh Walther
12:00 - Orcas continue northbound travels just now at or just waltzing into Possession Sound (the strait o way). Whidbey side of mid. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
So much fun! Beriah SoOrio thanks for letting me use your binoculars! -Lesa Powers Gonzalez
12:02 - West of mid northbound in Possession viewing from Stamm. -Beriah SoOrio
11:35 - Orcas are nearing Possession Point. Passed in front of Cultus Bay sightline from Stamm Overlook. All northbound towards Possession Sound, Whidbey side. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
11:35 - Northeast-bound between Stamm Overlook and Cultus Bay, on the Whidbey side of midchannel. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
11:06 - Visible from Stamm Overlook, northbound. -Sara Battin Pearson
11:05 - Lead group northwest of Edmonds Dive Park continuing northbound towards Possession, but still two to three miles south of entrance to Possession Sound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
11:00 - Looks like they are heading middle of channel toward west side of Whidbey Island. -Daniell McCann
11:00 - Just across from Edmonds ferry on the east side of the channel. -Elena Sarah Kuo
10:55 - Just viewed from Edmonds Marina. They are going northwest bound! -Alice Pearson Rickenbach
10:50 - Passing Edmonds ferry headed north. -Rachel Domenic
10:49 - At Brackett's Landing north just coming into sight heading northbound staying east side of channel. -Daniell McCann
10:48 - Approaching Edmonds fishing pier. -Kristine Stevens
10:53 - Just north of ferry lanes continuing northbound.
10:39 - Coming into view northbound Edmonds fishing pier. Near to us. -Beriah SoOrio
10:27 - After putting on a show, they are barely visible from Richmond Saltwater, very committed north with purpose! -Malinda Sorci
10:14 - They’re passing quick, fully north of Richmond Beach now. -Christina Devantier
10:23 - Several passing Kayu Kayu right now about to Point Wells (tank farm). More trailing right off Kayu, one a lazy tail lob. All northbound east side channel.
10:15 - One was doing doing cartwheels right off the Richmond Beach weather buoy. Few north all northbound.
10:07 - Just coming into view from Richmond Beach Saltwater Park close to east side just south of the park, at least the one just observed. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
09:52 - Viewing from Carkeek, barely visible with bare eyes. North of Carkeek mid channel. -Marty Garner
09:41 - Viewing north from Carkeek. Northbound, Eastside of the channel. We saw at least three to four and seem committed north. -Kas Alexis
09:37 - Back in two groups of two-ish at Carkeek. Northbound with slight west lean.
09:28 - Eyes on them from shore at Carkeek. Dove and out of view for now -Natasha Dillinger
09:17 - Just saw at least two fins looking towards Carkeek from north end of Golden Gardens! -Kate Ulicky
08:20 - Orcas feeding/splashing off Shilshole. Looked to be four individuals. Non directional -Ryan Bauer
Sun, Feb 16 - Haro Strait
From: Greg Miller
Date and Time Sighting Observed: 2025-02-16 12:50 PM
Marine Mammal Type: Orca (Killer Whale) Unknown Type
If SRKW, select pod/s: Pod Unknown
If other:
Number of Marine Mammals Observed:
Country: Within Canada International Boundary
General Location: Other
If other: West of Beaumont Shoal.
Describe what you saw: See video - 3-4 female orcas and one juvenile. We were racing a sailboat at the time and only noticed them when they were right in front of us. We were heading west, they were heading north. - Link to Youtube video.
Sun, Feb 16 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
11:30 - Surfacing in the same general area. Facing north but not making a lot of progress. Four to five breaths then a deep dive.
11:20 - Gray northbound. Straight out from Rocky Point (Navy installation).
11:09 - The gray whale off west Whidbey has continued north and was north of Joseph Whidbey State Park. -Sarah Geist
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Michelle Prestin
Date of Sighting: February 16, 2025
Time: 10:20 AM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: From West Beach Swan Lake Lookout
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: Milling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Sun, Feb 16 - Port Susan
Date: 2/16/25
Time: ~2PM
Type of whale: appears to be gray
Number of whales: can only be certain of the one - was pretty far away
Location of whale(s) – Port Susan, off of Port Susan Terrace on Camano. Best guess 2-300 hundred yards from shore.
Direction of travel: South
Speed of travel: didn’t see long enough to gauge. Appeared to just be in transit, no other behaviors than brief surfacing.
Photos attached. Unfortunately, just long distance cellphone snaps from the beach. Not sure if the photos are of any value, but could perhaps identify some unique markings from crops. -Chris -photo by Chris, February 16, 2025
Sun, Feb 16 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen & other)
14:25 - Gray now north of Hidden Beach parking lot, off shore a bit drifting northbound but also milling.
14:08 - Actually maybe angling more towards Whidbey shore, less northbound.
14:00 - Gray now just off shore from the Hidden Beach parking lot, northbound.
13:30 - Gray whale north of Wonn Road traveling north. -Emily Wandres
13:35 - Now headed north closer to Greenbank Beach but out fairly far.
13:00 - Saw one headed south into Holmes Harbor from near Baby Island. -Kristin Anderson Lindsay
13:15 - Seeing at least one gray whale directly across from Camano Island State Park. Very much on the Whidbey side but seeing spouts and a tail. -Kas Alexis
11:15 - One, maybe two gray whales milling around southeast of the Baby Island navigational buoy. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
10:56 - Make that two. Now shifting away from Camano and towards Whidbey. Still northbound
10:49 - [Gray] northbound 100 yards offshore Camano Island State Park. -A
10:00 - Gretchen was the gray from Elger Bay this morning. -photo & ID by Susan John, February 16, 2025
09:06 - Gray, southeast corner Elger Bay heading north. -A
Sun, Feb 16 - Possession Sound
09:32 - Still viewing from Hibulb Lookout just north of Jetty Island out in the middle of. -Elissa Martin Story
09:06 - Out in the delta between Priest Point and Jetty Island.
08:34 - Two grey whales in the delta of Snohomish River. Seen just now. -David Vetter
February 15
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Sat, Feb 15 - Strait of Juan de Fuca (J Pod) - From the Center for Whale Research Encounter #7: “The water conditions were less than ideal as the research team tracked southwest towards Race Rocks but fortunately spotted a breaching killer whale off the bow within a few minutes of departing Victoria harbour. There were several spread-out whales surfing in a southwest direction towards Race Rocks and the team was able to confirm the J16s. 14-year-old sprouter, J47 was traveling along with his mom, J35. This pair was surfing at close to 8 knots. The next whale encountered was the newest addition to the pod, J62, recently confirmed by other members of the Center for Whale Research team as a female! She was tucked alongside her mom, J41. This pair, along with a few others nearby, were still in confused seas continuing in a southwest direction as they passed south of Race Rocks, so Mark felt it was time to end the encounter here at 1222 and return to Victoria harbour.” -Check out the Center for Whale Research Encounter map.
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sat, Feb 15 - South Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - The orcas were miles away from Chambers Creek upper trail when I took them! -photos by Matthew Weinstein, February 15, 2025
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Erik Hakkinen
Date of Sighting: February 15, 2025
Time: 6:00 PM
Species seen: Orca pod
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Puget Sound, off southeast side of Fox Island
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
13:27 - Now right off the ferry dock on Anderson.
13:20 - Six to eight seen between Anderson and McNeil heading west. -photo by Rachel Drechsel, February 15, 2025
13:05 - Viewing from Salters Point seeing four orca veering towards Anderson Island. -Cherie StOurs
12:58 - We see three at least in front of McNeil prison in path with ferry. -Emma Russell
12:48 - Heading southbound seen southern tip of McNeil, closer to McNeil side of bay, poor visibility with rain. -Sammie Lapinne
12:44 - Southbound [approx. 47.200935, -122.632591]. -Jason Cook
12:26 - Passing Chambers Bay southbound. -Gevan Marrs
12:30 - Southbound past Chambers foot bridge.
12:17 - Southbound approaching Chambers Beach, Chambers side of mid. -Beriah SoOrio
12:18 - The orcas seen by the Fox Island fishing pier blowholes last seen briefly a few minutes ago on the other side of the channel near the coast by Chambers Bay golf course heading south. -Heidi Hicks
12:30 - With University Place in the background.
11:50 - Orcas heading south towards Chambers Bay. -photos by Ryan Dicks, February 15, 2025
12:01 - Passing Fox Island pier now.
11:50 - They are just in front of a speed boat that's south of the Narrows bridge. -Pattie LaRue Warr
12:01 - Looks like they turned south should be passing Fox Island pier. -Chris Aaron Behrmann
12:00 - From Fox Island Fishing Pier. -photos by Kaira Kelley, February 15, 2025
11:53 - From Narrows Park, looks like they are southbound mid channel front of Chambers. -Nori Kimura
11:53 - Southbound midchannel probably in Fox Island pier area. -Jami Cantrell
11:51 - At Narrows Park, from here they appear to be going south now. -Charlie Pingree
11:48 - We viewed them Titlow headed south. Passed Day Island. -Paul Davis
11:38 - Visible off Point Fosdick. -Rachel De Villava
11:15 - They passed Cromwell back east towards Point Fosdick. -Jami Cantrell
11:15 - Viewing from [Fox] Island bridge but agree they are headed east now. -Paul Davis
11:00 - Orcas heading east on Hales Passage heading to Narrows. -Debbie Bichsel
10:57 - They're milling east of the bridge trending east now.
10:52 - They're mid channel heading towards Fox Island Bridge. Moving slow now. Westbound. -David Bennett
10:52 - Taken from Fox Island Bridge as they approached before they flipped and headed back out Hale. -Jennifer Swenson
10:47 - Viewing from Fox Island Bridge. Long down times. -Sammie Lapinne
10:57 - Orcas appear to have flipped east.
10:47 - Almost to Fox Island Bridge.
10:09 - Orcas moved west between Fox Island and Gig Harbor.
09:51 - Mid channel off Day Island slowly heading north. -Ryan Dicks
09:51 - I have a text “northbound off Day Island.” -Melissa Bird
09:31 - Appear to be same T124 group. Fox Island pier now. -Ryan Dicks
09:14 - Now towards Chambers Bay.
09:06 - Heading towards channel marker by Fox.
09:04 - Last saw at north end of McNeil. -Barbara Szekely
09:05 - They're steady northbound, mid, passing McNeil Island pier. Viewing from Chamber's. -Patti Trosper
09:21 - Northbound east side of Fox Island.
09:03 - Regrouping northbound towards McNeil.
09:00 - Active near Anderson Island ferry terminal.
08:49 - Engaged in a hunt. Surface active.
08:43 - Northeast side of Anderson northbound travel. Long down times.
08:22 - Still northbound along the south end of Anderson. Viewing from Chambers Bay. -Jason Cook
07:40 - Orca just now off Lyle Point Anderson Island - 5 at least. -Mary Patricia [PSWS]
07:20 - At least four orcas headed north off Lyle Point Anderson Island. -Matt Brynildson
Sat, Feb 15 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
15:22 - This gray is between Hastie Lake Park and graffiti wall... smack DAB in the middle.
