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Ways of Whales Workshop

Please join us for our annual Ways of Whales hybrid workshop, taking place in person in Coupeville, WA and virtually on StreamYard. 


9:00 - 10:00 Registration/Check in - Learning Lobby - Silent Auction

10:00 - 10:15 Welcome/Housekeeping - Stephanie Raymond, Orca Network

10:15 - 11:15 Session 1: Updates, Stories and Inspiration - Susan Berta and Howard Garrett, Orca Network; Rosie Cayou James, Coast Salish Elder; Nateli Sanderson, Student

11:15 BREAK

11:30 - 1:00 Session 2: Salmon Conservation. Short presentations followed by Q&A and panel discussion.

  • Thomas Quinn, UW - Salmon Behavior (joining remotely)

  • Holly Henderson, Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group - Salmon Passage in the Skagit

  • Eric Crawford, Trout Unlimited - Snake River Dams (joining remotely)

  • Lee First, Twin Harbors Waterkeeper - Proposed Chehalis River Dam

  • Shane Anderson, Swiftwater Films - Klamath River Dams (joining remotely)

1:00 - 2:15 LUNCH. Coast Salish frybread and chili, catered by Rosie Cayou James and Family. Cost $20/person.

2:15 - 3:30 Session 3: Southern Resident Killer Whale Population Update and Aerial Observation - Michael Weiss, Center for Whale Research

3:30 - 3:45 BREAK

3:45 - 4:45 Blue Whales and the “52 Hertz Whale” - John Calambokidis, Cascadia Research Collective

Cost is $40/$30 seniors and students. Some full and partial scholarships are available.

Clock hours in Washington and Oregon are available through The Heritage Institute.

Register at:

Please contact Cindy Hansen at for more information or with any questions.

October 15

Orca-Salmon Month Webinar: Uncovering Recovery

March 4

Baja 5 Day Gray Whale Trip