Orca Network is possible because of supporters like you. Every bit helps raise awareness and understanding of Pacific Northwest whales.

Employer Charitable Match Programs
Please check with your employer to see if they have an employee giving program. (Corporations with known employee giving programs include but not limited to Microsoft, Boeing, AT&T. Please check with your employer to see if they have a matching gifts benefit. We’re happy to help with any information you need to get started!
Washington State Combined Fund Drive (CFD)
The Combined Fund Drive (CFD) is Washington State’s workplace giving program for active and retired public employees. State and higher education employees are invited to give to the charity of their choice through payroll contribution and agency fundraising events. For more information, visit Washington’s Combined Fund Drive page. Our charity code is 1120848 (May need to enter it as 20848)
Fred Meyer/Kroger Community Rewards
Support your favorite nonprofit just by shopping at Fred Meyer with your Rewards Card. All you have to do is link your Rewards Card and scan it every time you shop at Fred Meyer. For more information, visit the Fred Meyer/Kroger Community Rewards page.
eBay for Charity
On eBay for Charity, a seller can choose to donate between 10% and 100% of each sale to benefit Orca Network. You can take a look at what our community is selling to benefit Orca Network, or make a little extra income selling on eBay while also supporting whales of the Pacific Northwest! Take a look at Orca Network’s eBay for Charity page.
Give with Bing
Give with Bing is a new way to support the causes you care about, simply by searching with Bing. Join Microsoft Rewards and start giving with Bing. Your Bing searches will earn Reward points that are automatically donated directly to the cause of your choice.
Seattle Give Big
At 501 Commons, we believe we all rise when nonprofits thrive. We are passionate about amplifying the strengths of nonprofits through Give BIG and 30 more services used by 1000+ organizations. Nonprofits make our communities more vibrant, fight for a more just world, and expand our horizons through public spaces, art, and learning. 2020 is the 10th Anniversary of Give BIG. Let’s celebrate Washington’s generosity! Tax-exempt nonprofits in the state can register to participate. Businesses can sponsor Give BIG and encourage your employees to give. And, on Give BIG Day, everyone can participate by creating a Fundraising page or donating to nonprofits they value. Together, we can make it possible for people and communities to flourish. For more information, visit Seattle Give Big
Planned Giving
Planned giving makes your charitable dollar go farther. To maximize your charitable giving, as well as fulfill your own financial needs, you can fund the on-going activities of Orca Network through your planned giving and estate planning. Making a gift to Orca Network through your estate is one of the most effective ways to ensure that Orca Network will be able to continue providing projects such as our Whale Sighting Network, Educational Programs, Marine mammal Stranding Network, Langley Whale Center, and the Toki’s Legacy Program. Including Orca Network in your will, trust or other planned giving is a meaningful way to help the whales of the Salish Sea. A bequest in your will or estate to Orca Network is a very personal and important way to ensure that we can continue to raise awareness of the whales of the Pacific Northwest, and the importance of providing them healthy and safe habitats. Before including Orca Network in your planned giving, be sure to explore your options so that you and the whales receive the full benefit of any gift. We thank you for including Orca Network in your will or estate.
Bequests through Your Will or Living Trust: Help the whales in any way you designate.
Life Insurance Gifts: Make Orca Network the owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy.
Gifts of Retirement Assets: Donate your interest in an IRA or other qualified savings plan.
Gifts of Real Estate: Donate a residence, vacation home, acreage, farm or unimproved parcel of land.
Gifts of Stocks: Edwards Jones (our brokerage firm is prepared to accept your stock gifts.
Charitable Remainder Trusts: Numerous benefits and a gift that provides income.
Qualified Charitable Contributions: A taxpayer who is at least 70 1/2 may make a qualified charitable contribution (QCD) of up to $100,000 from their IRA to a charitable organization (or a number of charitable organizations - - just can't exceed $100,000 aggregate). A QCD is nontaxable income to the taxpayer as long as it is made directly from the IRA trustee to the charity. This is a major benefit to taxpayers who don't itemize their deductions on their tax returns.
Taxpayers have been allowed to make QCDs for years, but prior to the standard deduction increase in the TCJA, it was most beneficial for taxpayers to deduct their charitable contributions on Schedule A along with their other itemized deductions. Many taxpayers are no longer itemizing deductions so no longer receiving that tax benefit. QCDs are enjoying a resurgence.
Of course, this being about taxes, there are rules, regulations, and calculations that can come into play for certain taxpayers, and one should always consult a tax professional about their own particular situation. Distributions from SEP and SIMPLE IRAs may not be used as QCD, nor may distributions from a 401k or other qualified retirement account.
An easier-to-understand tax benefit for the generous is the new 'universal deduction' created by the CARES act. Beginning in 2020, taxpayers may take a dollar-for-dollar deduction for up to $300 in cash donations to charitable organizations. This is an adjustment to income on the front page of the tax return, not an itemization. It actually reduces adjusted gross income! True, it's not much, and inexplicably, married-filing-joint taxpayers are limited to just one $300 deduction between them, but it's a little something. And during this pandemic year, even small somethings are worth celebrating.
If you are considering a gift or would like more information, please use this confidential form to submit your request or e-mail our Executive Director, Susan Berta, contact Susan by phone, please call 360-331-3543. Orca Network can help you in your planned giving and bequests, but we strongly encourage you to consult with an attorney or other expert of your choice.
Orca Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Donations to the organization are tax deductible.
Any and all donation amounts are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your support!
Federal ID #91-2168027 UBI #602 161 324