14:38 - I’m on scene at Swan Lake overlook. I see a gray whale just south of here trending west northwest. Approx. quarter mile off shore. -Kevin Phillips
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Theresa Nagle
Date of Sighting: February 15, 2025
Time: 1:20 PM
Species seen: Orca [gray]
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: [1xxx W Beach Rd, Oak Harbor]
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Not sure
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Any unusual markings?: Not sure
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: May have been more than one, hard to tell
Photos available?: No
Sat, Feb 15 - Possession Sound
08:50 - Gray whale in Snohomish River delta. Slowly heading north, but closer to Tulalip slide. Seen from Mission Beach. Link to more photos. -photo by Jaime Shields, February 15, 2025
Sat, Feb 15 - South Puget Sound
13:00 - We saw a small group of some sort of dolphin heading south past Chambers Park. They were last seen between Ketron and Anderson Island. -Moose Martin
February 14
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Fri, Feb 14 - Strait of Georgia, BC (J Pod)
13:26 - J pod sighted 2.5NM southeast of Entrance Island heading northwest. Link to FB video. -Erin Baumeister
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Fri, Feb 14 - Possession Sound/North Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds)
17:57 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 18:05 to report: 1757hrs: CHIMACUM Vessel reports via 800MHz they have slowed due to a single orca which breeched directly in front of the vessel, at the west entrance to Elliott Bay, north of Alki Point, on the SEA>BI ferry route.
13:06 - Still there, active but not easily visible from Kingston 12:40 ferry. -Slavica Frljanic
12:50 - I saw multiple orcas from the Kingston ferry. Unsure of how many. -Shandy Ellis
12:20 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 12:21 to report: SUQUAMISH Captain reports 2 Orca SB near KING.
12:18 - The yellow boat is the approximate location [47.800239, -122.450038 (btw Kingston & Edmonds)] of this group of orcas... within a few hundred yards of it. -Kevin Phillips
Orca on right is T124A2A Agafia -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
12:00 - Orcas spotted by Kingston ferry lines. Joined Puget Sound Express for their first trip of the season [videos in FB comments]. -photo by Jaime Shields, February 14, 2025
10:50 - Still southbound. In the middle of the Possession triangle [SSCH].
09:50 - Southbound out from Haines Wharf [SSCH]. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
09:31 - They just snuck past my house. Around Picnic Point at this time, or very close to it [video shows whales are still southbound]. -photo by Jodi Krause Poissant, February 14, 2025
08:30 - Orcas maybe 4-5 headed south close to Mukilteo side. Just south of the Mukilteo ferry dock. -Melissa Simmons, WSF
Fri, Feb 14 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
13:57 - Southern most gray is on a northern trek closer to Swan Lake lookout. The northern two are slowly north as well, great flukes.
12:54 - Update: definitely grays! There are now 3 of them in this area: one southernish between Hastie Lake and Swan Lake overlook and two about one mile off shore together with some big dives and nice large fluke action with some body as they dive down.
12:05 - Per Harriet: One whale milling between Hastie Lake and Swan Lake overlook. The other is westboundish. Pointed at Smith Island but still far away.
11:25 - Harriet Boone Vick is reporting two whales from Swan lake lookout a.k.a. West Beach graffiti wall parking lot. Per Harriet: "Whoop! Seeing big blows from graffiti parking lot. Two, one to left and one to right!" -Kevin Phillip
February 13
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Thu, Feb 13 - Central Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - T124A2B Litton -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - T124s hunting between Blake Island and Manchester. The most bitter and cold day this week, our fingers were going numb as we watched the T124s teaching little T124D4 how to hunt. They pushed closer to the mainland beach, but still just out of reach down the private beach. The conditions make these not even remotely good quality, but it was still impressive to watch all this explosive power through my lens. Another photo at the end from the Southworth ferry as they passed between the dock and the distant Space Needle. Link to more photos. -photos by Jolena Tagg, February 13, 2025
Baby got a lesson in seal hunting today. -photos by Jim Pasola, February 13, 2025
Pomeroy Park & Southworth. Link to more photos. -photos by Hongming Zheng, February 13, 2025
So cold out but so glad I headed to Manchester to see this group of orcas. Link to FB video. -Jill Yakowenko
16:40 - Surface activity just south of Eagle Harbor. Close to Bainbridge.
16:19 - Northbound just south of Blakely Rock as viewed from Alki up on a hill near the east end of Constellation Park.
16:26 - North of the rocks as viewed from 64th Alki, but only sprays and splashes are visible through the haze. -Steve Rice
16:05 - Just spotted lots of splashing, looks close to shore and near to the red buoy [approx. 47.586698, -122.461271]. -Kristin Mandrink
15:36 - Last sighting they were headed into Elliott Bay toward Alki direction [approx. 47.584893, -122.470372].
15:31 - Getting deeper in Elliott Bay now going southeast slowly.
15:25 - They are spread out still hunting south Bainbridge.
14:42 - Headed north not taking Rich Passage headed towards Bainbridge more but still hunting.
14:27 - Activity hunting in front of Rich Passage, slow north direction.
14:15 - Looks like they could be headed towards Rich passage having fun along the way, from Manchester.
14:08 - Headed north behind the anchored barge off Manchester fuel depot. -Noelle Morris
14:08 - They are moving to the east side of the ship parked out of Manchester. Moving northeast at this time. Last update from us as it is getting colder and starting to snow. Beautiful watching them today! -Candace Gavin
14:01 - East of fuel barge on an easterly heading.
13:58 - Three orcas just off Manchester fuel depot light after spending over an hour slapping and breaching between the depot and Manchester launch. -Paul Lee
13:40 - Still viewing from Pomeroy Park. They are still in the same general area they have been in. Lots of surface activity. Not committed on any direction. -Candace Gavin
13:37 - South of Manchester dock hunting. -Noelle Morris
13:14 - There’s been a lot of action way out there.
12:40 - Still in same area. Possibly on a hunt. Seeing lots of surface activity.
12:28 - Now moving north again after a big breach.
12:23 - They were facing/moving south (slowly). Right near where the small white power boat is now, south of Manchester.
12:08 - Visible in my scope from near Weather Watch Park West Seattle. Still moving north, tightly grouped, and most definitely on the other side of the channel, south of Manchester. -Steve Rice
12:13 - Pods are grouped tightly. Viewing from Pomeroy Park. Still on the west side of Blake. SLOWLY moving northbound.
11:44 - About halfway up Blake Island. Still northbound on the west side of Blake. -Candace Gavin
11:34 - Watching from Olympiad Drive, close to Blake going toward Manchester. -Mairenn Dumont
11:12 - Stalled at the north side of the Southworth ferry dock. Generally between ferry dock and west side Blake Island. -Candace Gavin
11:05 - All 6 crossing Southworth ferry line northbound.
11:00 - At Southworth. -Jolena Tagg
10:43 - Passing Driftwood Cove. Should be visible from Southworth in a few minutes. -Roxane Jackson Johnson
10:12 - At least three just passed Anderson Point moving quickly. -Suzanne Self
09:52 - Seeing them from Olalla Bay Market now. Passed quickly. -Mairenn Dumont
09:10 - Trending more mid channel now, getting closer to Point Richmond but with directional changes.
08:58 - Stalled out, may be on a kill, seeing only very distant blows south of Point Richmond, lots of seagull activity.
08:50 - Seeing blows vashon side of mid channel, approaching Point Richmond. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
08:08 - Six orca have been playing around the Spring Beach [Vashon] pilings for more than a half an hour! They’re headed a little bit north but slowly. One large male and one very young baby, maybe even still pinkish. We’ve seen squid eggs on the beach and four eagles plus a lot of seagulls have been swooping in. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
Thu, Feb 13 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
14:15 - Still milling out there, can see from Swan Lake West Beach turnout.
13:40 - This is a gray whale. Milling approx 1/4-1/2 mile off shore, between Hastie Lake & Swan Lake West Beach turnout. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Ashton Mead
Date of Sighting: February 13, 2025
Time: 12:50 PM
Species seen: Humpback [confirmed gray whale]
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Seen from Joseph Whidbey's West Beach, looking towards Port Townsend
Direction of travel : Northwest, slow pace
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Splashing with its fluke
Photos available?: No
Thu, Feb 13 - Saratoga Passage
16:35 - Viewing from Sandy Point on Whidbey and can see one gray feeding close to shore just north of Summerland community. -E. W.
February 12
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Wed, Feb 12 - Spieden Channel (T19s)
12:10 - Just rounded Green Point going northeast.
11:55 - Identified as the T19s, now apparently milling in the channel.
11:20 - Report of orcas eastbound in Spieden Channel. -Monika Wieland Shields, Orca Behavior Institute [SSCH]
Wed, Feb 12 - Admiralty Inlet (Probable T46Bs & T46D)
17:03 - Friend reports grouped up orcas, trending north/hunting. Approx. location [47.969394, -122.612437 (2 mi. N of Foulweather Bluff)].
11:25 - Possibly going more west than north.
11:21 - My last update, they do appear to be continuing north but moving west as they do, so nearly out of sight for me. Approx here [47.951245, -122.623506].
11:16 - Was to be my last update - but two appeared to went around west side of Foulweather Bluff headed south into Hood Canal... then a minute later the rest started porpoising north bypassing the canal. So trying to confirm before I leave!
11:09 - Group has resumed travel & nearing tip of Foulweather Bluff.
10:59 - Male has now also stalled, facing south, but making no progress, yet. The rest seem to be stalled on a hunt maybe here [47.931543, -122.597053].
10:53 - What appears to be a lone male continued ahead, disappearing in the mirage northbound just north of Foulweather Bluff. The rest have stalled west of Hansville.
10:40 - Orcas west/northwestbound in Admiralty Inlet approximately here [47.938129, -122.583034]. Way too far to tell numbers/makeup. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
09:34 - Four orcas including one male half way between Eglon and Pilot Point very close to shore. Heading north. -Kim Page
Wed, Feb 12 - Puget Sound (Probable T124A2s & T124Ds)
16:50 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:54 to report: 1650hrs: ISSAQUAH Vessel reports via 800MHz they have slowed due to 4 orca NB, west of the shipping lanes, just east of Vashon Head.
16:11 - About there [approx. 47.504987, -122.441685 (1/4 mi. E of Vashon Head)], lots of surface activity with tail slaps and spyhops.
16:00 - Appear to be hunting south of ferry route.
15:51 - Sitting at the Fauntleroy dock waiting to depart and seeing blows closer to Vashon. Still south of ferry route. -Jolena Tagg
15:40 - I think they may have continued north. Stepped away for a bit and I can’t see any activity where they were posted.
15:24 - Still in same spot as photo above.
15:14 - They’re where the heart is [approx. 47.499427, -122.448887].
15:11 - Very slowly moving north. Closer to Winghaven than Glen Acres now.
15:05 - End of Glen Acres. They are indeed hunting, at least five with a calf I’d say.
15:02 - They’re still here (Glen Acres) watching them from my porch.
14:49 - At end of Glen Acres right now. -photos by Lo Selby, February 12, 2025
14:15 - Orcas straight out from Gregory Heights on the Vashon side! -Traci
13:32 - Whales have headed north and should be at or near the north-end ferry lanes. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
12:51 - Four to eight whales still in front of Glen Acres.
12:42 - Looks like they are on a kill.
