Take Action NOW to Help Breach the Snake River dams
Army Corps of Engineers illustration of how the four lower Snake River dams can be bypassed by removing the earthen berms beside each of them, restoring natural river flows and providing access to 5,500 miles of pristine salmon spawning river beds.

Protect the Chehalis River
Why is the construction of a dam being proposed on the Chehalis River, and what impacts will this have on salmon and Southern Resident orcas?

US Navy Training Effects on Marine Life
USS Shoup Sonar blasts Pacific Northwest killer whales.
March 18, 2005 - Scientists and whale-watchers in Haro Strait could hear the sonar long before they saw the USS Shoup. As the pings grew louder above and beneath the waves, sounds ricocheting off submerged land forms, onlookers saw a minke whale, Dall's porpoises and killer whales behaving strangely. J pod looked agitated as they moved close to shore and shallow water to escape the piercing pings.