12:33 - [relayed from a friend] Whales playing in front of Glen Acres [Vashon]! -Marla Smith, Orca Network
Wed, Feb 12 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - CRC22 Earhart
16:30 - There was a gray feeding off Summerland. I believe this is Earhart. -photos & ID by Susan John, February 12, 2025
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Bambie Fontana
Date of Sighting: February 12, 2025
Time: 3:15 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Summerland beach Camano Island
Direction of travel : Feeding, slowly moving up the coast
Behaviors observed: Feeding on ghost shrimp
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: I watched her feed for about an hour. Another watcher said they thought it was Earhart because of a bubble marking on her and the way she lunged out of the water.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
08:12 - Amazing frozen Camano morning today at Summerland! Purple full moon setting over Whidbey, lavender light on the Olympics, outlining every nook and cranny, eagles singing in the trees, and one of our beloved whales, I'm not sure who, heading south, flipping her tail as she went. On her way to feeding in the cove south of the Summerland boat launch. The cold seems to have brought everything alive this morning! -Anna M Walker [CWW]
Wed, Feb 12 - Possession Sound (CRC531 Gretchen)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Beverly Yoshioka
Date of Sighting: February 12, 2025
Time: 3:19 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Between Langley and Clinton
Direction of travel : N
Behaviors observed: Milling and feeding very close to shore
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?: Too far to tell
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Beverly yoshioka Yoshioka
Date of Sighting: February 12, 2025
Time: 2:58 PM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Heading south near Waterman property, Clinton
Direction of travel : S,
Behaviors observed: Milling and feeding
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
14:10 - CRC531 Gretchen feeding off Witter Beach, Whidbey.
13:52 - Watching the gray south of Sandy Point that Marilyn spotted and it is doing the weirdest stuff - feeding SO close to shore but just rolling around and only put a fin up after 5 minutes. -photo & ID by E. W., February 12, 2025
13:37 - Grey passing Sandy Point sb [southbound] close to Whidbey. -Marilyn Armbruster [PSWS]
Wed, Feb 12 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
14:14 - One or two humpbacks off West Beach overlook [these could have been a gray whale, unknown -RH]. -Shelley Nielson Humphreys
February 11
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Tue, Feb 11 - Rich Passage/Port Orchard (T46Bs & T46D)
17:11 - They continued south back toward Brownsville. Lost sight of them now. -Becky Whitlock
16:55 - The group I was watching has flipped south!
16:38 - The orcas are now picking up speed to pass northbound toward Agate Pass. Sandy Hook Road side. -Sue Surowiec Larkin
16:20 - Lost sight from Agate Pass bridge. Milling in front of KeyPort. Possibly headed into Liberty Bay. -David Smart
15:20 - Moving past Brownsville headed towards bridge to Bainbridge Island. -Jenna Inglese
14:58 - I just saw several going north heading towards Brownsville. -Jennifer Leigh
14:15 - Off Crystal Springs on Bainbridge. Link to FB reel. -Laurie Ender
14:00 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 14:30 to report: 1400hrs: WALLA WALLA Vessel reports via 800MHz they have slowed due to 4 orca WB in Rich Passage at light #9.
T46B3 Sedna, T46B4 Quiver, T46D Strider - T46D Strider & T46B6 Sol - T46B2 Akela & T46B2B in the lead -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:40 - After hunting around Point White for the last 45 minutes they are now motoring northbound towards Brownsville.
13:40 - They are up close to the fuel depot appear to be heading into Rich.
13:15 - From the south end of Bainbridge they are between here and Blake Island moving towards Manchester at the moment. Four to six small fins and a male trailing. -photos by Jim Pasola, February 11, 2025
13:50 - Passing by Manchester State Park into Rich. -Jenna Inglese
12:35 - From Magnolia - saw a few blows and dorsals off the southeastern tip of Bainbridge - roughly at the dropped pin [approx. 47.607961, -122.457307]. Heading southbound and now past that buoy. Hard to see that far and with the glare to have better details. -Kas Alexis
09:31 - They were just to the right of me as I looked out the windows I could see 3 or 4, not positive. They are heading into a crazy bright spot/ mirage on the water and it's getting hard to see, but probably my quickest spot from a sighting post yet! Thanks again! [47.753062, -122.456716 (1 mi. NE of Point Jefferson)]. -Ashley Alecci Goninan
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Katherine Nikirk
Date of Sighting: February 11, 2025
Time: 9:15 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Just north of Jefferson Beach
Direction of travel : southbound moving quickly
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
08:49 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:59 to report: 0849hrs: [SUQUAMISH] Vessel reports they've come to bare steerage/all-stop for a pod of 10 orcas located just off the KING dock, heading southbound
Tue, Feb 11 - Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - T124D Field -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - From Fox Island Fishing Pier. Link to more photos. Link to FB reel. -photos by Amber Stanfill, February 11, 2025
T124A2 Elkugu -ID by Felix Robin Joelle Schaefer - On the Fox Island Fishing pier... I have never experienced orcas this close at this location. Link to more photos. -photos by Jolena Tagg, February 11, 2025
Cold but exciting day to day. -photos by Ryan Dicks, February 11, 2025
From Fox Island Fishing Pier. Link to FB video. -April Janice Basham
17:40 - Viewing from Chambers but they are HARD to see, look like they would be close to Penrose Point, maybe Maple Hollow. -Sammie Lapinne
17:02 - Right off the southwest end of Fox Island between McNeil and Fox Island midchannel. Milling/surface active/hunting. Started moving north up Carr Inlet. -Sasha Ertl
16:42 - Viewing from Chambers. They went up Carr and are pretty deep in. I can see a lot of surface activity. -Stephanie Morris
16:29 - They may have turned and gone up Carr Inlet after they passed the southern tip of Fox Island about 16:20. Several with lots of activity. Too far away for me to see more detail. Seen from University Place side across from the Fox Island fishing pier. -Barbara Ostrander
16:00 - Southbound near southern edge of Fox - lots of tail flips. -Sherry Mezger
16:00 - Pod has now passed the Fox Island Pier now southbound towards McNeil Island. -Candace Gavin
15:55 - I’m seeing splashes from Day Island on the Fox Island side heading south. Appear to be very close to Fox Island shore. -Alexa Mercurio
15:20 - I went to Chambers and saw some dorsals. -Crystal Renee Ashley
15:48 - Definitely closer to Fox Island than Day Island, possibly at entrance to Hales Passage so may be obscured from the pier, viewing from Titlow area.
15:33 - They’re still there, multiple dorsals and breaches.
14:49 - Seeing splashes and hunting behavior directly between Day Island and Fox Island, massive bird presence. -James Rempt
13:55 - Last time I saw was in between Fox Island and Day Island side mid channel southbound.
13:45 - They just passed the Titlow and pretty much dog for a long time past southside of Gig Harbor don’t know the direction. -Nori Kimura
13:45 - Midchannel between Narrows Park and Titlow. Southbound.
13:34 - Can see them in the mirage line from the Narrows Beach Park. Still north of the bridge, seeing tail slaps and lots of birds in area. -Jolena Tagg
13:43 - I just spotted them through binoculars from my balcony. They're closing in on Hidden Beach and Titlow about now. [Dorene via SSCH]. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
13:33 - (I am in the passenger seat) we saw the pod from Narrows Bridge as we were crossing. Mid channel just north of the bridge. Lots of birds over them! -Candace Gavin
13:30 - Look like they may be hunting off Point Evans mid channel.
13:19 - Coming up on Point Evans/Narrows Bridge, more on Gig Harbor side, southbound. -Melissa Bird
13:03 - Committed southbound in Narrows, closer to Salmon Beach.
12:56 - Viewing from old ferry landing in Gig Harbor, they do appear to be heading south in Dalco towards Narrows. -Jolena Tagg
12:48 - Pod has passed the Point Defiance ferry lanes. Currently it looks like they are headed southwest towards Point Defiance as viewed from Dune Peninsula. -Candace Gavin
12:25 - Approaching the southwest tip of Maury/entrance of Quartermaster Harbor. Continuing southwest quickly and on the Vashon side of the channel. -Mollie Segall
11:53 - From Dunes we have a group of about five to six orcas steady southbound passing Gold Beach Maury side. -April Janice Basham
09:20 - Viewed from hillside of Arroyos area. -Elizabeth Hernandez
10:06 - Whales now reported to be near Tramp Harbor and headed south towards Maury.
07:15 - Just got a report of small group of whales just south of north end [Vashon] ferry headed south/southeast on the 7:15 run. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
Tue, Feb 11 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Riley Logan
Date of Sighting: February 11, 2025
Time: 12:40 PM
Species seen: Gray. MAYBE humpbacks but I’m 99% sure gray
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: (48.3855223, -122.7306204 [3 mi. NW of Whidbey Naval Air Station)
Direction of travel : Circling west same area, going back and forth north to south
Behaviors observed: Circling, many directional changes so Hunting, maybe mating? And deep diving/ tail flips
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: There were two, GUARANTEED, I have witness and we saw them both blow simultaneously at a distance from each other, but they have been following each other all day. Maybe breeding?
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Tue, Feb 11 - Upper Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart)
12:46 - Gray feeding between Mariners Cove and Polnell Shores [approx. 48.280865, -122.540133]. -Terra Parham
Tue, Feb 11 - Upper Saratoga Passage
11:20 - One grey or humpback whale close to the shore on Madrona Beach [Camano] 10 minutes ago, heading north. It surfaced a couple times - not long enough to get a great body visual, but we did see a nice fluke display before it went down again. No dorsal, def not an orca. -Stephanie McCarthy [CWW]
Tue, Feb 11 - Possession Sound
10:00 - Closer to the northwest tip of Hat.
09:50 - Grey that was at Sandy Point headed southbound to almost Witter Beach and is now northbound between Hat Island and Whidbey.
09:09 - Second gray just north of Sandy Point feeding.
09:00 - Now trending northeast see map [approx. 48.048978, -122.338510].
08:45 - Trending proper north now. Link to FB video.
08:30 - Grey pretty much milling in the area shown on map [approx. 48.044901, -122.341423 (btw Hat Island and Camano Head)]. -Marilyn Armbruster
Tue, Feb 11 - South Puget Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sandra Meza
Date of Sighting: February 11, 2025
Time: 4:48 PM
Species seen: Unknown
Number of animals seen:
Where seen: Between Fox Island and McNeil Island
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: Water spouts [video appears to show an exhalation of a marine mammal]
If orcas, any males?: Na
Any unusual markings?: Na
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -screen grab from video by Sandra Meza, February 11, 2025
February 10
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Feb 10 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
12:00 - At least one male. Whidbey side of mid. Southbound into Admiralty. Looking for others now. Viewing from Fort Ebey. -Sarah Geist
11:00 - I just saw them at Libby Beach… a lot of activity… maybe on a kill.
10:40 - I just saw several orca fins passing the Hastie Lake parking lot… in the distance. -Janet Moody
Mon, Feb 10 - Puget Sound (Probable T124A2s & T124Ds)
17:34 - Orcas milling in front of Chennault Beach [video in FB comments]. -Alice Thuy Talbot
14:01 - Orca group is directly west of Marina Beach. East of mid channel. Slicing the increasing whitecaps north at good speed. -Justin Goslin
13:29 - Continuing northbound approaching Kayu. Less than mile offshore.
13:16 - Northbound just past nearshore buoy at Richmond Beach. At least three adults, one juvenile and a baby. Kayu should be seeing soon.
13:08 - Northbound from Richmond just beyond nearshore buoy. Visible naked eye. -Beriah SoOrio
13:07 - Orca group just getting to Richmond Beach. Tight group, east of mid channel moving north in choppy seas. South aspect of the beach viewing angle. -Justin Goslin
12:11 - Still north direction, mid channel . Will be to Richmond Beach soon. -Larry Benesh
12:01 - Saw one pop up here [approx. 47.714509, -122.433140]. -Rachel De Villava
12:08 - Moving north fast.
11:46 - Have eyes on them from Carkeek. -Bryn Black
11:37 - Passing Golden Gardens, heading north.
11:23 - Heading toward Golden Gardens now.
11:03 - Passing Shilshole steadily heading north. -Malinda Sorci
-back of camera photos by Alicia Barnes, February 10, 2025
-photo by Andrée Hurley, February 10, 2025
10:20 - They're moving northwest parallel of Magnolia Park. -David Bennett
10:21 - Quickly passing Magnolia - Discovery Park you’re up next!
09:44 - Viewing from Magnolia viewpoint. About a third of the way between here and Alki - milling with directional changes. Seem to be heading westbound slowly. -Kas Alexis
09:22 - Lots of splashing just south of Elliott Bay marina. Slowly heading north. -Sanya Hardin
09:20 - Slow westbound towards West Point escorted by gulls. View from Duwamish Head. Were feeding by marina earlier.
08:40 - Between Elliott Bay marina and grain terminals westbound view from Duwamish Head. Tight group. -photos by Mary Hartmann, February 10, 2025
09:03 - Viewing from Centennial Park, they are moving northbound. -Alice Pearson Rickenbach
08:41 - [video from water taxi in FB comments, orcas approx. 47.597957, -122.380470].
08:35 - Headed north but slowly. Seen from King County Water Taxi which stopped and let us enjoy. -Annette Messitt
08:36 - We are watching at least two closer Alki from Pier 70. Too far to get good pictures. -Theresa Rivkin
08:31 - They’re still around that same spot. Sticking pretty close to it. Right along the ferry path. There's at least one baby out there.
08:16 - Still out there. Right around this dropped pin [approx. 47.603167, -122.380793 (Elliott Bay)]. -Rachel De Villava
07:30 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 07:33 to report: [PUYALLUP] Captain reports 4 Orca heading East near Elliot Bay.
Mon, Feb 10 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Riley Logan
Date of Sighting: February 10, 2025
Time: 1:15 PM
Species seen: Gray whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Off the coast of NAS Whidbey Island, directly west, approx (48.3633705, -122.7302848)
Direction of travel : Pretty fast! It was going back and forth north to south and circling
Behaviors observed: Hunting. Tail and fins also above water occasionally. Back breaching water and blowing often
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
Mon, Feb 10 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart & CRC531 Gretchen)
14:17 - Both feeding at Camp Diana, maybe trending south. Last update from me.
14:02 - 531 now feeding at Camp Diana, 22 still south of her.
13:58 - They've stopped feeding. Continuing northbound between Mabana and Camp Diana.
13:29 - Feeding and trending north of Mabana.
13:12 - Earhart and Gretchen northbound south of Mabana.
12:43 - Two grays northbound just south of Summerland.
12:31 - At least one gray between Pebble Beach and Summerland, close to Camano. Can only see blows from Mabana. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
11:40 - See pinned location on map [approx. 48.055591, -122.379682 (w. side of Camano Head)].
11:34 - Aimed towards Camano and north of Camano Head northbound.
11:00 - Grey passed Sandy Point northbound. -Marilyn Armbruster
09:32 - It just passed Sandy Point and is headed south close to the Whidbey shore.
09:05 - Gray whale traveling in Saratoga Passage southeast approaching Sandy Point.
09:20 - Gray whale about even with Sandy Point now still slowly heading eastward. Not sure if it’ll head south or east once it passes Sandy Point. -Luanne Seymour
CRC531 Gretchen -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - Off Sandy Point in Langley, Whidbey Island. Link to more photos. -photos by Michael Rapp, February 10, 2025
February 9
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sun, Feb 9 - Puget Sound (Probable T124A2s & T124Ds)
17:08 - They’re heading south from the lighthouse now, more mid channel.
17:01 - Still there at the lighthouse! -Flo Hardy
16:00 - 17:00 - Watched them from West Point lighthouse for over an hour from 16:00-17:00. They were super active on the surface and circling the area. Saw a few great spy hops! Lots of tail splashes. -photos by Lauren 'Lo Blakeley, February 9, 2025
16:54 - Still in the same area. Seeing lots of tail slaps.
16:34 - Using binoculars from up on Sunset Ave in West Seattle, I can see them west of the buoy that is of west of West Point. -Steve Rice
16:00 - Lots of mixed direction now and circling. Maybe on a kill!
15:50 - Nearly directly west from West Point Lighthouse, slightly north, mid channel, closer to east side. Pointed southward but barely moving. Visible with the naked eye but binocs help. Lots of time at the surface! -Brian Hoffman
15:51 - Been feeding off west buoy viewing from Sunset Hill Park. Leisurely southbound. Just east of mid channel. -Beriah SoOrio
15:40 - Still visible from West Point Lighthouse mid-channel. -Hannah Marie Munro
15:05 - Just saw them come up northwest of West Point lighthouse thank you! -Bennett Walkes
14:51 - Still slowly trending south.
14:48 - Last saw group of 5+ north of West Point lighthouse. -Amy FowIer
14:40 - Watching them right now off Sunset Hill overlook. At least three individuals. Surface active, mid channel or somewhat west of mid. -Karen Anderson Davis
14:24 - Found them again! Roughly here at pin [47.672436, -122.433580 (1 mi. N of West Point)].
13:33 - Found them from Fay Bainbridge!! Southbound, mid to east side. At least one male. I don’t know me Seattle side landmarks well but I think they’re near Carkeek? -Amy FowIer
14:07 - Still moving slowly southbound.
14:02 - Viewing from Sunset Hill. Seeing them about halfway in between here and Fay Bainbridge. Look to be milling with a lot of surface activity - not sure on number of orcas yet. -Kas Alexis
12:00 - Pod of 6? 8? right off Point Jefferson, Kingston. Lots of semi stationary activity albeit still slowly moving south. It must be Bigg’s because it looks like they have a kill happening. -Chris Beamer Otterson
Sun, Feb 9 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - CRC22 Earhart -ID by Orca Network
13:15 - About a mile north of Langley, heading northbound. Long down times [approx. 48.047521, -122.423615]. -photo by Andrew Wright, February 9, 2025
12:30 - Northbound see pinned location [approx. 48.045120, -122.399063].
12:15 - Traveling northbound north of Sandy Point further out from shore but on Whidbey side.
11:40 - Video of Earhart taken around Sandy Point area. -Marilyn Armbruster
CRC22 Earhart -ID by Orca Network
11:10 - The feeding gray is now moving northbound toward Langley Marina.
10:55 - Another gray whale just north of Sandy Point feeding.
10:55 - Gray whale southbound almost to Sandy Point. -photos by Michele Tosh Brodsky, February 9, 2025
Sun, Feb 9 - Saratoga Passage
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sean Riney
Date of Sighting: February 09, 2025
Time: 8:00 AM
Species seen: Gray Whale
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Bells Beach, Whidbey Island
Direction of travel : South
Behaviors observed: Turning up the seabed
If orcas, any males?: Unknown
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sun, Feb 9 - Port Susan
10:20 - Same area. No direction
09:45 - Seeing two spouts [later confirmed grays] over by Warm Beach area [Port Susan]. -Thomas [PSWW chat]
Sun, Feb 9 - Possession Sound
10:37 - Grey off K division [southeast Hat Island] right now. -Kari Hayden [HIWS]
February 8
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Sat, Feb 8 - Haro Strait (J Pod) - It was a pleasant surprise to see all of J-Pod heading slowly north up Haro Strait this afternoon from the west side of San Juan Island. The dramatic light made it an even more impressive sight. It was our first time getting to meet the newest calf, little J62! Link to more photos. -Orca Behavior Institute -photos by Monika Wieland Shields, February 8, 2025
From Center for Whale Research Encounter #6: “The encounter began at 1530 about three-quarters of a mile offshore with J pod in a single tight group moving very slowly up the west side. They appeared to be resting. We were able to photograph all 26 members of J pod. The new calf, J62, seems to be filling out nicely and was seen bouncing around between J41 and other members of the J19s. The calf was rolling around and Katie was able to get the belly shots needed to confirm that J62 is a female! We were able to get a good enough look at J35 to determine that she was no longer carrying around the carcass of J61. We ended the encounter at 1710 due to failing light.” - Link to Center for Whale Research’s Encounters Map.
J Pod passes the Lime Kiln Lighthouse. Link to Youtube video. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
Here's what the scene looked like about an hour and a half before they approached and then passed Lime Kiln Lighthouse - Link to Youtube video.
Here's a link to my video of J Pod of endangered Southern Resident Killer Whales as they passed Lime Kiln Lighthouse - Link to Youtube video. -Gerald Graham
21:51 - J pod calls, latest reported by Orcasound Lab hydrophone listeners. Link to clips.
21:18 - Nice calls on Orcasound Lab hydrophone through vessel noise from the tug Taurus SB 9.5kt (MMSI 303398000).
20:03 - Very faint SRKW calls on the Orcasound Lab hydrophone reported by listeners. Confirming J pod calls, including S01s & S04s calls. Link to clips. -Scott Veirs, Orcasound [WSSJI]
19:25 - Faint SRKW vocals on Lime Kiln hydro. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
18:00 - J pod calls on the Orcasound Lab hydrophone! -Scott Veirs, Orcasound [WSSJI]
17:07 - Present on the live stream. -Hannah Marie Munro
16:38 - Still on live stream. Count: I'm going with 11, including sweet J62. -Kathleen Cage
16:33 - The little J62 hops out of the water are adorable! -Katharine Anne Morales
16:22 - Still visible on the live stream, and fabulous. Even had a spyhop. -Kathleen Cage
15:51 - Still visible on the live stream. -Hannah Marie Munro
15:39 - Including the baby!
15:38 - All visible in the Lime Kiln web cam right now! -Denise Joines
15:48 - Beautiful view of them on the webcam, grouped up as they travel north. -Serena Tierra, Orca Network
15:14 - Are these [orcas on Lime Kiln webcam] them? -Andrée Hurley
14:14 - Many killer whales spotted offshore of Pile Point in Haro Strait heading north. -Orca Behavior Institute [WSSJI]
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sat, Feb 8 - Admiralty Inlet (T46s minus T46D)
They told us at the whale center they were headed north. They saw them from the 09:30 ferry. -Donna George
T46E Thor -ID by Marla Smith, Orca Network
10:00 - Four orca sighted from Port Townsend ferry to Keystone heading north. -photos by Ryan Klippel, February 8, 2025
Sat, Feb 8 - Puget Sound (Probable T124A2s & T124Ds)
14:50 - They were headed north towards East Passage around the southeast corner of Maury. Grouped up tight and hugging Maury. I have lost them in the mirage. -Candace Gavin
14:34 - Viewing from our house off of Ruston Way. They are right in front of the red, grey and white ship. Heading east. -Tenaje Calloway
14:24 - Viewing from Point Defiance. Still heading east. Approaching Neill Point. -Nathan Ahlgren
14:19 - I'm guessing only here but it appears it's the 124A group that has been hanging around. I'm seeing about 5-6 and they are eastbound past the Tahlequah ferry. I'm viewing from Dunes. -April Janice Basham
14:15 - Right in front of Tahlequah ferry dock heading east. -Nathan Ahlgren
14:13 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 14:16 to report: 1413 hrs.: Master reports Whales now hanging out behind the vessel in TAHL. They will hold in and take traffic until whales move on eastbound, count is now 4.
14:16 - Very slowly heading east. In front of the Tahlequah ferry dock at this time.
13:57 - Orcas spotted between Owen's Beach and Point Dalco. Around four and heading east. -Anna Panasiuk Simmons
13:57 - Maija Holston, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: Chetzemoka Master reports a small pod off Dalco Point, hanging out unknown number.
Sat, Feb 8 - Saratoga Passage
17:00 - One gray just surfaced 3 times in front of CSP [Camano Island State Park] northbound traveling with some speed. -Krista Paulino
Sat, Feb 8 - Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart)
14:30 - Saw the grey swimming it was right at Bells Beach it was traveling north pretty slow. -Ashley Jurasek
12:00 - Mid Bells Beach southbound and feeding along the way.
11:30 - Feeding between East Point and Bells Beach. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:15 - Gray whale feeding off East Point in Saratoga (Whidbey side) [CRC22]. -Shannon Kavanaugh
Sat, Feb 8 - Port Susan
07:20 - Big gray at Mission Beach [Tulalip]. -Lisa Oakes-Dearborn
February 7
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Fri, Feb 7 - Port Susan (T46s minus T46D)
12:15 - Call from Tom reporting single male orca heading northwest about 1 kilometer off Mission Beach, Tulalip Reservation. -Howard Garrett, Orca Network
10:09 - Orcas here. Southbound [approx. 48.053150, -122.323648 (btw Tulalip and Camano Head)]. -Sarah Geist
T46E Thor
08:50 - Pass by Tillicum southbound. Here is the male. I saw three others I believe -photos by Susan John, February 7, 2025
08:42 - Orcas, North Tillicum Beach [no direction of travel given]. -Cole [PSWW chat]
Fri, Feb 7 - Puget Sound (T124A2s & T124Ds) - T124A2A Agafia - T124A2 Elkugu -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - From Glendale. Link to more photos. -photos by Sarah Geist, February 7, 2025
[video in FB comments]. -Sara Bowen
15:30 - [video from ferry in FB comments]. -Melissa Simmons, WSF
15:31 - [video in FB comments].
15:04 - About to cross in front of the MV Kitsap (which is about to depart) and the Mukilteo terminal. Lots of tail slaps and surface activity. -Durand Dace
15:01 - At Mukilteo ferry, at lighthouse on seawall look north, six jumping. Viewing only with naked eye. -Pam Sandblom-Shifflette
14:53 - Going by Edgewater Beach soon.
14:48 - Behind Clinton ferry.
14:36 - Will be coming up the Clinton ferry terminal soon south side. -Teresa Bara
14:45 - In ferry lanes. Mukilteo side of mid. -Sarah Geist
14:15 - Viewing from Glendale-all grouped up Whidbey side and headed north -chill pace. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:51 - Blows between Possession Point and green buoy. Viewing from Mukilteo. Too far to note direction. -Beriah SoOrio
13:50 - Whidbey side of midchannel almost to Glendale.
13:37 - Just saw a few blows on Whidbey side passing Possession Point northbound. -Alice Thuy Talbot
13:15 - Northbound into Possession. -Sarah Geist
12:50 - I spotted the pod just south of Cultus Bay heading east. Link to FB video. -Ann Marie Corley
12:34 - They appeared to be west of mid facing south. -Charlie Pingree
11:48 - Still here. Hunting. Small boat with them.
11:30 - This group is here [approx. 47.878204, -122.443109]. And pointed northwest. -Sarah Geist
10:50 - About a mile north of Stamm Overlook, mid channel, still going north! -Elena Sarah Kuo
10:15 - Northbound, mid channel, out from Stamm overlook, appear to be NE-bound [SSCH]. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
09:45 - Passing Apple Tree Point northbound just west of mid channel at a good clip. -Sara Frey
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Lucy Falla
Date of Sighting: February 07, 2025
Time: 9:11 AM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: South of Kingston ferry
Direction of travel : North quickly
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: No
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Looked like a quite small one was with the group. Hard to tell how many but looked between 5 and 7
Photos available?: No
Fri, Feb 7 - Saratoga Passage
14:11 - In front on Hidden [Beach] parking lot. -Eliseanna Morrison
Fri, Feb 7 - Holmes Harbor
08:50 - Two possibly three grey whales northbound west side of Holmes Harbor north of golf course. -Sandy Pollard
Fri, Feb 7 - Saratoga Passage (CRC2362 Thidwick) - CRC2362 Thidwick -ID by Orca Network
10:01 - Has rounded the point. Close to Whidbey.
09:55 - Gray whale. Southbound just north of Sandy Point. -photo by Sarah Geist, February 7, 2025
Fri, Feb 7 - Possession Sound
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Beverly Yoshioka
Date of Sighting: February 07, 2025
Time: 12:02 PM
Species seen: Grey
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Off Witter Beach, about 1 mile south of Sandy Pt, Langley
Direction of travel : Feeding and milling, has been here since about 9 am
Behaviors observed: Feeding
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photo by Beverly Yoshioka, February 7, 2025
February 6
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Thu, Feb 6 - Puget Sound (T46s minus T46D & probable T124A2s & T124Ds)
11:53 - Update. At Golden Gardens. Spouts on the far west side of the channel. Barely visible on binoculars. -Alec Sills-Trausch
10:54 - Right in front of the bathhouse at Golden Gardens. -Chase Elliott
10:29 - Marie Waterman, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 11:16 to report: 1029 hrs: MV TILLIKUM Captain reports via 800MHz, a pod of 12 orcas NB just off West Point.
10:27 - From West Point Lighthouse at Discovery Park heading north. -photo by Tarun Sharma, February 6, 2025
10:05 - Now a second larger group (7-8 animals) is off Discovery Point seemingly fast traveling or surface active. The 3-4 group is approaching them. all were headed north. The smaller group was roughly at the pin [approx. 47.643958, -122.425678], and the larger group looked like they were quickly approaching Discovery Point from the south, headed north. Looked like the smaller group was hustling to join the bigger group.
09:48 - Just saw 4-5 including a big male traveling west at the west end of the Elliott Bay Marina breakwater. Had been approaching the grain terminal, but have turned back west. -Sasha Ertl
T46E Thor -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:05 - Same group (T46s) now heading back north.
09:23 - Pod of orcas. Central Puget Sound. Heading toward Elliot Bay coming from Discovery Park. Heading south. -screen grab from video by Dany Ramo, February 6, 2025
09:10 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 09:22 to report: 0910hrs: PUYALLUP Vessel reports they've spotted 3 orcas, two adults and one calf, to the north of the vessel while on approach to P-52.
Thu, Feb 6 - Washington Coast
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Bruce Tegen
Date of Sighting: February 06, 2025
Time: 2:30 PM
Species seen: Grey whales
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: 47’14’23 n. By 124’13’17 w
Direction of travel : South heading north
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: 3 to 400 yards off shore of Moclips
Photos available?: No
Thu, Feb 6 - Saratoga Passage
15:21 - Now northeast of Rocky Point. Viewed from Greenbank, Whidbey Island.
15:05 - Now east of Baby Island, milling around but still slowly heading south.
14:40 - Two gray whales south of the Baby Island navigational buoy, heading south. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
Thu, Feb 6 - Holmes Harbor
11:25 - They have moved a little north of the previous map. They are still on the east side. -Cindi Bowen
11:04 - Two - look to be possibly northbound on east side.
10:50 - Gray whale in Holmes Harbor approx. [47.63981. -122.40942]. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Thu, Feb 6 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
12:25 - Gray just northwest of Sandy Point near Whidbey bluff. Feeding. Not sure who it is but one fin is very white. -Luanne Seymour
12:22 - Gray between Langley and Sandy Point. Whidbey side, direction unknown. -Heather Hardin
CRC531 Gretchen -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Marynne Strobel, February 6, 2025
08:03 - Gray whale feeding north of Inn at Langley. -photo by Shannon Arndt, February 6, 2025
Tue, Feb 6 - Possession Sound
14:42 - Grey whale headed north toward N division [northwest tip of Hat Island]! -Kim Vest Gleason [HIWS]
February 5
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Wed, Feb 5 - Strait of Georgia, BC (J Pod)
11:40 - J-pod passed the north shore of Gabriola Island! J62 filmed looking healthy! Link to FB reel. -Erin Baumeister
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Wed, Feb 5 - Discovery Passage, BC (T86As)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Andy Schwanicke
Date of Sighting: February 05, 2025
Time: 4:00 PM
Species seen: Transient Biggs
Number of animals seen: 8
Where seen: Discovery Passage
Direction of travel : feeding & travelling south
Behaviors observed: hunting feeding
If orcas, any males?: A definite pair of orcas identical size, dorsal and markings
Any unusual markings?: unable to see
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: The orcas were feeding in front of our house for over one half hour. They made a "kill" which I thought was likely a seal judging by the amount of blood seen in the water, Plenty of action, breaching, tale flops, etc. Young animals were visible as well. The two larger orcas were indiscernible from each other, travelled together and clearly dominant.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to - T86A4 Akia - Upper left orca is T86A3 Tyndall -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network -photos by Andy Schwanicke, February 5, 2025
Wed, Feb 5 - Haro Strait
04:45 - [Bigg’s] Calls on Lime Kiln Hydrophone. -Fred Horn [WSSJI]
Wed, Feb 5 - Puget Sound
17:40 - Saw a group just south of Alki from the Vashon water taxi, likely hunting. Lots of splashing! It was pretty dark though so no photos. -Erin Sams Cooper
17:33 - Still on a kill near Alki, next to the buoy. -Ankita Patel
17:12 - Tail lobs and breaches directly off buoy on Alki. In ferry lanes. Circling, maybe on a kill? -Taylor White
17:07 - Viewing from Kerry Park. Still milling in the same spot mid Elliot Bay. Almost direct line of sight with Alki. -Kas Alexis
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Amy Turcinov
Date of Sighting: February 05, 2025
Time: 5:02 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Off of Seacrest Park in West Seattle. Just outside of the ferry line
Direction of travel : In place
Behaviors observed: Milling
If orcas, any males?: Can’t tell. I’m too far away in magnolia
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
16:59 - Orcas still on Elliot Bay! -Jessie Johnson
16:48 - Still just north of Duwamish Head, milling, a lot of surface activity. -Aja Petee
16:48 - Watching from Duwamish Head, orcas are in front of Elliot Bay marina. I’m seeing tails and at least one breach. -Aubree Mae Renfro
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Amy Turcinov
Date of Sighting: February 05, 2025
Time: 4:39 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 4
Where seen: Between West Seattle and Magnolia about halfway in the middle
Direction of travel : West
Behaviors observed: Hunting
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
16:15 - There are orcas in Elliott Bay about 3/4 mile out from Duwamish Head. -Christian Herdener
16:05 - Still viewing from Hamilton Viewpoint. At least 4 [video in FB comments]. -Rachel De Villava
16:00 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:09 to report: 1600hrs: TACOMA Vessel reports via 800MHz they have slowed due to 6 orca, 3/4 mile north of Duwamish Head. No definitive direction of travel and may be feeding in the area.
15:47 - Still in the bay in front of the grain silos, seem to be scavenging. Very easy to spot with all the birds following them. Had a great breach about 10 minutes ago. -Meghan Houghland
15:20 - Definitely entered into the bay. Still there. -John Patrick Darmody II
15:07 - Still seeing them from Hamilton Viewpoint. They are moving closer inland in the bay, right in front of the two Argosy boats. Seem to be happy in the bay!
15:05 - Confirmed I did see them tossing a seal.
14:57 - Viewing them with two others from Hamilton Viewpoint in West Seattle. They seem to be playing a bit. I’ve counted 4. -Meghan Houghland
15:00 - Viewing in Elliot Bay near a barge splashing and milling about [approx. 47.621084, -122.395375]. -Liza Deras
14:51 - I am seeing spouts from Alki Beach. -Hannah Marie Munro
4:55 - They are no longer traveling. Maybe hunting.
14:40 - They've stopped moving south and are milling about east of the shipping lanes about half a mile north of the ferry route. Middle point of Elliott Bay as viewed from the Seattle waterfront [approx. 47.621920, -122.419801].
14:29 - They are approaching the Seattle-Bainbridge ferry crossing southbound. -John Patrick Darmody II
14:06 - Viewing from Magnolia. At least six to seven. Seems to be at least one male and a baby. East side of midchannel. Southbound. -Kas Alexis
14:06 - Orcas southbound nearing Elliott Bay. -Carey Vorholt
13:51 - Passing Discovery Park. Long dives. Still southbound. -Liza Deras
13:45 - Discovery Park . -photo by Nicole Pennington, February 5, 2025
13:14 - They continue southbound should be approaching Discovery and it looks to be a research boat following behind them.
12:55 - Seeing spouts from Golden Gardens. Milling southbound. -Hannah Marie Munro
13:00 - They showed way down now just west of us here [approx. 47.695607, -122.425027].
12:59 - Just west of north end of Shilshole.
12:58 - I’m in the whaler, they are maybe 500 yards south of us heading due south. -Michael Dougherty
12:55 - They are just south of Carkeek mid channel heading south. -Bryn Black
12:51 - Viewing now from Golden Gardens, still headed south. -Kristina Lewis
12:26 - Group has made west, southwest turn. Visual marker at yellow buoy. Should be observable from North Seattle or West Point. Getting far from Richmond Beach.
12:04 - Orca group continues south travel, moving swiftly inside eastern buoy passing Richmond Beach. Very visible without binoculars. Happy kids cheering.
11:51 - Orca group continuing south cruise in calm seas. Closer to eastern shore, visible without binoculars. Now just south of Kayu in tight group.
11:27 - Orca group observed from Marina Beach. Tight group moving south or milling south of beach. Mile out in calm seas. -Justin Goslin
11:50 - Can see the group in front of Richmond Brach Saltwater Park moving southwest. -Brittany Gallaher
10:55 - Just saw the group now (10:55) looking north from Woodway. Large male with several others. -Michelle Tynan
10:39 - Laurie Baker, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 10:47 to report: 1039hrs: [YAKIMA] vessel reports via 800MHz they've spotted a pod of 6 orcas on a feeding frenzy located a mile off the Edmonds ferry terminal, traveling in various directions and feeding.
Wed, Feb 5 - Possession Sound (CRC2362 Thidwick) - CRC2362 Thidwick -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:08 - This [CRC2362 Thidwick] gray whale just passed Possession boat launch. About 200 feet from shore. Moving with a purpose [northbound]. -photo by Sarah Geist, February 5, 2025
Wed, Feb 5 - Holmes Harbor
1:06 - Just north of Beverly Beach, about mid channel. -Cassandra Dietman
15:57 - There are three gray whales slowly coming up from Holmes Harbor so you might see/hear one. -Fell Cheston
11:30 - I’m visiting Whidbey Island and my friends and I just saw three gray whales in Freeland Park off the docks! Just wanted to report! They were traveling away from the Freeland docks towards Greenbank, three traveling together! -Taylor Ann Rivera
11:22 - Baleen feeding near shore Beverly Beach. -Stephen Shimmel
09:26 - Seeing blows at the pin. Northbound [approx. 48.050646, -122.516880]. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
09:10 - They are heading slowly up the west side close to shore.
08:20 - Two grays south bound, Holmes Harbor [Whidbey], under north end of golf course before making a loop. Not sure where they went. -Sandy Pollard
February 4
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Tue, Feb 4 - Saratoga Passage/Possession Sound (T46s minus T46D, T124A2s, T124Ds)
16:54 - Viewing two to three from Richmond Beach. Slow moving south, but a lot of directional changes. -Kas Alexis
16:53 - Richmond Beach southbound. -Karen Le
16:50 - This group close in mainland between Point Wells and North end Richmond Beach Saltwater Park. Slow steady southbound. -Alisa Lemire Brooks
16:27 - Passing Point Wells.
16:16 - Southern group is passing between Edmonds Marina Beach Park and Kingston ferry on the mainland side. Looks to be one large male and two, maybe 3 females/juvies.
16:02 - The southern group of three is southbound quickly, approaching Edmonds ferry, midchannel.
15:51 - I think we have two males and a younger one here. Southbound pretty quickly, south of Stamm.
15:42 - Suddenly popped up a mile or so off of Stamm, southbound. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
16:02 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed at 16:12 to report: 1602hrs: YAKIMA Vessel reports 3 orca SB, approximately 2 miles west for the EDM terminal.
15:37 - Heading northeast inshore again along Picnic Point Beach.
15:12 - Milling Right off Picnic Point. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
15:46 - We were seeing them straight out with naked eye, but now a big group of females split off and headed back northwest into Saratoga Passage again.
15:40 - Females and littles turned back north heading up towards Mukilteo again, close to west shore passing Picnic Point again. Seems like the males split off and headed into Possession triangle southeast.
15:15 - Passing Picnic Point south still close to west side. Good viewing even without binocs long down times but back up with lots of activity.
14:46 - Viewing from Picnic Point. They're north of here still trending south but slow with lots of directional changes. -Rubie H Baker
14:46 - [video in FB comments]. -Jodi Krause Poissant
14:38 - Dorsals visible from Picnic Point looking toward west side of Hat. Southbound. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
14:30 - Grey whale spout in the back right and orcas in the front!
14:28 - Passing Chennault Beach southbound slooooooow. - Alice Thuy Talbot
14:35 - Just north of Picnic Point, slowly southbound, mainland side.
14:07 - A friend at Glendale just saw them still southbound, though. They were moving more midchannel when I left.
13:46 - Southbound close to the Mukilteo shore, just passing the south end of the beach now. -photo by Sara Montour Lewis, February 4, 2025
14:40 - They are at Shipwreck now. Still mainland side.
13:28 - Orca are steady south at the Mukilteo ferry terminal. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:57 - John Miller, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: TOKITAE reports 5 orca SB just west of the MUK terminal.
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jeffrey Hanson
Date of Sighting: February 04, 2025
Time: 1:35 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: Mukilteo Lighthouse 47.94, -122.30
Direction of travel : S swimming slowly toward Possession
Behaviors observed: Traveling as a pod. Looked like some juvenile in the group
If orcas, any males?: 1 male traveling separately ahead of the group
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Saw one tail slap as the male traveled away. Wasn't sure but think I saw a baby in the middle of the group of 4
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
13:26 - Getting some naked eye views from the trail between Edgewater Park and ferry terminal. Heading toward lighthouse. -Brenda Ferguson
13:25 - Just north of Mukilteo ferry terminal southbound. Mukilteo side. -Marilyn Armbruster
13:21 - Friend reports orca southbound just north of the Mukilteo ferry very much on the Mukilteo side a big group of them all together. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:18 - Still milling in front of Harborview Park. -Joe Dreimiller
13:00 - Milling now between the Clinton terminal and Brighton Beach, mid-ish channel. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:46 - Still viewing from Edgewater Park. They just popped up between black tanker and white boat. -Pamela Shepard Peterson
12:45 - Stalled out north of Brighton Beach (sightline from Harborview). Milling.
12:29 - Just popped up again and are more committed to traveling consistently south towards Clinton/Mukilteo [approx. 47.991565, -122.316844].
12:20 - Viewing from Harborview Park in Everett. Line of sight is to Witter Beach on Whidbey, mid-ish way. Milling. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
12:26 - Still spotting them close to the naval base heading south very slowly.
11:52 - Continuing southeast closer to the Everett side of the channel [approx. 47.994590, -122.303126]. -Natalie Scantlen
11:54 - They are south of Hat north of the Mukilteo ferry terminal heading east. Boat just came into view trailing them. -Doug Mohr
11:37 - Really crazy mirage. They have cleared Hat. Looks like they are traveling east/southeast.
11:19 - Passing close to Hat between Hat and Whidbey. Still southbound. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
T46E Thor on right
10:32 - They are southbound. 10 or so whales. One baby, one young. One large male.
10:28 - Southbound now. Passing Hat. 10+ whales. Moving faster now. -photo by Michele Tosh Brodsky, February 4, 2025
10:26 - Michele Tosh Brodsky reporting more southbound midchannel, headed towards Hat Island. -Kevin Phillips
10:20 - Moving more southbound again and most or all have passed Sandy Point.
10:00 - At least a few out from Sandy Point milling trending southbound.
09:50 - Quite a few orcas at least 10? Sandy Point Whidbey side southbound.
09:45 - North of Sandy Point [video in FB comments]. -Marilyn Armbruster
10:14 - They are continuing eastward currently at the tip of Sandy Point. Looks like they are eastbound.
09:57 - We’ve spotted a baby with them. Still hanging around Sandy Point.
09:50 - Looks like they are hunting. In closer to Whidbey. Lots of splashing and milling right in front of Sandy Point. Could be more than seven of them.
09:45 - There are more than three. Two groups of three to four so maybe seven total. -Luanne Seymour
09:52 - Moving south now. Five orca, 1 male.
09:32 - Orca just north of Sandy Point, on a kill, maybe three.
09:40 - One big male, two females [approx. 48.052067, -122.388310]. -Michele Tosh Brodsky
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Michele Brodsky
Date of Sighting: February 04, 2025
Time: 9:27 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 3
Where seen: Just west of Sandy Point Whidbey side of mid
Direction of travel : Milling
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
09:10 - Orcas just north of Langley dock, Whidbey side. Looks like southbound. Maybe feeding as they are circling and going both directions. -Sally Isaiou [CWW]
Tue, Feb 4 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
10:40 - It's Gretchen, north of Mabana. -Susan John
10:40 - Gray whale feeding in the cove north of Mabana. -Linda Aitkins
Tue, Feb 4 - Holmes Harbor
10:00 - One gray whale less than 100 feet off our shoreline in Greenbank (about one mile south of Greenbank Beach). Heading south into Holmes Harbor. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
Tue, Feb 4 - Possession Sound
14:13 - Grey whale nearing Possession Point looks southbound. -Alice Thuy Talbot
13:20 - Per friend gray is Whidbey side of mid channel south of the [Mukilteo/Clinton] ferry lanes and steady southbound.
13:02 - Per friend there is one gray, possibly two, in middle of Clinton/Mukilteo ferry lanes. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
Tue, Feb 4 - North Puget Sound
15:12 - Also seeing 5-6 baleen blows off in the distance [from Picnic Point] between Eglon and Apple Tree Road. What we were seeing looked more like HB [humpback] blows… tall and narrow and much further south than Alice’s gray whale video. -Ariel Yseth, Whale Scout
14:27 - Baleen whale between Possession Point and Picnic Point. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
February 3
SOUTHERN RESIDENTS (fish-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Feb 3 - Active Pass, BC (J Pod) - Jpod in Active Pass! Link to Youtube video. -Salish Sea Orca Squad
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Mon, Feb 3 - Saratoga Passage
16:55 - One orca, southbound mid channel viewing from boat launch at Camano State Park.
15:15 - Viewing from CSP, I believe I saw an orca dorsal, first approximately center channel passing the park, then north of Baby Island moving towards Whidbey. I was not near the water, so viewing from quite a distance. Conditions are terrible - viewing through a snow/rain squall plus occasional sun glare. -back of camera photo by Krista Paulino, February 3, 2025
Mon, Feb 3 - Central Puget Sound
16:50 - Pod of orcas on the west side of Blake Island, milling. -Kristin Wilder-Hunter
15:45 - Halfway between north end of Blake and Manchester as viewed from Constellation Park. Further west now. Trending northwest. -Steve Rice
15:23 - Maybe three to four.
15:20 - Saw two orcas from the water taxi, heading south east. East of Blake Island. -Annette Messitt
15:09 - Almost to Tillicum village northbound tight group of 4 west of mid channel.
15:00 - Northbound mid channel approaching southeast of Blake Island view from Lowman Beach. Looking good for east side of Blake. -Mary Hartmann
14:57 - From Emma Schmitz, they are approaching Vashon ferry terminal on the west side of the channel, pretty tight together. -Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network
14:53 - Just saw them north of Vashon ferry lanes northbound. -Stephanie Harlan
14:44 - Orcas between Vashon and Fauntleroy. -Stacy Muldoon
14:37 - Passing north tip of Vashon as viewed from Lincoln Park. Mid channel now.
14:50 - Halfway between Southworth and Blake Island, from my perspective. -Steve Rice
14:37 - From Lincoln Park, group of three or four orcas approaching Vashon ferry terminal. -Fei Cheng
14:04 - Looking south from Lincoln Park. Still northbund.
13:24 - Spotted from up high in Lincoln Park. Still south of Brace Point, somewhere in that circle, approximately. Northbound east side. Heading generally toward the crane vessel.
13:35 - Appear east of crane vessel. Long down time [approx. 47.490089, -122.384751]. -Steve Rice
12:53 - Just passed close to shore at Three Tree Point, still traveling north east side of channel. -Mandy Michelle
11:48 - Transient orcas at Point Robinson, (Vashon) likely northbound from community report. -Amy Carey, Sound Action
Mon, Feb 3 - Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Michelle Smith
Date of Sighting: February 03, 2025
Time: 12:15 PM
Species seen: Baleen whale, probably gray whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Directly west of NAS Whidbey, campground
Direction of travel : Unable to tell.
Behaviors observed: Un
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?:
Mon, Feb 3 - Saratoga Passage
16:35 - Viewed from Greenbank, Whidbey Island. It is now just south of Pratts Bluff.
16:20 - It is now about half way between Baby Island and Pratts Bluff, still moving steadily in a northerly direction.
16:10 - Appears to be one gray whale north of Baby Island and southwest of Camano Island State Park. It is moving steadily in a northerly direction. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
16:46 - I've been watching blows from a gray for the last hour. Looks like it's in the vicinity of Hidden Beach, northbound. Crappy photo due to distance and wet lens.
16:32 - It [gray whale] appears headed towards Hidden Beach now.
15:42 - North of Fox Spit, I've seen three blows. Gray, I believe. Viewing from CSP. -Krista Paulino
Mon, Feb 3 - Saratoga Passage (CRC531 Gretchen)
10:27 - Currently Gretchen is feeding between Mabana and Timothy Way. -Thomas McKane
09:41 - Gray whale in front of Mabana moving slowly south. -Linda Aitkins
09:30 - Gretchen feeding north of Mabana. -photos & ID by Susan John, February 3, 2025
From this morning [video in FB comments]. -Thomas McKane
08:10- Gray whale feeding between Mabana and Irenella [Camano Island]. -Lucinda Brezak [CWW]
Mon, Feb 3 - Holmes Harbor (CRC53 Little Patch)
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Florian Graner
Date of Sighting: February 03, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM
Species seen: Gray whale
Number of animals seen:
Where seen: Holmes Harbor, off Beverly Beach
Direction of travel : Heading north
Behaviors observed: Feeding
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It is CRC53, Little Patch.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to -photos taken under NMFS permit 26599 by Florian Graner, February 3, 2025
Mon, Feb 3 - Possession Sound
16:42 - One spotted just south of Mukilteo ferry northbound, mid channel. Viewing from Clinton beach south of ferry terminal. By 17:10 could not see it very well heading northbound into Possession Sound. -Sarah Plane
Mon, Feb 3 - Possession Sound
12:10 - Was still headed south closer to the beach on the Mukilteo side.
11:30 - A baleen whale is south of the Mukilteo ferry dock, headed south [approx. 47.930448, -122.317790]. -Melissa Simmons, WSF
February 2
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sun, Feb 2 - Active Pass, BC
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jim Kempling
Date of Sighting: February 02, 2025
Time: 2:30 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 6
Where seen: Active Pass off Bellhouse Point on Galliano
Direction of travel : E
Behaviors observed: Travelling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: Sighted in Active Pass from Bellhouse Point on Galliano travelling east to west. Some milling
Photos available?: No
Sun, Feb 2 - San Juans
13:24 - Two orca heading west toward Turn Point on the north side of Stuart [Island]. -Sally
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Judith Thordarson
Date of Sighting: February 02, 2025
Time: 8:07 AM
Species seen: orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: north end of Griffin Bay, just east of Jackson's Beach, San Juan Island
Direction of travel : east
Behaviors observed: traveling
If orcas, any males?: do not think so
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sun, Feb 2 - Port Susan (T46s minus T46D)
15:10 - Two orcas near F division on east side of Hat Island. Couple hundred yards off shore, heading south towards Everett/Mukilteo. -Kelly Brown Dukes [HIWS]
14:22 - Our friends have exited Port Susan and are currently moving south, mid channel, long downs. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
14:25 - Super stealthy long downtimes.
14:20 - Southbound moving quickly see pinned location on map [approx. 48.047538, -122.342618]. -Marilyn Armbruster
13:25 - Orcas just passed Tillicum Beach southbound. -Linda Aitkins
12:10 - Mid channel between CC1 and CC2 [Camano Country Club beaches] northbound. -Thomas McKane
11:30 - Orcas are 1.2 miles due west of McKees Beach heading north west.
11:17 - At least three orca northbound one mile west of McKees Beach - viewing from Tillicum Beach. -Linda Aitkins
11:17 - One mile southwest of McKees.
11:16 - At least three northbound at Tillicum. Mid channel. -Thomas McKane
T46E Thor on right
11:15 - Pass viewed from above Tillicum Beach area. Northbound at that time. I saw two large dorsal plus at least one more. -photo by Susan John, February 2, 2025
10:19 - Orca mid channel between Camano Head and Arcadia [mainland side of Port Susan just north of Tulalip Bay]. Headed NW [northwest]. -Kendall [PSWW chat]
Sun, Feb 2 - Puget Sound
16:58 - Central Elliot Bay, south of ferry lanes. Seen from Myrtle Edwards Park. Hard to see direction. -Hannah Keaney
16:35 - Saw an orca breach near a red buoy a bit south of the Shilshole jetty. We were in the water swimming and noticed a lot of seals and we think an otter hanging in the Secret Beach cove. -Jill Irwin
16:26 - I just heard at the Elks a swimmer saw them at Golden Gardens earlier today right by the green buoy. -Andrée Hurley
16:28 - On their way to West Seattle
16:21 - Five orcas including a baby. Central [Puget] sound in front of Magnolia 5 Mile Rock. Jumping and feeding. Traveling south. Traveling slowly. -Dany Ramo
15:30 - Actually, they are still here. Just saw several again, first going south then north. -Christian Schormann
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Christian Schormann
Date of Sighting: February 02, 2025
Time: 2:34 PM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen:
Where seen: Just south of Discovery Park/West Point
Direction of travel : Moving in place since 14:05, slowly S
Behaviors observed: Looks like hunting?
If orcas, any males?: Not sure but think so
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Christian Schormann
Date of Sighting: February 02, 2025
Time: 2:10 PM
Species seen: Orcas
Number of animals seen:
Where seen: Off West Point, Discovery Park, close to green buoy
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed: Circling
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No -photos by Christian Schormann, February 2, 2025
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Sarah McCoy
Date of Sighting: February 02, 2025
Time: [report received at 13:16]
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 5
Where seen: [47.691099, -122.398692]
Direction of travel : SSW
Behaviors observed: baby surfacing more than adults
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: This was off Golden Gardens, orcas heading slightly out into sound.. Sea lions use S end of Shilshole Marina breakwater as haulout.
Photos available?: No
Sun, Feb 2 - Puget Sound (T124As)
16:40 - They’ve been milling at Point Richmond for a while - and the current is strong north. -Andrea Facer
16:00 - Still milling right off Point Richmond.
15:43 - Right off Point Richmond, milling in a ray of sunshine. Super cool. From Point Defiance. -Melissa Bird
15:51 - We’re seeing a lot of birds north of Sunrise, they may be on a kill. Still tough to see from Sunrise because of mirage effect. -Jeff Meredith
15:46 - Blows visible with binocs from north end of Sunrise. Lots of birds flying over that area, maybe on a kill? -Jolena Tagg
15:25 - Just spotted a group of three orcas heading south passing by Point Richmond [Kitsap]. -Greg Freed
15:05 - Passing Lisabuela three southbound. -Hannah Marie Munro
14:40 - 15:00 - Passed us in Olalla heading toward Sunrise. We are south of market and north of Sunrise. -Elana Cashion
14:56 - Briefly saw them surface across from Lisabuela on Gig Harbor side of channel from a friends but haven't seen anything in couple minutes now. They were still pointed south. They popped up right as I posted. Just south of Lisabuela, more mid channel.
14:45 - Out of view from Olalla. Gig Harbor side of mid channel.
14:32 - Viewing from Olalla mid channel. Heading southbound. -back of camera by Jolena Tagg, February 2, 2025
14:34 - Approaching Lisabuela, way over on the mainland side of mid channel, southbound with long downtimes. -Marla Smith, Orca Network
Sun, Feb 2 - Colvos Passage (T124As) - T124A6 Kasuun & T124A Kittiwake -IDs by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - From Olalla Bay in Colvos Passage. Link to more photos. -photos by Jolena Tagg, February 2, 2025
13:27 - Southbound in Colvos Passage. Vashon side near Fern Cove. -Kristi King
12:57 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: T/S reports 3 ORCA near northern VASH heading South towards Colvos Passage.
12:53 - Orcas passing Southworth ferry terminal. Heading south, Colvos Passage. -Catharine Alvarado Soto [PSWS]
12:48 - Lost them but they were trending fast southbound likely Colvos.
11:45 - Five to six orcas feeding off west Blake Island trending south. Viewing from Manchester waterfront. -Noelle Morris
11:38 - Four to six orcas milling north of Blake Island, closer to Manchester. -Kristin Wilder-Hunter
Sun, Feb 2 - Saratoga Passage
12:20 - Viewed from Greenbank, Whidbey Island now west of Rocky Point, heading south into Holmes Harbor.
10:50 - 12:00 - One gray whale initially sighted just south of the Baby Island navigational buoy. It is moving back and forth between the buoy and Baby Island. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
Sun, Feb 2 - Saratoga Passage
16:11 - It may have made directional changes?
15:48 - Grey at Sandy Point close in and southbound. Thanks to Christy. -Marilyn Armbruster
Sun, Feb 2 - Saratoga Passage
09:06 - From WIWS group member Jennifer Doty Baxter: “One large gray spotted, just now, in Saratoga Passage on Whidbey side headed south on south end of Bells Beach.” -Kevin Phillips
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Jerry Lewis
Date of Sighting: February 02, 2025
Time: 7:44 AM
Species seen: Gray whale
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: The whale was feeding for about 1 1/2 hrs in front of Bells Beach on Whidbey Island and
traveling SE toward Langley
Direction of travel : S. E.
Behaviors observed: Feeding
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No
Sun, Feb 2 - Port Susan (CRC531 Gretchen)
13:51 - Gray at pin [approx. 48.048022, -122.349913]. -Cindi Crowder Rausch
13:51 - Looks to be a grey whale just south of Camano Head approx. 40-50 yards south of green channel marker. Viewing from bluff at Sandy Point. Unsure of direction at this time. -Kevin Phillips
09:45 - Gray from CC3 visit. Gretchen. -back of camera photo & ID by Susan John, February 2, 2025
09:46 - Gray whale at CC3 - started to feed. -Linda Aitkins
09:07 - Port Susan Whale Watchers tracking gray whale spouts at Country Club Beach 3.
07:32 - Port Susan Whale Watchers are tracking two grays feeding in Pirates Cove moving northbound. Slowly. -John C Storbeck
February 1
BIGG'S KILLER WHALES (mammal-eating ecotype) -
Sat, Feb 1 - Saratoga Passage (T46s minus T46D)
17:25 - Stalled on a hunt just north of Race Lagoon.
16:25 - So quiet, beautiful sounds of their blows, T46E and other northbound approximately 150 yards off Whidbey shore nearing Race Lagoon. -Rachel Haight, Orca Network
T46E Thor -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
14:55 - From Camano Island State Park. -photo by Susan John, February 1, 2025
15:39 - Northwestbound 5 mph. I spotted two for sure [48.150204, -122.553066].
14:23 - We're at Mabana watching grays. Just saw on orca. No count yet.
14:32 - Really far from us. Can't get direction or count.
14:50 - Somewhere in the triangle between Camano Island State Park, Baby Island, and Hidden Beach, there [is] ... at least male orca. We are trying to reacquire.
14:57 - Confirmed. One orca northbound 200 yds from Camano Island State Park. -A
Sat, Feb 1 - Rich Passage/Agate Pass (T87) - T87 Harbeson - taken from shore, the Old Man House /Park and Suquamish Pier. -photos by Catherine Alvarado Soto, February 1, 2025
They went through Rich Passage & hung around Illahee back under Agate Pass. -Lynn Heyer Strine
13:39 - Spotted headed north up by Mukilteo. Viewing from Saltair Beach in Kingston. It was just one male. -Makayla Wilson
12:40 - Viewing from President Point towards Edmonds ferry terminal. Slowly northwest close to Kitsap side heading towards Apple Tree Cove. -Ashley Alecci Goninan
11:48 - Two dorsal fins heading north from Richmond Beach toward Edmonds ferry terminal. -Kara Mitchell
T87 Harbeson -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
10:45 - Heading under the Agate Pass Bridge.
10:40 - One orcas northbound passing under the Agate Pass Bridge. -back of camera photo by Sue Surowiec Larkin, February 1, 2025
10:55 - He is hunting off Suquamish Pier.
10:46 - Only one male, just passed the Old Man House Park.
09:46 - Passing Brownsville Marina. -Catherine Alvarado Soto
09:20 - Single male past Illahee community Pier slowly moving northward Bainbridge side of mid channel. Three or four breaths and then a long down time. -Jim Pasola
08:28 - Donna McCrea, WSF Marine Ops, emailed to report: CHIMACUM C/M reports one male Orca feeding near Waterman Point.
Sat, Feb 1 - Central Puget Sound (T124As) - Bigg's killer whales/transient orcas Tacoma Narrows. Link to more photos. -photos by Jason Cook, February 1, 2025
16:41 - Passing south of Ketron. -Steve Gardner
14:36 - I have reports from an Anderson Islander (I’m still trying to spot them): Orcas are out there, about halfway between Steilacoom & McNeil. Seem to be heading south but have been hanging out in the one spot for a bit. The 2:45 ferry should be able to see them. -Belen Bilgic Schneider
14:30 - My sister is at Salters Point in Steilacoom and spotted them! -Kate Battersby
14:05 - Seeing them here [approx. 47.208751, -122.615898]. -Laura Kozar Batanian
13:44 - I can confirm two pretty young ones with the group. -Ryan Dicks
13:30 - This is from the Fox Island Pier pass at southbound. -photos & ID by April Janice Basham, February 1, 2025
13:30 - All pod members have passed Fox Island Pier still southbound. Spread across the channel. Mid channel to Tacoma side. At least four females and two juveniles. No visible males in the group. -Candace Gavin
T124A1A -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network
13:25 - Continuing southbound after passing Fox Island Pier. They were split into two groups and approaching chambers area, closer to the west side of the channel. -photo by Mollie Segall, February 1, 2025
12:58 - Closer south now viewing from Fox Island pier and they’re left of the far left pier of Narrows Bridge from our vantage point. Long down times.
12:53 - Just viewing from Fox Island pier now that the fog has cleared. South passed the bridge still - seemed to be heading south west but we’ll see where they come up next. -Andrea Facer
12:38 - Still southbound [approx. 47.252114, -122.578133]. -Jason Cook
12:20 - I saw them from the Narrows Point neighborhood, for sure there were at least four of them. Small white fishing boat sure seemed too close to them. -Carol D Smith
12:10 - Looks to be at least four, maybe five, and what appears to be a calf or very small female. All continuing southbound after passing the bridge. -Mollie Segall
12:05 - Passed under the bridge still heading south.small fishing boat staying slow near them. Counted for sure four but maybe five. -Torry Chamberlayne
11:58 - Regrouping on Gig Harbor side attempting to fight the current near the bridge. -Jason Cook
11:52 - Passing under the bridge now! Looks to be three to four whales with at least one male [Brooke via SSCH]. -Sara Montour Lewis, Our Wild Puget Sound
11:48 - Near the east tower pillar of Narrows Bridge southbound. -Jason Cook
11:44 - Viewing from Narrows Park. Haven’t reached the bridge yet and are closer to Tacoma side. Headed south. -Torry Chamberlayne
11:42 - They [Bigg's orcas] were off Salmon Beach half hour ago closer to Gig Harbor side. Might be past Titlow Beach by now. Probably not worth drive to Chambers Bay because they are close to Gig Harbor side and probably going to go under Fox Island bridge like often do. Or past fishing pier which is such a long drive they'll be past there before we can drive there. -Marleigh Nodtvedt
11:42 - Counting at least four continuing southbound, almost under the bridge now and midchannel (maybe closer to Titlow side). Viewing from Narrows Park.
11:30 - Approaching the Narrows Bridge, southbound. They moved over to midchannel. -Mollie Segall
11:36 - Saw a big blow under the Narrows mid channel. Viewing from Fox Island Pier. -Robyn Riley
11:14 - Viewing from under the bridge. They’re on a kill just off Salmon Beach [approx. 47.284756, -122.535694]. -Jordan Caple
11:07 - Spotted three headed southbound, mid channel but closer to Tacoma side. Across from the South end of Salmon Beach. -Adrienne Salzwedel
10:51 - I think the group I'm viewing from Titlow is for this post. Seeing at least 3+ blows at the point. Gig Harbor side [approx. 47.277554, -122.543451]. -Patti Trosper
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: Blaire Stock
Date of Sighting: February 01, 2025
Time: 8:30 AM
Species seen: Orca
Number of animals seen: 2
Where seen: Ruston Way, Tacoma
Direction of travel : West
Behaviors observed: Traveling
If orcas, any males?: Not sure
Any unusual markings?: Not sure
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?: It seemed to be a mother and baby. One was significantly smaller than the other.
Photos available?: Yes, I will email the photos to
08:20 - Jack Hyde Park. Link to FB video. -Kim Nichols
Sat, Feb 1 - Upper Saratoga Passage (CRC22 Earhart) - CRC22 Earhart -ID by Rachel Haight, Orca Network - We had our first gray whale of the year show up in our neighborhood cove this afternoon. It fed for quite a while. Its tail was pretty tattered. -photos by Greg & Terra Parham, February 1, 2025
15:25 - Gray whale is feeding at Polnell Shores. -Terra Parham
Sat, Feb 1 - Saratoga Passage
12:48 - Viewed from Greenbank, Whidbey Island. They are milling around in the same area.
12:35 - They changed direction and are now heading in a northeasterly direction towards Camano Island State Park.
12:20 - Two gray whales in Saratoga Passage, northeast of the navigational buoy at Baby Island, heading south. -Martha Poppy Sinclair
15:42 - The gray we were [looking] at earlier just cleared Baby Island heading into Holmes.
14:50 - We're at Mabana watching grays. Somewhere in the triangle between Camano Island State Park, Baby Island, and Hidden Beach, there are at least two grays... We are trying to reacquire. -A
13:05 - Gray whale moving south. Line of sight south end of Camano Island State Park and Fox Spit.
13:00 - Seeing a blow between Baby Island and south end of Camano Island State Park - Camano side. -Linda Aitkins
11:59 - At least two gray whales in Elger Bay this morning - having breakfast as they shift through the sand. -Jim [Camano Island FB group]
Sat, Feb 1 - Possession Sound
11.40 - I think I might have seen a couple of blows from Harborview Park, in the middle of Possession Sound. Moving westward, I think! -Flo Hardy
Sent via form submission from Orca Network
Name: John Shackman
Date of Sighting: February 01, 2025
Time: 9:20 AM
Species seen: Gray
Number of animals seen: 1
Where seen: Jetty Island
Direction of travel :
Behaviors observed:
If orcas, any males?:
Any unusual markings?:
Is there anything else you'd like to share about your encounter?:
Photos available?: No